Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hari Raya Haji

Some call it AidilAdha, some call it Raya Korban, and, some call it Raya Haji. I'm now reporting my Hari Raya Haji for 2009. For this year, I celebrated my Raya AA at Bagan Dato', Perak. Though, coming back there, didn't feel as much of the Raya spirit. My family was the first back at kampung, 26/11, then came along my PakNgah's family. Waking up the next morning, wash up, solat, and eat together. I didn't get to watch a coq or a goat get cut up this year. huhuhuu~ so saadd :( Well, I usualy don't watch it cause I'm too scared to see so many blood coming from the animals. So, time passes and I expect to see more people, but no one pass by at my Opah's house. Disappointed. Lastly, just hanging around watching TV and said to myself, "What a boring way to celebrate Raya AA."


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