Sunday, July 10, 2011

LIKE Kakak Farah Nabiha

The behind story of post in the Group on FB, PENGAWAS SM TEKNIK GOMBAK:

Part 1: Teasing Farah Nabiha for looking too awesome wearing her shades. She doesn't know what shades are, I think. Or, she's just lying about that. Who knows? Only GOD knows the truth. HAA, Farana, WHAT? LOL. So, I ask her to imply a technique I learned in Reading Class; Finding meaning in another paragraph. The comments came afterwards are just joking about teaching English. Yadayadayada.

Part 2: Teasing more about Farah Nabiha. I said something about earning a living giving tutor lessons and she told me to Shut Up. HAHA. I counter attack with a random technique from my classmates from Asasi TESL program... SHHHH~ you back Farana.

You make me laugh tonight Farah Nabiha. Can I press the like button now? Hee. Thnx also to Natra Amalina for the post and Wida Ismail for commenting my post on the Group tonight. Widaaaa!!!  Get some sleeepppppp! I cane you karang! Ha! LOL. Miss you all, SQUAD FOUR. <3

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