Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's just a DARN CUTE MICKEY pencil case

I just got myself in one of those typical disagreements or fights with my little sister. She wanted my pencil case. A box really. She was keeping it from me quite a while ago since I was always away in the hostels. I recently got it back. Just today, she went into my room fidgeting my stuff. She got the same box of mine again. She took out her stuff which I haven't return yet. And now, she's just crying not having that cute pencil box of mine. My dad in between this problem said: Just give it to her. "Okay, fine. Have it, I can buy another one."

Heck!? I bought it with my own money which I've been saving. I want to have cute stuff of my own. I'm depressed cause I always see my parent get her cute stuff when some of mine become so dull. That's why I put some effort saving up for these kind of things. Now I give it away to her?

What do you think about this? I'm confused. Depressed!

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