Monday, October 12, 2009

Prefect Camp 2009

from 2nd of October till the 4th of October the fellow prefects and I followed the witsful prefect camp at SMTG. Day and night we done lots and lots of things. To me, that experiance made me see who I was and how the School Prefect organisation was. Our Seniors were the best making our camp the BIG BANG! Thank you sooo much. It was a lot of fun.

Our camp started of Friday evening. We gathered at the canteen at 3.15 p.m. Our bags were checked and instuctions were giving to all of us. The first one was whenever the SIREN goes off, we have to find it and gather quickly. Our KP was dismissed and he turned it off someplace. Quickly all the juniors gahter their bags including me and ran towards that sound. What happened was, we all ran to the School Garage but going up the steps, I FELL. haha. But Husna helped me. thank you thank you :) We were sorted into groups. Into five groups randomly by number of class. I was in group 4 I guess. But in group 4 there were no boys. HAHA. Untill things were sorted; Syafiq and Fuad join the team. We named our group "AutobotZ". It's Aina's idea. Well... I can't remember afterwards but we had to make matching hats and we had to wear them all day long throughout our camp. Oh yea! Another rule is that We musn't talk to anyone else besides our own Prefects. It's a kind of dumb idea right? But we have to deal with it.

The first day of camp went on till night, "We had a camp fire." Yippee. The fire wood we collected are from the past activity we did by Squad. I love those times.


"Amin!!! Don't" I yelled.
"You'll hurt yourself!" Along said.
"AH! It's nothing. I just want to snap this branch in half." Amin
"Damn it. You'll break our leg." Me.
"You're being reckless." Wardah.
"Haih~" Farah.
"..... *snap*" Syafiq.
"What's Amin doing?!" Farhana.
"He's going to hurt his leg. Amin that branch is too big. LEAVE IT!" Me.
"........ *snap crack*" Aqramul, Fathinie, Syafiq continue searching wood.
"HUSH!" Amin yelled.

"Amin FREEZ!" KP.
Aimn just froze. Without any trouble, I quickly took the heavy large branch from Amins foot.
HAH! Now you don't need to brake it anymore. I don't need you injured because I won't cover your duties.

end of flashback....

And so, that night, a camp fire was set up. We gathered around to choose our junior leaders for this camp. All in all, we have Ku Zaihiruddin and Azyan as our Penghulu and Penghuluwati. Uh.. okay, we slept outside. It's called a camp right? So we slept out in the outdoors. urgh..! So unconfortable.

We were woken up at 3.00 a.m. as our seniors said and I still feel sleepy. We have another activity. I don't know what you call this activity but it testes our mental strength. I am afraid of dark places and whenever a myterious being approches me, I was shiverring but I didn't scream or anything. Just scared. I know it's real people but I wish I could slap them to shut them up! haha. Just like Farah Nabiha did. WOW She did ;)

Next day, we changed into new clothes and gathered at the open hall. When I want to go back to my dorm, it's hard. Ehsan 6 locked its doors of cause. If I wish to call them and open the door, it'd be quite impossible. Even if I BANG the doors, KICK it open with all my might, thinking how soundless they are assleep; I just can't do it. *lock opens itself* Aik? haha. I'm good opening the door. I'm magic. Anyway, the second day rained. So I thought, what are going to do in the rain? I mean, RAIN! Ahh! NOOOOOOO! I don't want to go out in the rain. But we had too. I dislike the rain oh soo much. But it was a must. Our next activity, we had a little adventure in our school drains. It's kinda like a river but since the rain is puring, I change my perseption about it. Damn! it's dirty. Ahh heck! Once in lifetime experiance, I'm willing to risk it. Even if I have a high fever afterwards. I swar, after that, with us soaking in dirt water, walking back to Ruai, I was immaginably pissed off. But thinking how we get to wash off first togther with clean rain water, IT WAS FUN :D yay! This was actually a time event. Who came in last will be fined. And, my group came in last. haha. The fine, we had covered with eggs and flour by our seniors. GAAH!

Another night at our camp spot. It was pretty laid back this time. We have a Cultural night. Every camp does one so don't we?! Our group is doing a MUSICAL. We're singing all kinds of song into one preformance. Shoot! I don't memorize all the lyrics. So I just hummed any parts I don't know the lines. But it was fun. We had barbeque and watched a spectacular night of the other teams preformances. They were all great! After that, we all comploted a special free preformance to our seniors. Dancing Xi Shua Shua and Gemuruh. BEST~~ FREEZ! Oh GOD. They're evil. Everytime we freez, there must be a senior to snap our pictures and change our poses to make us look just awfully weird. But... I would like to do the same thing to anyone! HAHA. I must see the photos they taken soon.

Like the first night of our camp, we wake up early. But this time, we slept at the School Mosque. Much comfortable. Yay! We were told spook stories about the school. Yes! Our school have lots of ghosts people. BEWARE. We were taken to the field and by groups, we were seperated throught the area. I was sooo exshausted and have no energy to go on. I feel like passing out this activity fearing with not much of a determination in myself, I could easily be spooked. But usually in these kind of things, I never ever been SPOOKED. Seriously! So I just might as well follow along. I hated it. I got bittened by a lot of mosqitoes. The KP and who? Alif ekk? pitied me and put me someplace else. It was lately Imsyar told me to retreat to join the others.

That morning, we have a senamrobic at 7.30 a.m. I didn't know it was 7.30 a.m. because usually we were told 7.00 a.m. I slept at the mosque after Subuh usually and woke up looking at my watch 7.10 a.m.! OMG damn I'm going to be punished. Heck! So I was unaware about a lot of things. I don't think I want to tell the rest. Well, I ate at the DM witht he others and finding out the senamrobic was at 7.30 a.m. OH GOD... damn. But there wasn't any senamrobic cause all the seniors seem to be missing. Only our PKP3 was present and she asked us to play a game. I was sleeeeeppppy~ Anyway, we played some games and it was fun. Over excited I found that Alex's astma didn't allowed him to play to extream. He was like that throughout the camp. I feel kind of awful seeing him that way. But he was okay.

The last day of our camp, we leaned up our campsite and even cooked some sauages. YUM YUM. I got dirt up my sleeve cleaning dust from the camp fire. Black dust all over me? Why didn't I just clean dishes? Because I'm elergic to washing soap! it's a fact. But we ate sausages after that. Together. So yea. It was worth the trouble. Then, we made ourselves to the Main Hall for our closing ceramony. Expecting teachers to arrive, it was cancelled. They didn't come and Syafiq~! Tak jadi nk kasi ucapan ekk? haha. It's okay. Everything ended so well.

I wish to tell you guys more cause I missed out on writting a lot of intreating part of our camp adventure. But to those students of SMTG who watched us, seen us, we had a hard long time through this camp. We were not tortured! NO! We learned so much. About being a family, teamwork, responsibity. I don't think we can ever bond this good until we gone through this camp. We were so different now I just feel like our hearts are now bonded toghether. So please. Whoever tries to tear us down, I swear, I won't let is pass that easily.


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