Thursday, July 7, 2011

PKNS Shopping Complex

"AHA~! I've gone shopping by myself today! And it was fun..."

I feel like... "AHHHHH~ I'm finally back at Mawar!" HAHA. After I finished my replacement class for College Writing, I set off my journey to Shah Alam's PKNS Shopping Complex. I went on the on a Mini Bus that stopped at the Section 17's bus stop which I don't know why the driver of that bus is too kind to stop at our side of the road. But a couple of my friends from Asasi TESL program and I got on that bus just to get to Section 2. I asked the driver, "Will this bus reach PKNS?" When he said yes, without thought, I boarded the bus. To wait for a rapid is hopelessly too long. So, yay for me!

When the Mini Bus drove through parts of Shah Alam we don't recognize, we were like, "Uhh~ Where are we?" But the bus ride was fun I say. FUN FUN FUN! :D

My friends rounded their eyes when they saw me getting off at PKNS. "Bye everyone!" Was my expression to them when the bus left to continue its way to Section 2. This would be my second time  going to PKNS but it least interested me but it was the only place I know to shop for clothes. Yes, clothes. I wanted to get a sweater and a new bawal shawl for myself. Why? My white shawl is already bad looking st it its with a few small holes not really visible but still.. And the sweater? I always complained how cold I was in class and in the library at INTEC. Wayyy cold because we have air-conned classes and a full equipped air-conned library. I cannot concentrate studying with the cold.

So I spent almost an hour or two at PKNS buying what I wanted and I think I have walked through all the shops that are there in PKNS. Hee, so I can come here again to buy clothes for Raya next. :)

The journey back was tiring. But I enjoyed it. I got on a RapidKL bust this time, T602. I drove through Section, 6, 8, 16 and more which I can't remember because I can still feel tired from staying up last night. It wasn't too late last night~ Hee, gedikk. But anyways, to be getting myself home from PKNS, for me, is something to be proud of. Feeling more of an adult, as they say. Being more independent. ;)

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