Sunday, November 22, 2009

haha! Got you!

I got a new friend. Err... random entry really. Nur Nadia Balqis. I call her Naddie. She lives in Ipoh, Perak. How am I connected to this girl? Well, ask Haziq. Nyahahah! Just want to say how fun to talk to her tonight and it was fun chatting with her. I can't believe we had talked so much! I guess today I was quite hyper and in result: a lot of things came out from me. I enjoyed myself actually. OH! Naddie... thanks for sharing some laughter and advice. Sharing the best words and moments through the computer screen and the sound of the buzzing cellphone. hahaha! Let's contact-contacting lagik! Merepek-kerepek more and more. Waaii! dosh! crack! Last word(s): miao. <--- mcm Haziq. X3

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