Saturday, March 13, 2010


Being a senior is tough. No doubt. Classes, teachers, friends, juniors, exams, prefect duties. All to worry about. Then there is this Couple List going on about in school that makes everyone freak out. Siapa nak kantoi kn kau?! blaa la weiyh! I'm not one who speaks many words but I'm a keen observer and pick up lots of information just by the sound some unfamiliar birds. I'm not trying to a be a SPY, I swear! I'm an occupied prefect and I know things. Like a ninja. haha. But gossips in school these days, aren't getting any more plessent.

  1. The Couple list. Yes, this year, the teachers are getting strict. They'll find out every single couple in this scool if they must. Must be terrifying for everyone. It's like there are cameras everyone, watching every move we make, hearing every word we say. We, students ought to be careful when we are dealing with the oppesite sex. But try to think about this: Why are we so cautious about teachers finding us out if we are dating or not? It's a fact it wrong to hold hands, being over reacting with the other gender. Surely, physically, it may not be a crime but it can be a sin. Stay faithful to our religion. C'mon, can't we all be a little more patient until we graduated and get married?
  2. Rocol. I didn't know what it means at first. But it something to do with seniors not getting along with juniors. Of cause we're not satisfied with a lot of things and have included our juniors into it, but can't it get any unrasional? Don't get to harsh my friends. Try slow talking with them first then only if it gets too out of hand, maybe rocol is the only way. Don't do it every night! I'm tired of hearing seniors ragging the juniors. Who knows? They are actually more nicer than us?
  3. Mind bender. People can be so hard to understand these days. I have a friend who does a lot of unexplainable things. It's hard to understand. Just wondering, if he's okay or not? Secondly, the world has so much time for us to talk about unreal facts about people. For example: B goes on talking about A behind his back that it's his fault for making havoc around school. C who can be a victim to A's doings gets caught up with B's story ends up hating A as well meanwhile B in actually closely related to A as a classmate or good friend. Why are people turning againts each other, their own kind? For me, I'm certainly mad!

What bothers me now; what really bothers me is point number 3. I have many friends who do lots of unexplainable, unreasonable things that they can't explain or unforgiveable. I try not to over-react but it's harsh. It's not all my fault but I have many faults cause I'm human. Not because I'm some kinda' example,or leader, trying to be the best; I know I'm a prefect. I try not to be perfect but still trying to make things perfect. Even I do things that don't make sense but can't you at least ask why I do the things I do? Even Cikgu Zamri said the same thing. If you don't understand, just ask. It's easy. I really respect him. If you don't like it, I don't care. I don't force you to respect him cause forcing to respect means nothing. I don't want nothing, cause I want meaning.


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