Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I fail at suffixes and prefixess. Anyway, I remember myself giving an answer to a question one day by my college senior. The conversation was about all things are given and returned to ALLAH S.W.T.

"What is it that you desire the most?" -she asked.
". . . . . . . . . ." -me. (failed)
"I don't know."
"Don't you have a dream car? A dream house to live in?"
If it's a car that can i can drive my whole family, anything is okay. If the house can fit my whole family, the house I live in, is okay." -Inner-mind, me.
"Umm... I don't." -me.
"There must be something that you want in life?"
". . . . . . I can't think of anything yet. All that I can think of is to study and get my degree as quickly as I could."
"I see...."


When I reflect about what I just said, am I that desireless? I don't think it's so wrong to be dreaming for a degree and get an Special Dekan Award, right? Yea, I want that award. So my senior said, to get it or not, remember that it's all according to ALLAH's will. If there's anything else besides that I can mention or to desire, I want: When I graduate from University, I want my mother and father to be the happiest people on Earth. I know, I made them cry with my SPM results so I want to redeem myself. Somehow, I am struggling. I don't want to be a student with a so-so grades. I want to show them and to everybody else, I may have a lot of flaws but I can be somebody who works hard for my dream. I want to show that my dream is an amazing dream like desiring for the title of the MOST RICHEST PERSON ON EARTH. If you are that "richest person on Earth," or somebody aiming to be rich, I would like to rephrase your mind-set, RICHES can't be measured. So, give up.

I want to be that strong-motivated person. Watch me!

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