Saturday, July 30, 2011

Woofing la kan?

Woofing is like, doing crazy stuff. In simple English. HAHA. So, don't go asking me, isn't Woofing means: Barking? Bark Bark? Fearthe dogs. :P Fear TESLians. We had a Listening and Speaking test for a Saturday at INTEC's old library. It's a miracle it finished so quickly. The audio went berserk and the lecturer had to cancel the listening part and go ahead to the transcription writing. It's a Miracle I say! I only did transcription practices before the test. I was so not ready for Listening. Anyway.... HehHehHeh..

Anyway, I tagged along with a couple of TESL friends to Subang Jaya. Why? A certain person said I was too focused on studying. "Go have some fun!" Damnn, okay. So yea, we went Rollerblading at Subang Jaya's new mall next to Subang Parade. I forgot what the mall was call but seriously it's new and it doesn't have a lot of shops opened yet. But it has this so cool and awesome Disco Rollerblading Rank where we played rollerblading. Oh yea, and we danced too. Like a party! We were so wild TESL people. Ahahaha!

Seriously, it was fun. And the question I asked myself today: "It took me a while to do something like this because I stopped myself doing stuff like hanging out, playing outside my house in Gombak. When I am here, I spend a lot of time going places and today I spent a lot of money just to have fun. Was it all worth it?"

"It is worth something. For the sake of experience, you gain something." -Cho Zin.
"I guess you can put it that way." -Me.

"Can we have our Asasi TESL end of year party here President(Bieha) and Vice President(Cho) dearest?" -Ainul Aiman.

Imagine, having all 100 Asasi TESL students squeezed into that one Rollerblading rank having the most awesome party yet! HAHA, nicee idea. :]

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Asasi TESL Photography Session

Finally, I thought when we're going to have a photography session? In the midst of being stressed out getting all the procrastinated assignments all done, we had a Photography Session! Yiiiiiiipppppiiiieeeee..

So that afternoon, all of the Asasi TESL students gathered at GAGAK Cafe; we call it GAGAK Cafe because our cafe is habitat by CROWS. Uuuuu~ From afar we see so many blazers and we practically got excited even by the sight of them. Everyone wants to grab one. Macam jakon jehh kan? ASASIANS, what to do? ngeh ngeh.

There were so many times the camera took photos of us I can't even count. I also fear that, if one of the photos, I look hideous. Who wants to look hideous in a photo shot right? I hope they all turn out right. I'm gonna wait for them. I practically bought every single photo of the TESL photo session. (The Asasi society and Group 1B photo) So yea, more $$$ to withdraw from my Bank Islam. :(

Mood: Praying for good photo shoots.

When Nikon is Awesome :)

It's kinda funny when you want to take pictures of someone, they wouldn't love the idea but when it comes to cameras like Nikon or Canon, they will rush like a hurricane in front of the lens and strike a pose. So like daaaammnnn. HAHA. More Group 1B moments. I <3 you all.

I don't have an awesome big black camera of my own BUT getting a chance to hold and use my friend's awesome big black camera is okay too! Awww~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Story of Us

"By Taylor Swift"
Josie acoustics version on blog.

I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us
How we met and the sparks flew instantly
People would say, "they're the lucky ones"
I used to know my place was a spot next to you
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Oh, a simple complication
Miscommunications lead to fall out
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
Next chapter

How'd we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes
And trying to look busy
And you're doing your best to avoid me
I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
But you held your pride like you should have held me
Oh, we're scared to see the ending
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room

And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

This is looking like a contest
Of who can act like they care less
But I liked it better when you were on my side
The battle's in your hands now
But I would lay my armor down
If you'd say you'd rather love than fight
So many things that you wish I knew
But the story of us might be ending soon

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
'cause we're going down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

My response- "Aww" ~<3 Ufufuu.. ;)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TQ Halim :)

I had fun playing Teacher today Halim Asyraf, HIHI. :) AND AND..... I feel so much like a teacher today, even just for a short while. My friends Halim, 5 Mecha 1/2010, currently studying at Pahang Technical Matriculation College. I taught him College Writing just now on Facebook. Hope you study well & pass your MUET test.

I had Fun!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello there!

Alan; Rozaidi, thank you for chatting with me. You just enlighten a bored, sleepy TESL student who happens to procrastinate her assignment right now. Okay, Ainul focus! >D

Listening & Speaking assignment is awaiting!
A test is coming up too. Woooo~

Remember & Smile

I never thought making a video as one of my projects for one my courses in Asasi TESL; which is Computer Literacy, but here it is! I may as well upload it on YouTube for future references and sorts if I need it in the near future. I also want to share the greatest 3 minutes of my life with all of you. Yes, YOU. Maybe you are somebody lucky who is apart of my brief life on this planet. I may be far at sight and distance from you now, but I'm not that far to call or to say Hi on FB. I'll be waiting for those HELLOS and greetings from you and may we be meeting again in Allah's will. InsyaAllah. Please remember me with a smile. ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I fail at suffixes and prefixess. Anyway, I remember myself giving an answer to a question one day by my college senior. The conversation was about all things are given and returned to ALLAH S.W.T.

"What is it that you desire the most?" -she asked.
". . . . . . . . . ." -me. (failed)
"I don't know."
"Don't you have a dream car? A dream house to live in?"
If it's a car that can i can drive my whole family, anything is okay. If the house can fit my whole family, the house I live in, is okay." -Inner-mind, me.
"Umm... I don't." -me.
"There must be something that you want in life?"
". . . . . . I can't think of anything yet. All that I can think of is to study and get my degree as quickly as I could."
"I see...."


When I reflect about what I just said, am I that desireless? I don't think it's so wrong to be dreaming for a degree and get an Special Dekan Award, right? Yea, I want that award. So my senior said, to get it or not, remember that it's all according to ALLAH's will. If there's anything else besides that I can mention or to desire, I want: When I graduate from University, I want my mother and father to be the happiest people on Earth. I know, I made them cry with my SPM results so I want to redeem myself. Somehow, I am struggling. I don't want to be a student with a so-so grades. I want to show them and to everybody else, I may have a lot of flaws but I can be somebody who works hard for my dream. I want to show that my dream is an amazing dream like desiring for the title of the MOST RICHEST PERSON ON EARTH. If you are that "richest person on Earth," or somebody aiming to be rich, I would like to rephrase your mind-set, RICHES can't be measured. So, give up.

I want to be that strong-motivated person. Watch me!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Random Outing; 12/7/2011

We are 8 very happy people at PKNS lake. Playing at the playground like kids. Watching giant birds. Gossiping like fellow teenagers do. Yes, we are 8 very happy people. Let fellow Asasians, be ASASIANS while we can. ;D

Happy yet tired face. But veeerrryy satisfied.

Does my expression looks convincing? WHATEVER.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

XCeLL Challange

10 JULY 2011-BUKIT CERAKAH, SHAH ALAM. I don't want to procrastinate this subject any further. Last Sunday, I went to Bukit Cerakah because a senior of mine invited me to an explorace challenge which I don't know who is in charge. But when I got there with the other contestants, the Explorace was organized by the UiTM Persatuan Mahasiswa Hadhari. An Islamic Society; which at my campus an activity called Sharing is Caring is one of it's under-groups.

I haven't had the real time to join most of its meetings in the past, so I felt sorry to my senior who's taking care of me; Kak Rie if I declined her offer to join the event. So there I was, in the race around Bukit Cerakah. The place is beautiful with green surroundings, lakes and animals( a petting zoo. ) around the area. It's a big place, and each checkpoint was also far away from each other. So, I did a pretty good workout that day. My legs are still up till now. OWWW.. But all in all it was fun. We learn new things from each check point because they were filled with Islamic knowledge and activities. More people should do programs like this often; for UKHUWAH! :-)

Anyway, I didn't take a lot of photos there. I forgot since I was too tire by running a lot, everywhere. At last, my group won the race; 1st place. Alhamdulillah. Maybe I'll work hard to join the SIC meetings often from now on.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

LIKE Kakak Farah Nabiha

The behind story of post in the Group on FB, PENGAWAS SM TEKNIK GOMBAK:

Part 1: Teasing Farah Nabiha for looking too awesome wearing her shades. She doesn't know what shades are, I think. Or, she's just lying about that. Who knows? Only GOD knows the truth. HAA, Farana, WHAT? LOL. So, I ask her to imply a technique I learned in Reading Class; Finding meaning in another paragraph. The comments came afterwards are just joking about teaching English. Yadayadayada.

Part 2: Teasing more about Farah Nabiha. I said something about earning a living giving tutor lessons and she told me to Shut Up. HAHA. I counter attack with a random technique from my classmates from Asasi TESL program... SHHHH~ you back Farana.

You make me laugh tonight Farah Nabiha. Can I press the like button now? Hee. Thnx also to Natra Amalina for the post and Wida Ismail for commenting my post on the Group tonight. Widaaaa!!!  Get some sleeepppppp! I cane you karang! Ha! LOL. Miss you all, SQUAD FOUR. <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Meyna my Love!

HEART you lots and lots okay. Don't go off and scare us ever again. Now you know how worried you can do to us. Thank GOD no one was hurt but truly... AWWWWW~ Give me a break. We were sooo damn worried about you went missing during lecture. Anyway, everybody's alright, right?! Chillax everybody.

Nawaitu kene kuat kata class rep-Nabihah Ruslan. LIKKKEEEEY. <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

PKNS Shopping Complex

"AHA~! I've gone shopping by myself today! And it was fun..."

I feel like... "AHHHHH~ I'm finally back at Mawar!" HAHA. After I finished my replacement class for College Writing, I set off my journey to Shah Alam's PKNS Shopping Complex. I went on the on a Mini Bus that stopped at the Section 17's bus stop which I don't know why the driver of that bus is too kind to stop at our side of the road. But a couple of my friends from Asasi TESL program and I got on that bus just to get to Section 2. I asked the driver, "Will this bus reach PKNS?" When he said yes, without thought, I boarded the bus. To wait for a rapid is hopelessly too long. So, yay for me!

When the Mini Bus drove through parts of Shah Alam we don't recognize, we were like, "Uhh~ Where are we?" But the bus ride was fun I say. FUN FUN FUN! :D

My friends rounded their eyes when they saw me getting off at PKNS. "Bye everyone!" Was my expression to them when the bus left to continue its way to Section 2. This would be my second time  going to PKNS but it least interested me but it was the only place I know to shop for clothes. Yes, clothes. I wanted to get a sweater and a new bawal shawl for myself. Why? My white shawl is already bad looking st it its with a few small holes not really visible but still.. And the sweater? I always complained how cold I was in class and in the library at INTEC. Wayyy cold because we have air-conned classes and a full equipped air-conned library. I cannot concentrate studying with the cold.

So I spent almost an hour or two at PKNS buying what I wanted and I think I have walked through all the shops that are there in PKNS. Hee, so I can come here again to buy clothes for Raya next. :)

The journey back was tiring. But I enjoyed it. I got on a RapidKL bust this time, T602. I drove through Section, 6, 8, 16 and more which I can't remember because I can still feel tired from staying up last night. It wasn't too late last night~ Hee, gedikk. But anyways, to be getting myself home from PKNS, for me, is something to be proud of. Feeling more of an adult, as they say. Being more independent. ;)