Saturday, October 24, 2009

the worst 2 weeks of my life

I want to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god. When I say two weeks, I mean two weeks at the Hostels. I don't want to rant of anything but seriously, I need to get off some depression off my back for once. I hate it. For these 2 weeks, I've been annoyed, ignored and pushed to the limit and nobody actually cares to ask, "Are you okay?" That's it, people around me kinda' suck. It reminds me how reality shows that nothing is easy and I know that so why people bother telling me that over and over. Seeming it is already hurts me really bad!

First subject- Balacii. Everyone in class calls me that. I can get the picture that SMTG hates the Prefect organasation to the point the rant up on us everyday. Looking at the situation, I'm the only prefect in my class and they have no feelings, no idea how hard for me to listen to their mockings to me and the organasations everyday. I feel like I want to shut them up but who was I to do that? To them I'm powerless and I know, they still mock me till now. Have I ever treated them that way? NO! I'm not that kind of person.

Second subject- Dormates. Not enough of school? My dormates had been busy lately. Busy being loud at night. Have ever heard of "A girl needs her beauty sleep?" I don't think so. I'm sooo not proud to like being in a dorm whose talent to keep on blabbering about nonsense every night keeping the lights on till 2 a.m. How can I get any sleep. Plus they are talking about stuff which shouldn't be their stuff to butt in. Oh god! What they keep on blabbering about hurts me. I seriously don't like people talking some bad stuff directly to my ear. If there's something they are not satisfied about, keep it to themselves NOT talk so openly and let the whole block know about it. They'll only make things bad for themselves. DUUUH~!

Third subject- Couples. Couples are sweet but not everyone finds the true meaning of it. It surprises me that how couple can be a bad thing now. People are always dating here and there, I don't really care as long as they are happy but now it's just annoying. How can couples be soo into each other till the point I see it now is useless? If couples are seriously in love, take it someplace else privately and don't be so pumped up to it and show it to the world. NO. Couple-ing is not something to be proud of and believe me. It is not. Be happy with who you are and those who love you. That's all.

Sorry if I had to rant. But these two weeks have been making me MAD. TERRIBLY MAD. NO OFFENCE but I'm just saying what I really feel. I want to talk. I want to laugh. Though I forgotten how good it makes me. I miss being how I really am. I miss my friends oh so much. If you are reading this, I hope to those who are important to me see the real me. Good and bad. Trimas.

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