Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Girl in the City of JB

Haih~ Today was really something. As some people know, I'm staying at JB at this current time following my mom and siblings. My dad stayed at home. How is he? I hope he's in good condition. Well, today I wanna share my experiance in the busy city of Johor Bahru.

This story began when my cousin Wani asked me out on an outing to City Sentral, JB. Our plan was to go see a MOVIE! Yay! We're going to watch 2012. A movie that shakes the cinemas right now. A movie I wanted to watch since the last time I went out to see a movie with my friends. Refer to my post on my KLCC post. Well, I was wishing to go out with Arif and gang but there was this other good oppertunity to I had to cancel that one... quietly.

*on cellphone: *teeett!*
text message(Arif): I'm watching a movie along with Ku.
Me: WHAT?! *messages *
text message(Ku): How did you know I was out watching a movie?
Me: Duuh?

Okay, back to the real story. A day out in JB was alright. My cousin and her friends shared with me a fantastic time. There was such a vaitiety of selection of food at the CS and the place was wide. Of cause, it's a Mall after all. Because I was hanging out with a cousin of my age and her friends who seemed friendly towards me, we all hanged out.

Our movie started at 2.30p.m. We hurried in as we were running late. hehe. And you know what? During our time in the movies, I can't stand the smell. There was an interenting smell.
"What's this smell?" Wani. "hmm.. Interesting. Pontianak punye bau!" hahahaha! WANGI!!! The movie 2012 is movie about a family trying to save their lives from the end of the world. Yu should watch it. As for me, my comments: overall a great movie to be watched with others. Everything's all right but MEREPEK laa ending nyerr! lalala~

The movie ended longer than I expected and we planned to go window shopping too. Cause there was a sale and the shops sold so many fancy stuff that interested me. Of cause, I could by everything I wanted. So, as usual, if I was at a Mall of some sort I would go to a Book store or MPH if there is one; and buy myself a book. I got one this time! hehe. The New Moon movie edition. The cover has Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and this new guy. Who was his name? Jacob? I think so. Oh well.. I'm happy anyways =P

Hey, that's my story. I rushed back to my TokMak's house with Wani. Gosh, were we that late? Urgh.. Damn! Soooo..... Sorry! Sorry! And I'm tired. But I can still write this post. haha. Guess this wraps up this entry. Hope you still follow the entries in my blog. Thank you :)

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