Monday, August 31, 2009

End to Start again. Back to SMTG

After 10 days, it's "BACK TO SCHOOL PEOPLE."

I know SMTG never been quarrentined yet but however, more have protessed to it, but our school won't be repaying any lost school days over the weekeneds. YAY And I want to take this chance to say a prayer to all those students who may be infected or sick to be in the pink of health so they can return to school as normal. Hope you guys are well. I wish to see you all at school again :)
See ya'!
Okay, what a sucky speech but that will do. GOD, I'm not really sure I'm ready to go back to school but I have to anyway. I'm not even taking the slightest bit of attention what are my next plans at school or "Is my homework done?" OMG my work isn't done! Anyway, I'll get everything, over with... as usual. Wish me luck :) I will be back for the next 2 weeks. Let's celebrate a brand new month of adventure and to all Malaysians, "Happy Merdeka day." 1 Malaysia.

MERDEKA sha la la~


Saturday, August 29, 2009

behind the scenes

I was browing my old folders and found some old photos of me from last year. They weren't half bad at all. I just recently uploaded them in Myspace so, SPAM-ies :] Taara! Let me show you.

This is me going the PTSG concert 2008. My first concert so I knew it :) The theme is to where red, white and black. HAHA, so much for the attire, I'm a stylish failure. I bought my clothes at SOGO. I truly adore the red t-shirt and I begged my mother to let me buy it. thanks mom <3 Oh btw, the black sweater isn't mine. It belongs to Echa. I fail.

haha. This photo is just too cute that it kills me almost. These are my younger brother and sister. We were at PanPacific hotel where we stayed for a few days because my mother had a conference meeting.were on our way to the KLIA airport by this green car. haha :) soo cute though. My siblings love riding it. ok ok?

Candid much? Naah.. I saw this coming but it's such a nice one enough to be a candid. Well, here I was playing at the waterfalls. My school and I were close to Cameron Highlands and these waterfalls were one of out side trips. yippee. Who took this photo? Credits to my good friend Aiman Husaini :)

Ahh.. this photo was at school. Almost the end of the year. Taken by my friend Echa, I was actually sulking. Don't ask. I had a bad depression. I fell so down so, NO comments. After taking the photo, Echa and I had the same thought. Damn this photo is creepy X3 Except there was a bit glich that didn't make the whole photo freeky. Spot it out, hehe :D

Friday, August 28, 2009


thanks neechan... oniichan... so.. oyasuminasai.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

To my friend Ameer

Hey, this is about a good companion of mine: Ameer Iman. He's really good at keeping up a conversation with me in Yahoo! Messenger. Everyday, I would get into one of his chats and couldn't stop chatting. Well, today: is the best so far so... thank you Ameer. You're such a good friend to be with.

ainul aiman: hmm... it's important to you... right?
Ameer Iman (SMTG): yea...
ainul aiman: aku meninggal kt hillcrest dn ke smtg penting buat aku
Ameer Iman (SMTG): meaning?
ainul aiman: sbb tanggal 21hb feb.. hari jadi aku...
ainul aiman: aku berhenti jumpa kwn2 sklh lama aku
ainul aiman: dn mula bersiap pergi smtg
Ameer Iman (SMTG): owh
Ameer Iman (SMTG): plis la
Ameer Iman (SMTG): tolong
Ameer Iman (SMTG): la
Ameer Iman (SMTG): can we stop...
ainul aiman: tired?
Ameer Iman (SMTG): u make me cry....
ainul aiman: why?
Ameer Iman (SMTG): i can't help it
Ameer Iman (SMTG): so sad
ainul aiman: ko betul2 menangis ke?
Ameer Iman (SMTG): a bit
ainul aiman: errk... sorry
Ameer Iman (SMTG): xpe xpe
ainul aiman: I'll stop
Ameer Iman (SMTG): dah lame x nagnis
Ameer Iman (SMTG): kk
Ameer Iman (SMTG): thanks

okay laa. that's a bit embarrasing but it was very honest. Until my next post, bye :D

Monday, August 24, 2009

friends at SEMTEG

I want to tell another story about the random people I meet at school. Everyday I would meet a lot of people; teachers and students, juniors and seniors alike. Some would smile, some would say "Hey! Hello Ainul." And everyday I would go figure. Will I be able to catch up with everyone I meet? I'm only one person in a society of millions of others and here's only a small part of that millions of people I try to keep close to me. They brighten up my days at school. They are my ray of hope and medicine of life to keep doing a good job.

From left:

Ahmad Syahir (my class clown. You always able to make me laugh.)
Mohd Firdaus (my story teller. You are wise enough to teach me how to be great.)
Nur Lidiya (my potion of advice. She's the one who never seems to stop telling me to be good.)
Amilita Safitri (the piece of my heart. She's good enough to last forever as my best friend.)
Siti Aishah (the friendly supporter. She's always there to give the best smile of my days.)
Mohd Nurhaziq (my weird person. You're able to surprise me everytime.)
Muhd Arif Aiman
(my ambition. Hoping to be able to do things better than you.)

Xi Shua Shua!

From the last programme and event I had at school, Xplora; which held me and the other hostel recidences back for another whole week, we had have another very fun and exhausting week. Xplora was a programme held by the Facilatators Society from the students of University of Malaya and GOSH! Wasn't I excited? These people were coming from UM! I so thought to myself. On the 14th to 16th of August 2009, my friends and I experianced a box full of fun and adventure thoughout our weekends. Never worrying about the least of my homework too :D Never had much that weekend since many went home because of the flu and stuff. You get the idea when I say, "H1N1" Hopefully, no one is really that sick. Amin~

Xplora was the most fun I had for months and honestly, I'm glad to be able to participate in this event because I can just be myself :] The crazy, outgoing one. We have many activities and we work a lot in groups. I was in group 11 among 21 groups all togehter. Our facilators for group 11 were Kak Ayuni and Abang Anuar. They're the coolest :D Let me recall, there were activities like, Adventure Night, Icebreaking, Explorace, teambuilding, Night of Wax, Base Games, Golden keys and Cheers War. My favourite would be hmmm.... I cannot say. I have a lot of things I enjoy during the whole experiance :)

The best thing I must say about this all Xplora and many can agree on was this awfully coolest song and dance we learn. "Xi Shua Shua!" Everyone can't stop dancing. Imagine the whole school hall was shaking with only form 4 students dancing to this song. Click the play button to here the song below :

Music Playlist at

And uh.. I'm glad to have some fun and enjoy myself with the friends I know. I'm gonna miss Xplora for sure :D That's all there is to share this time. I guess there's more to tell but I'm just lazy to write this time. See ya next time :)


I got tagged for the first time. I always wanted to be tagged but of cause, it took me soo damn long to realize I was tagged. HAHA Berkarat laa wehh~ Sorry. I got tagged by Arif. Here it goes.

Adakah anda suka blogging? Kenapa?
Suka coz aku dpt menulis pasal diri aku. Boleh kongsi dgn org lain.

Blog siapa yang selalu anda skodeng? Nyatakan 5.
1. Echa
2. Haziq
3. Arif
4. Shia
5. Syahiran

Adakah anda menginginkan seseorang dalam hidup anda? Yang boleh menemani dan menyayangi anda sepenuh hati? Dan siapakah orang itu?
Sudah tentu tp tk jumpa lagi. Ada hikmahnya...

Taken or single? Mana lebih bagus?
Single. erkk... entah. 50/50

Pernah tak cinta anda tidak dibalas?
Pernah. Baru jew thn nieh.

Ciri-ciri idaman bf/gf anda? Nyatakan 5.
1. caring; perihatin (lbh kurang sma)
2. sgt memahami
3. pandai
4. hardworking
5. good-looking

Pada umur berapakah anda akan merancang untuk berkahwin?
hanya takdir menentukan. Jalan hidup aku masih jauh. So, tk tau laa bila.

Nak berapa anak?
tak kisah berapa.

5 orang bertuah yang anda ingin tag :
1. Echa Nazlan
2. Shiachan
3. Neechan
4. Onii-chan. (you better do this! no matter where!)
5. Syahiran

That's the End of my TAG. TQ :]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ready, Set, ACTION!

Hi random bloggers. Here's another scoop from me at SMTG. LOLZ. I gotta' tell you, I won't be here for like another one whole week and I hope you guys will still catch up with my random posts not knowing when I'll write again. Okay? What am I blabbering about. Read my title? Another funfill action of my extra-ordinary simple game at SMTG. My school held an English skets a few weeks ago for all the form four students and it was great! I can still remember the last time I did a skets at Hillcrest, so....... yesh :) I miss old times. Just like the Choral Speaking experiance, I had to cooperate with my noisy classmates of 4 Electrical 4 to make this English skets a BLAST for everyone too see.

As foretold by our English teacher, again, (it seems like she knows everything!) there will an English skets, conducted by the Enlish Society for the form 4 students. The skets must be based on from one of the short stories or the poems from the Literature text book. Yes, that small blue textbook. That gave me a jump! Okaayy~ In this skets will be a Director, Scriptwritter, Props manager and...... actors and actresses! In just a blink of an I, I simply was elected as the SCRIPTWRITER! Not very surprising. I saw that coming. Our Director was Qayyum, I guess he was okay. Among all the literature we learnt, at first I wanted to do "Sonnet 18" but Lidiya protested. "Too little actors" she said. "Let's do the Necklace." Sure!

After this and that, discusing who would take part doing pops and what scenes will be done, the script was done, the director was ready, the actors had agreed, props were set to go, we practiced! But with sooo little time, we only practice for 2 days. I repeat, "2 DAYS!" Imagine practicing for 2 days the actors and actresses yelling that their not satisfied. "COOPERATE PEOPLE!" is what Ruqayya yelled throught practice. Take note she is the main actress acting as Mathilde. I had to act as well since there were so few of us girls and we had to do a dancing scene which was difficult. ;P

The big day came and we dressed just fine bringging all the props to the big hall. 4E4 was ready!

p/s: I'll put a video A.S.A.P it will tell you the whole story much more clearly.

It was mixture of romance and comedy to our point of view. I think it's the most fun for us personally. YAY~!!!


Best skets: 2nd place.
Best Actress: Ruqayya
Best Scriptwritter: ME!!! XDDD

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Durian! Durian!

I never thought I'll be in time to join this Durian fest in the SMTG headquaters. I know SMTG will be having durians on the 25th of July that day on the Law Olympiad but I didn't imagine myself joining the grand occasian. Plus! I never thought it would be this big! I mean BIG! There were so many DURIANS!!! Extra lorries to bring them in. Every Block can have 70 durians each and I got myself one too :D On that day, I never thought my wish of eating one whole durian would ever came true. So, I'm writting now to prove, I made it my wish happen ;]

Saturday, August 1, 2009

10th Law Olympiad

Heck? This is going to be my first Law Olympiad and I hope it will be my last. I dunno? OMG. On the 25th of July 2009, I entered my first Law Olympiad at Damansara Heights. Here's the story.

"What?! What do you mean I'm entering a contest this Saturday?!" I shouted pointlessly at Ashman.

"Yes..." he answered boringly.

"OMG!" I shouted again. Letting the whole class of 4 civil 2 hearing my cries.

Yea, I was creating a pointless scene pulling Ashman into the center of everything. I was freaking out for no reason too.

"How could I possibly enter this competition? What is this all about?"

"I don't know. Ask Arif. We're in the same team. You know him right?" Ashman showed me the contest rules and regulations paper.

"OMG! No way. Law is soooo out of my league."

"Relax.... and have FUN!" he reminded me with his usual smile.

So I dashed off while he and his class enters the library. Running up the stairs, hoping to pass Arif's class on the way. Okay, I will pass his class anyway cause his class is in front the staircase. DUHH!

"OMG! Arif!" OMG is the only thing I had in mind. Ignore that. So I ran up to him. "I had to enter this Law thingy with you???"

"Yes, teacher want us to enter this competition." said Arif giving me the rules paper again.

"I don't want to enter this competition!" Heck.

"I don't know. Anyway, we're in the same team and Ashman aswell."

"I know! Do you have any idea what is this all about?"

"Ah! Who cares. With you on the team, we won't have any problems right?"

DUHH! How should I know? This is stupid.

That was my first impression when I first heard I was going to enter this competition. After a long talk with Cik Julia and thought things over, I made my decion to go along with it anyway. If Iwas still crazy over things, I would recklessly choose not to go and end up making my group failing to enter the competition. I'm such a nice girl and follow along.

So, in this competition, I was in SMTG's group A along with:

Arif 4M2
Ashman 4A2
Mustaffa 4E3 and;
Aysha 4A3

Yay~! At least I'm familiar with all of these guys or I'll be extra nervous being a crowd full of strangers. There was also group B with people like Ku Zaiharuddin and Al-Harith in it with some other guys I'm not so sure their names are. We suppose to be gathering at the canteen at 7 a.m. that Saturday and ready to be going to Damansara Heights on the SMTG's school van. All 12 of us including the teachers.

25th of July:

In the morning, I set my alarm at 5a.m. cuz Aysha reminded me to wake up early to get dressed so we wouldn't be late for anything. So I did and gather up myself to wake up while everyone was still sleeping. DARN sleepy heads. I tried my best not to disturb the soundless Ehsan 6 and walked out the dorm to the toilet. AH! Malin, Shila! Korang bangun gak? Bagus gk kwn2 aku dua org nieh. I stopped at Ehsan 8 where Aysha stayed but why was it empty? How am I going to wake Aysha if dunno where she was? OH NO! After that, I put on my school uniform, and hear the morning prayer call from the school's mosque. Everyone was rising up from their beds. AWAKE at last. There were still some of them asking why I'm in my school uniform. "DUHH I have the Law Olympiad today" Takpe, mamai lagik XD Gerak ke surau.

At 7.00 a.m. Aysha was ready. I was already set to go but I told Aysha I was going to call my mom for a sec. Mintak berkat laa! Apa lagi?

"Hurry up! The teacher others will be there soon." she said.
"Relax. I'm not finished yet!" I whipered across the phone to Aysha while talking to my mom.

Okay finish. So we ran to the canteen like we were 10 minutes late or something. Come on, relax alright? When we got there, not suprisingly, no one is there yet except for us. But in the distance we saw Musttafa just arrived. He's an outsider unlike us. I did warned him not to be late and he did what he was told. GOOD BOY. About 10 minutes later, our beloved teacher Cik Julia arrived. After seeing a few of us at the canteen she was worried. Where were the others? So we had the same thought exactly! Thank GOD Arif came. Next was Ashman. Yea! Our group was complete but Group B was still short on members. One of them was unidentifies I forgotten why, the second one was a girl in class 4A2.

"Ashman, isn't this girl the same class as you?" I stared daggers at him.
"I don't know her at all. Some unpopular girl I think." ignoring my stare.
"How cruel to say that." was my reply looking very bored.

So, what's next? Finding a replacement? Teacher asked me or Aysha to look for this girl who's name was 'Farah' something... From block F supposingly. Aysha said so and I ran towards block F without Aysha. She said she was still sleepy. Oh GOD, why me?!

7.30a.m. I arrived back at the canteen telling that 'Farah' balik kampung. HAHA! We all went =O haah! terngaga cikgu. hihihihiks. "Go and find some replacements." said the teacher to the boys. Ashman and Arif did so and went to their blok B and get some smart headed friends some we won't waste any more time. And so they came back with two other guys as replacements. YAY! Finally we're off? Yes, we are. In the van, there was one song me and Aysha were interested in. Halo by Beyonce. HAHA nyanyi laa... untill we arrived there, I kept on talking with Ashman and Arif all the way.

At Damansara Heights, there was this tall building at Jalan Pudu, I dunno what's it name. Heck. But we saw lots of students. Chinese students. Heck again. Doesn't look like there will be many Malay students competing, will there? Second question, we will be the only Technical school competing in this event, aren't we? Should be expected anyway. After our registration, we head out to a near bakery shop and buy ourselves some treates before the competition but Cikgu Julia was paying. Thanks teacher. :] It was breakfast time. Yum yum.

The Law Olympiad started at 9 a.m. and the 10 of us had to seat seperately according to our group numbers. Me and 4 others were in group 8 and group B was number 24. I think? There were written our school names hanging above our tables and I felt proudly seeing the SMT Gombak paper hanging above my head untill I realize, how awkward seeing the other schools were all written SMK. SMK. SMK. Oh how awkward was that feeling?! I haven't been labelled and SMK student for months and I wouldn't be one again in my life! Okay, after that, a breif talk about the Law Olympiad and the rules.. bla bla bla.. talking about the games we're about to be seated in.

The games begin! Okayy~ I don't want to tell the whole scoop cause I guess you're already bored reading this but to make things short: the games were mostly like case solving and using facts to solve every question. In the group I'm in, we were helping each other out. I've done most of the writting, Ashman did a lot of annalysing and so did Musttafa. Aysha did some reading and Arif made lots of drafts. But in all of that, we had so little time. Most of the games, we haven't completed much but let it go cause chances we had we sooo damn low.

"It's okay. Who's winning anyway?"

After 5 long games, we had free lunch! YAY :) Ayam rendang was on the menu. YUM YUM. Hostel recidences are going to jealous. Oh yea~! After lunch, it was back to the hall again but in a different way. They were going to show us a real practical court act. It was fun. We, the audience were the juri fot this court, and I say, "He is NOT guilty!" LOLZ

At 3p.m. we head back to SMTG. All of us were tired and slept through the journey back. How quiet we were. I guess, that Law olympiad was really something, yea? Teacher was hoping to send us for next year Olympiad if our school got invited again. OH NO teacher! I think NOT!