Friday, April 3, 2009

tired and nervous.

I'm back, again. This time, I'm seriously nervous cause next week, we're starting our first exam. *GASPS REALLY LOUDLY* =O OHREALLY!? It's about time, hasn't it? Got 10 subjects to study and less than 3 days to study. *GASPS AGAIN* Oh man... I have such little time now and I'm so tired from school activities which fill up my schedule everyday. Yes, and I mean EVERY-day. There was always CLUB-SPORTS-SCHOOL-SENIORS-CLEANING DUTIES-SPORTS and finally....................... jeng jeng jeng SICK XP you'll find me lying in the nurses office; I'M SICK and TIRED. GAH~~!!! I'm tired of getting sick as well~!

Studying is must do:

1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English
3. Modern Mathematics
4. Additional Mathematics
5. Physics
6. Chemistry
7. Agama Islam
8. Sejarah
9. Electical Engeneering
10. Engeneering Drawing

Extra co-curicular activities: (which gets in my way)

1. Softball practice- 4.30p.m.
2. Choir pactice- 2.30p.m. Friday only

I guess that's about it from me. The next blog, soon, I will tell you about my partipation in the Scouts Marching Competition last March. Se you all soon :) Luv ya! <3

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