Sunday, November 8, 2009

can't can't can't

It's current 4:18a.m. I started typing this. And I'm still awake.
I can't sleep. I can't close the pc. I can't thinking. Most importantly...
I can't study! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I've done much of my homework for the final exams and felt satisfied. I want to continue doing so but home just have so many inteference I cannot ignore. LEEEKKKAAA~ I'm so dumb. Please pray for my well being. Go Go Final Exams! Be gone already! And... And... I wanna go to see a movie. Waaaaaaiii~! From the Kabut :)

p/s: add my second blog crapping about.... anything. ENJOY =)

p/ss: I changed my blog URL. hehe.

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