Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years eve "Goodbye 2009"

I didn't noticed tomorrow was the start of 2010. I guess, time does comes fast. So I want to say I'm very greatful I had made it this far in life. Surviving. Living. May more sucess be achieved next year. and may 2009 be another blisful year to be remembered by all. So I made another video. A slideshow of my photos during my form 4 year at SMTG. Many stories were behind those photos. May they be memories which will connects us all.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

GOSH I'm not doing that again

I haven't get enough rest. Well, or I haven't gone working my body out to get a grip of myself. From early this morning, I have woken early, get a push on by my dad so we can finish our business today. What business? Buying school stuff, going to elementry school(siblings), to my school getting text books, going to the hospital, going to Jusco... waaahhh~ We done a lot of things today-I am poof!

Though I still can write this darn post anyway.

Anyway, first thing in the morning, I woke up, get ready. I didn't get breakfast. Just drink a cup of Neslo. And dad dragged us all to SK Taman Sri Gombak 1. My younger siblings' school. It was 8 a.m. when we arrived but it won't open until 8.30. I was like, "What are we going to do in another 30 minutes?" But by the looks of it, this bookstore act sucks, it will take an hour later to open. HAAH~ bored bored bored. I was still tired. We only came for some school badges and texbook plastic covers. Damn crazy.

Next, in 10 minutes later, we set off to SMTG. My SCHOOL. Ahhhhh~ the fresh smell of mah school! lalala~ My dad ask where are you asked to get your textbooks. I just said, "I dunno." hahah. But obviously, it should be at the classes. I walked from the canteen and saw people gathering at the boards. Hah! Exam results. I couldn't see mine yet cause people were blocking the Electrical course result sheets. Eh. i'm shorttt.... So I looked at the Mechanical results. I checked Mechanical 1 and Mechanical 2. Then I was in Kabut mode. OMG OMG OMG! Though I beared that image of myself excited only in my imaginary world. I was really happy for my friends. Amilita Safitri, Amy, really scored big time. She got 3rd place in her class. Above her was Haziq the aneh, 2nd place. Boy, he's gotta' be depressed. He wanted 1st place soo badly. Arif by the way got 1st place in his class. Less expected by some genius. I think? Faiz Hilmi, electrical 2 got first in his class. So I saw. Lidiya from electrical 4 got no 1 as usual. though our class grades were dropping awfully. I was in 4th place. Was I supposed to be happy? Maybe I would dropped 5th place if Omar haven't been absent during the exams. Moving on, Doors were labled with papres writing form 5 classes on it. Meaning, no streaming? Huuh~ Depressed. I found En Rosdi in the class with Qayyum. Alone? Qayyum came alone? Okaayy. So, as he asked me to get my set of text books, I read on the codes of the text book and I was free to borrow them. It was slightly irritating when some of the books didn't even have codes in them. What a drag.

Next stop, I guess my mind was wondering off. I didn't expected we arrived someplace in KL. We were going to the KL Hospital. My little sister had eye problems. It's something she has inevitably. This is the first time coming to join my sister seeing she get her eyes treated. But all I and my brother did was wait wait wait. WOOOW that was freaking long. We arrived at the hospital at 10 I supposed. Waited in line for my sis to get called at 12 and waited her turn to get treated at around 1p.m. *yawns* Siyesly, I dozed off for feeling soo drowsy. So did my brother. I don't care what the public think of me then except for all the straring. It bugs me. We finished at 1.30p.m. and I was sooooooo HUNGRY!!!! I still managed to cox my dad to buy me this bag for my prep time at the hostels. haha. I wanted one and I seached for one with my mom but this one I found at the Hospitals were just nice. cheap too. :D

Because we we soo straving. You can't imagine how hungry I was. We stopped at Jusco AU2 at the medan selera again. Eat eat eat! OHHMAIIIGOSH I was hungry I finished all my rice on my plate. Satisfied. Tako Tao. Wajib! After eating, we went into Jusco at electronics section. I wonder what my dad wanted. He's getting a wall fan for my brother at his studying table where he uses his laptop. Hyah! I got my dad to buy me an iron to bring with me to the hostels. Tired of borrowing, okay? And I reminded myself I want to get some unstencils. BAH!? No comment on what happened.

When we got back, I was soo darn madly tired. No much comment about things when I stepped into the house, I rushed into my room and passed out on my bad. Before I knew it, I slept a deep sleep. (zzzzzz....) I didn't checked the time when I slept and even when I woke up. All I knew once I did woke up, it was past 7 sumthing. My dad yelling my name. Wha-what?! hahaha. I rushed down half asleep, but my mind easily picked up. AH-MAZING! I was told we were going out but that made my dad and I confused. Why? My mom called home just some time ago, I don't know a thing, and my dad got mad cause I wasn't ready. Urgh! Don't blame the innocent sleeping beauty. So my siblings got my mom's call and they didn't tell me about. It's their fault, for once! haha.

BOM CRACK SHUUSH CREEEKKK BANG! Picked up my mom at the LRT station and went to Jaya Jusco again! To Wangsa Maju distric this time. I was drowsy but I try to put a good deal of optimism in myself. lalala~ We eat Nandos. I think it became my mom's favourite eating beverage now somehow. Just a guess still. Cause I was still in no mood to (live) eat, I just ordered something simple. Like there were. And eat to my content. So much for that, my mom brought my dad to this Maxis counter. I forgot why but they will let me know if it was important. Being lazy, just looking and walking around Jusco doing what I usually do at most Malls.

We got home, really exhausted. Tired. But quite energetic remembering there was still a good anime on Cartoon Network at 11p.m. I tell ya'. Still up late that night. Miao. Badddd Aichan. Then, too tired to think what's next, sleeeeepppp~


Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's just a DARN CUTE MICKEY pencil case

I just got myself in one of those typical disagreements or fights with my little sister. She wanted my pencil case. A box really. She was keeping it from me quite a while ago since I was always away in the hostels. I recently got it back. Just today, she went into my room fidgeting my stuff. She got the same box of mine again. She took out her stuff which I haven't return yet. And now, she's just crying not having that cute pencil box of mine. My dad in between this problem said: Just give it to her. "Okay, fine. Have it, I can buy another one."

Heck!? I bought it with my own money which I've been saving. I want to have cute stuff of my own. I'm depressed cause I always see my parent get her cute stuff when some of mine become so dull. That's why I put some effort saving up for these kind of things. Now I give it away to her?

What do you think about this? I'm confused. Depressed!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A DREAM come true: I have found YOU

After 4 long passing years of heartbreaks, distance and calls, I found my place with my two best friends that I miss the most.

Mohd Shahril Fikri.

I can't comprehend how much I've been longing to see him again. Now that I've seen him after all these years, there's not much to say now. We hung out at Suria KLCC from 12.00 p.m. when he arrived later from my group. At 11.00p.m. when my group consisting Anis, her sister, and Zulaikha arrived, we spent one hour looking at books at Kinokuniya. My favourite book store located on the 4th floor of KLCC. When Shahril arrived, he sent me a message and I went to get him. I didn't say much at first to him. He only joked on how much shorter I was getting. BAH!

Anyway, when Anis met Shahril. She was utterly excited to see him too. Then they both complained how hard they both tried to contact each other. Settling the big fiasco, they exchange and made sure they get each other's contact numbers. For sure this time!

We actually didn't plan what to do. We blamed each other who's paying who. When they pointed at me, I glared fiercely. "NO WAY!" So, I decided, why don't we buy some chocolate to eat togehter? They all agreed anyway. After that, was dull all over again, so we just walked around, window shopping. Take pictures and stuff. But I complained I was feeling hungry. Why should I not? Shahril lead us they way to the Food Court where is situated at the oppesite angle where we were. Argh! That's tiring...

Let's just say it paid off after all of us filled up out tummies. hehe. The one I'm eating in the picture, that's not my dish. It's somebody else's who couldn't finish their's cause they're afraid to be waaay fatter than a piece of paper. sheehs!Later that afternoon, we continued walking. I made up my mind to buy a book I was interested in at Kinokuniya. So running back, I bought it. It's entitled "Sakura Viva." heh. Let me say this, "Yes, the main character name's Sakura. Sakura Alia." she is half Korean, half Malaysian. Nevermind that! Guess who we met outside of Kinokuniya next?

See! See! OhhMaiiiiGOOssh! We are such a fan of his poems and writting. Nyao~ It wasn't bad after all going back to Kinokuniya. He was around here? I thought. Zulaikha, was the one who freaked out beside me so I quickly offered my camera. She begging for a picture. Hehe.

Woohoo! That was exciting. After all those surprised we encountered, it was all just walk, walk and more walking. Didn't I planned just to lepak and eat right? hahaha. I was thinking you guys have some ideas what to do too. haih~

Anyway, KLCC to me was another place to explore so we take a look at anything and everything there is to it. ALMOST. and I was begging them let's go outside to get some fresh air and play at the parks. haha. That was a childish idea but they go along with it anyway. PADAN MUKA.

Look at some pictures.

The 2 last pictures shows that we are all tired. I truly deeply am satisfied to be with Anis and Shahril today. And I'm feeling greatful Zulaikha and Anis's sister came along did a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing this day with me. Let's do this some time again? And Shahril, maybe we will meet again next year? Promise? Also, not forgetting: Thank you mother, father. For letting me being around my friends. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm thankful to have awsome parents. I hope more will understand this bond I have right now. It's such one unseen until you break the hard, dirty shell to get the diamond inside.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

dot dot dot

urmm. soo. i was thinking.
2010 is coming soon.
a new year. a spm year for me.
so any resolutions?
i kinda' forgot my resolutions for this year.
what were they? haha.
but a lot has changed.
i think i have acomplished it.
for 2010, i'm not sure what to acomplish.
besides get flying colours for spm.
i don't expect for a perfect 10A
sooo... what will it be?
what is there else to accomplish?
what's your resolutions for 2010?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm into Naruto Shippuuden lately. C'mon, it's one of the best animes there is right? Who wouldn't watch it. Though, it's a shonnen (boys' genre) but it's viarety in the story can attract even the girls to watch it. Kids or even teens. But the deeper the story gets, it think it needs to be rated PG. haha! Just kidding. Though, maybe it should. hehe. It's up to the public anyway. I am soo bored each day watching the same thing over and over again. Naruto-Naruto and there's Sasuke, Sakura-Garaa-Orochimaru-Jiraiya-Sasuke again-Yondaime-Kakashi-then Naruto-froggie? hehe. Read the manga, it's awsome still. The story has gone through so much I think it would be the end of the series really soon. What I took intrest into now is this animation. "Konoha High School." it's kinda' a doujinshi drawn by "damleg" in DevientArt and now is animated in YouTube by "antonie15." I tell ya', it's really good. So far, I just seen the first part of it's animation and I hope to see more soon.

Now I'm just Naruto addicted. AHH! I'm getting a headache fan-loving over this anime. I'll hit the sacks early tonight.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have been wishing all these years to see the person I miss the most. My bestfriend. Now that I heard he is in town, I know I might have a chance! Ganbatte.

Knowing the situation I'm in, I'm stuck at home taking care of my sibling. Plus my younger cousin around, I hardly have any chance to go out and see him. Oh god. Now I wish to find a solution to this problem. I want to see him so baaadd. It was our plan to hangout together with along with Anis when he arrives in Gombak. Dosh! And now he is here, I don't have much time until he goes back to Kelantan this Saturday. I really-really, ultimately miss him oh soo MUCH!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Heard of the movie right? well this is my story now. haha. relax. nothing serious. i'm at home, alone doing what? typing this entry of cause! it's really quiet and that bothers me. when it was kinda' loud, it just ticks me off. when it gets too quiet, well.... it just bugs me. well, what's new to do?


Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hi! Today I went to my cousins house at Jalan Pelangi. They just moved in recently. It's Shami's and his family house. There's a ceromony for their parents and my Opah who will go pay God's house a visit at Mekkah. May they be blessed. amin.

sorry Izzati. I didn't get your present. I would loved to see it.

Anyway, it was so tiring in the afternoon, I slept. Afterwards, my sister came knocking into my room! "Ain! Jom gi Taman Melati!" I was like.. "huh? uh.... okay." -mamai. But that was the plan I suggested earlier. I wanted to get out.

At Taman Melati, memories wer flooding in again. But they make me weep. The playground I used to play when I was younger, doesn't look very bright anymore. What I mean is, it used to be someplace more to me. A lot has changed within years I moved away. I liked the old playground much better than now. Maybe because it used to be concerqued by my friends and I. No one of us really sees each other that often like those days.

But, fortunately... I met my old friend Haziq. He was always there to see me come back there once in a while. He called out, Shauki. Another old friend of mine. He's a year younger than me, but we were close too. He's changed so much I hardly reconized him. Cute. haha. We talked and we found a six petaled ixory flower. Don't know what it looks like? Google it. We loved picking those flowers when we were little with all our friends. Now the neighbourhood is just so, QUIET.

. . . . . . . . . . . missing them.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Whose-ever name(s) are below. I miss you a lot!

Aizat onii-chan
Jieha neechan
Amilita Safitri
Firdaus Salim
Ahmad Syahir
Muhd Nurhaziq
Muhd Arif Aiman
Pengawas Squad 4
Siti Aishah Nazlan
Elmi Fadzimah
Anis Nadzira
Mohd Shahril Fikri
Senior block Ehsan
Sofbol members. - rindu maen sofbol bhai!

caught up!

Hey holidays! I wish I was on a vacation somewhere. My family always braught me on a trip somewhere. Unlikely now. I feel terrible. This year, I got stuck up in the hostels a lot, now that I am home and see my parents everyday, almost, I don't get a vacation with them? heh. If we did, would we spend as much fun? I dunno. But I'll sure make up the best of it somehow.

Anyway, I'm gonna write this post a little longer since I haven't done it like my school days. Yea, good days having a new adventure to look forward. At home. Not at least pretty. It's been kinda' dull.

Let's see. hmm.. You know what? My parents have been taking me a lot to Jaya Jusco AU2 a lot lately. It's to eat out and get stuff for our up coming year. I think. I just love buying those Tako Tao food there. yummy! Even my little brother gets bored seeing me eating the same thing. Tako is a sort of Japanese food you see in a ball shape. You can have any filling inside them. Last time we went to Jaya Jusco AU2, we bought lots of electronics. hmph. I get a good look too. My father bought a laptop for my younger siblings. I just narrowed my eyes. What? I have my own pc. I'm NOT bothered! What I want was a new video camera. I'll been saving up for one. If I'm lucky, I'll have one for my birthday. Plz oh plzz... and my younger sister wants and mp3 player. sheeesh!

On 6th of Dec, it was on a Sunday. I went to Firdaus's sister's wedding at his house. Was it really his house? hehe. Whatever. I dragged myself going with my sister. Cause my parents wasn't intrested on going. I had to bring at least someone?! I was feeling pretty awkward going though. Nothing much. I didn't take any photos but just walked around looking around another part of the country I've never seen. It's quite the kampung style place. Hey! It's near Gombak Setia, so it's not all that kampung. Firdaus was looking fine that day. The Pengantin was the stars of the ceramony. I had a good time and Firdaus said I know some people there; his friends. I don't know them! ahhh~! *gasps*

As for any typical day of the holidays, I'm at home, waking up, washing myself, cooking lunch or something, (we had breakfast already), playing the computer, playing the ps2, watching tv, tidying up and ect. ect. It became a routine. Even the regular housework became natural to the tips of my fingers. haha. Housework is getting to me. Anyway, almost all my time I dedicate to my computer screen. Myspace tends to get boring. No one comment me recently and I don't care. Not in the mood to start a conversation. Now it just makes me worse cause I miss my friends looking at my online friends. I remember them often so I just log out and do something else to make me forget.

Okay, that's about much I can say. There's this class ceramony tomorrow that I won't be going. I think it's not worth my troubles. I dislike my class, honestly. I don't need to pretend to like it too. They don't like me around either. bla bla bla~ And talk about people, my dorm-mates hadn't contact me. I don't miss them either. Maybe they don't miss me too. So heck. Whoever is on my mind, I'm sure they had contacted me during the holidays so I love them more than those who don't. And those who are on my mind but still haven't called or something, I have a feeling we would recontact. To Anis & Shahril, miss you guys a bunch! To Haziq... Naddie... thnx for replying my YM and comments all this while. Sorry for being troublesome. I tried my best to enjoy the holidays even though it is boring.

Well, that wraps it up. There are still 3 more weeks of school holidays. Gotta' enjoy it when they're still available.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Akai Ito 2

Just found out. It actually exists in series. AHH! I sense J-Drama addiction! Want to watch it soo much now. Just finished watching the first episode. Here's some fasanating quotes and points from the 1st episode of Akai Ito. So it will be a big sight through out.

"It's said after you're born, you will meet 300,000 people before you die. Of those, the number of people you will meet and work with at school is 3000. And of those, you will intiamtely know 300. Among all those encounters, its said God has arrange a special one for you. One from before you were born. However, that bond of fate is invisible to everyone. And yet that unseen person in your destiny is connected to you by a red string on your pinky. That's why, I fell in love with you the moment we met."

Main point: CHOCOLATE! yum yum.

Akai Ito

Akai ito is japanese for Red Thread. In some beliefs, the red thread is the simbol of destined lovers. There is this new dvd my dad bought me today when we went shopping at Carefore. The title is Thread of Destiny. The two main actors were Nao Minamisawa and Junpei Mizobata. Okay, this is a Japanese love story between Mei and Atsushi. They are speacial because they both were borned on the same date, 29th of February 1992. haha. That means, they're a year older than me! miao~ Well, the story revolves around Mei and Atsushi and how they prepared to move onto High School. I find the whole story very matured and straight forward. It doesn't side track too much soI find the whole lot intresting. Like, how the children gets caught up in a lot of problems with the parents problems. Secondly, how friendship can be broken easily without one another's trust. The main character Mei, suffered a lot of these kind of situations in the story and she still made it through if she hadn'e been strong without the support of family and true friends. But I still find Mei a truly strong-will person with a cool, matured nature. The whole plot of this story was good and the ending was perfect. Nice.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In my ROOM

Let's just say I'm grounded. Heh. Just in my room. Until I can clean up the mess in my room, which is a huge distruction! haha. I'm not allowed to come down from my room. Does that mean, I'm not allowed to have breakfast? *gasps* miao. So now, I'm picking up the little tiny pieces from my room. The floor and walls is full of dust. How can I actually breathe here? Miracle. :D Anyway, I'm almost done. I have plans for today, so I don't want to miss out and being stuck in my room. It's compacted for someone who keeps things that I don't use. Bwuahahaha! If I want to, I could trash it all out. hehe.

Friday, December 4, 2009

3rd December

I haven't posted in a while. Now it's December. Weehee! NAAH. Tick tock the time passes. I don't feel a thing. I always post about things happening around me and how exciting they can be. Maybe, that's why I've been quiet. There's nothing. Zero velocity. Constant acceleration. My life is moving forward yet hardly much change. I looked up my old entries. Almost every entry were about my life at school. Then now, all think of about now, how school is coming in in a few weeks more and I'm not excited. Why? I dunno. I don't miss anyone, I think. I'm clearly not excited of meeting them when the time comes. Or is it I'm just stuck at home? -that makes the whole idea going back to school stinks? Whatever.