Sunday, March 14, 2010


What's with Wednesday? Nothing much. Naah laa. We have Kokurikulum every Wednesday. If you are a hosteler or outsider, you are treated just the same. Everyone must go. The school gates will be locked and nobody could go home until Kokurikulum activities are over. SMTG is strict about this too.

Last Wednesday, Kokurikulum have Unit meeting that week. Looks like it's time for marching practice. I'm not sure there's going to be any district marching competitions, at least none of I heard from. Only from the Police Kadet Unit. For that unit, it's like a MUST GO. Ceh. They even didn't win last year. Why bother? I support my Unit the Scouts. Last year, the Girls scouts quad won 3rd place. Maybe I was hoping for a little spark of hope to get the Scouts sent for the marching district competition. But as the PK KOKO said, 30% of the school's budget decreased. Some competitions aren't available. So we'll just have to sit down a watch what we can do. There is always the Annual sports day to prepare for. So the Units are gathering members for the Annual Sports day opening ceramony because there is always a marching intro. So good luck everyone!

The secord part of Kokurikulum is Sports club meeting. I always have fun going to Sofbol practice. This year, the Sofbol club has a full house! So many new members joined in. Juniors and Seniors. Too many to count. Where did they come from? Oh well. Sorry to say, there won't be any K.A.T for us this year. Sad sad. But there will be a Sofbol District tournament. Good news for us. It will be in June, they say. And the Club chairman, Ku Zahiruddin, said that maybe we will start practice everyday after the March exams. Fuuh! That's harsh. I can't remember how we practiced last year. All I remember only 13 members came one morning, all 13 of them went to the distric tournament. hehe. Anyway, playing sofbol is FUN! Coach came last Wednesday. The senior members were all happy to greet him and his family. That includes ME! Take a look at some pictures.

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