Sunday, March 21, 2010

one day

Okay, I got an idea for a post. I'll make this quick cause I need to pack up to go home to the Hostels. hee. =)

Sometimes, the prefects have to work overtime. I mean, staying back untill all students emptied the school and take duties for the Form 4 reccess. It's oblidged to every prefect to stay back at school every weekday but we take turns taking care of the Form 4 students during recsess. I've done it for 2 times this year.

The 1st time, I was noob-ish. I thought I was taking care of reccess time alone. End up freaking out dragging Fana, Naz and Bebe cutting class a while. They were from the Electrical Lab or something. I think? So, when they saw me at the canteen alone, they tried to help me by staying. I was a little relieved, then Jay and Zoul came. They supposed to be there with me. It was later they showed up. End of stress! The Form 4 students' reccess hours were handled according to moi!

The 2nd time, it became a long period of time working as a prefect that time. It was more organized when Azyan was around. Lots of prefects were there to help. I was assigned to checked the blocks were emptied with Bella. Okay, it was sucured and everything. Then, there was this teacher who came up to me and asked me for my help. GREAT! DUTIES. She gave me a list of Form 4 students to meet. To collect their House Sport T-shirts. "Do I have to do this? Alone?" so I thought. I ran back to the canteen seeing all my friends doing their jobs when suddenly, my PK KOKO, miao. Called me. I was surprised though. Why?

She called me and I followed her up to her office. She talked to me about last year's event. "OH..." haha. My PK KOKO still remembers sending me to a K.A.T competition last year in Shah Alam. She wants me to spill some details regarding that matter so she can print out my SIJIL for that K.A.T. heh. That took most of my time. What K.A.T competition? Think harder my friends. Anyway, I needed to finish my work with this list given to me. So, go go I was to the Junior blocks, calling for each of the students names on the list. Some of them were afraid, WHY ON EARTH I AM BEING CALLED? Laa.. aku tak makan korang arr. tau la prefect. rileks sudaa. Others were okay. Oh well, everything went well of cause. I had hot cheeks afterwards.

I was late entering BM class. But knowing my BM teacher, she fully understood. I have to finish a BM essay on top of it though. hehe. That's all for my entry this time. Was it okay? Bye people. Wait for my next post, nee?

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