Friday, December 11, 2009

caught up!

Hey holidays! I wish I was on a vacation somewhere. My family always braught me on a trip somewhere. Unlikely now. I feel terrible. This year, I got stuck up in the hostels a lot, now that I am home and see my parents everyday, almost, I don't get a vacation with them? heh. If we did, would we spend as much fun? I dunno. But I'll sure make up the best of it somehow.

Anyway, I'm gonna write this post a little longer since I haven't done it like my school days. Yea, good days having a new adventure to look forward. At home. Not at least pretty. It's been kinda' dull.

Let's see. hmm.. You know what? My parents have been taking me a lot to Jaya Jusco AU2 a lot lately. It's to eat out and get stuff for our up coming year. I think. I just love buying those Tako Tao food there. yummy! Even my little brother gets bored seeing me eating the same thing. Tako is a sort of Japanese food you see in a ball shape. You can have any filling inside them. Last time we went to Jaya Jusco AU2, we bought lots of electronics. hmph. I get a good look too. My father bought a laptop for my younger siblings. I just narrowed my eyes. What? I have my own pc. I'm NOT bothered! What I want was a new video camera. I'll been saving up for one. If I'm lucky, I'll have one for my birthday. Plz oh plzz... and my younger sister wants and mp3 player. sheeesh!

On 6th of Dec, it was on a Sunday. I went to Firdaus's sister's wedding at his house. Was it really his house? hehe. Whatever. I dragged myself going with my sister. Cause my parents wasn't intrested on going. I had to bring at least someone?! I was feeling pretty awkward going though. Nothing much. I didn't take any photos but just walked around looking around another part of the country I've never seen. It's quite the kampung style place. Hey! It's near Gombak Setia, so it's not all that kampung. Firdaus was looking fine that day. The Pengantin was the stars of the ceramony. I had a good time and Firdaus said I know some people there; his friends. I don't know them! ahhh~! *gasps*

As for any typical day of the holidays, I'm at home, waking up, washing myself, cooking lunch or something, (we had breakfast already), playing the computer, playing the ps2, watching tv, tidying up and ect. ect. It became a routine. Even the regular housework became natural to the tips of my fingers. haha. Housework is getting to me. Anyway, almost all my time I dedicate to my computer screen. Myspace tends to get boring. No one comment me recently and I don't care. Not in the mood to start a conversation. Now it just makes me worse cause I miss my friends looking at my online friends. I remember them often so I just log out and do something else to make me forget.

Okay, that's about much I can say. There's this class ceramony tomorrow that I won't be going. I think it's not worth my troubles. I dislike my class, honestly. I don't need to pretend to like it too. They don't like me around either. bla bla bla~ And talk about people, my dorm-mates hadn't contact me. I don't miss them either. Maybe they don't miss me too. So heck. Whoever is on my mind, I'm sure they had contacted me during the holidays so I love them more than those who don't. And those who are on my mind but still haven't called or something, I have a feeling we would recontact. To Anis & Shahril, miss you guys a bunch! To Haziq... Naddie... thnx for replying my YM and comments all this while. Sorry for being troublesome. I tried my best to enjoy the holidays even though it is boring.

Well, that wraps it up. There are still 3 more weeks of school holidays. Gotta' enjoy it when they're still available.

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