Thursday, July 28, 2011

Asasi TESL Photography Session

Finally, I thought when we're going to have a photography session? In the midst of being stressed out getting all the procrastinated assignments all done, we had a Photography Session! Yiiiiiiipppppiiiieeeee..

So that afternoon, all of the Asasi TESL students gathered at GAGAK Cafe; we call it GAGAK Cafe because our cafe is habitat by CROWS. Uuuuu~ From afar we see so many blazers and we practically got excited even by the sight of them. Everyone wants to grab one. Macam jakon jehh kan? ASASIANS, what to do? ngeh ngeh.

There were so many times the camera took photos of us I can't even count. I also fear that, if one of the photos, I look hideous. Who wants to look hideous in a photo shot right? I hope they all turn out right. I'm gonna wait for them. I practically bought every single photo of the TESL photo session. (The Asasi society and Group 1B photo) So yea, more $$$ to withdraw from my Bank Islam. :(

Mood: Praying for good photo shoots.

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