Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hi! Today I went to my cousins house at Jalan Pelangi. They just moved in recently. It's Shami's and his family house. There's a ceromony for their parents and my Opah who will go pay God's house a visit at Mekkah. May they be blessed. amin.

sorry Izzati. I didn't get your present. I would loved to see it.

Anyway, it was so tiring in the afternoon, I slept. Afterwards, my sister came knocking into my room! "Ain! Jom gi Taman Melati!" I was like.. "huh? uh.... okay." -mamai. But that was the plan I suggested earlier. I wanted to get out.

At Taman Melati, memories wer flooding in again. But they make me weep. The playground I used to play when I was younger, doesn't look very bright anymore. What I mean is, it used to be someplace more to me. A lot has changed within years I moved away. I liked the old playground much better than now. Maybe because it used to be concerqued by my friends and I. No one of us really sees each other that often like those days.

But, fortunately... I met my old friend Haziq. He was always there to see me come back there once in a while. He called out, Shauki. Another old friend of mine. He's a year younger than me, but we were close too. He's changed so much I hardly reconized him. Cute. haha. We talked and we found a six petaled ixory flower. Don't know what it looks like? Google it. We loved picking those flowers when we were little with all our friends. Now the neighbourhood is just so, QUIET.

. . . . . . . . . . . missing them.

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