Friday, April 24, 2009

K.A.T. Idol

You do understand what is K.A.T right? "Kejohanan Antara Teknik" Anyway, K.A.T. Idol is competition I just entered last Wednesday. K.A.T. I dol is actually a singing competition if any of you didn't get what I'm saying. YAY! :D Oh, well, some news then.

I never actually planned on entering but I was told about this just the other day sooner that Monday after coming back from SMT Klang (refer to my softball post). I was extreamly tired and fell down with a fever. I don't what happen. Soon I realize I didn't get to know my own health until my classmates said something about me being so slow in class. *sighs* Because of my fever I miss out on Coir practice. A LOT! When I went to join the choir practice sooner that evening, I met the teacher in charge. She said I might not able to catch up so she ffered me the K.A.T Idol instead. Without further thinking I said, "Yes," when she said it was a solo singing competition. I was happy :) But the bad news came soon after. I had to sing two songs. One song had to be a purely Malay song and a song of our choice. I was given a list of songs to choose from for the first song. I had no idea what songs were they on the list. I thought I was DOOMED~!

Finally I made up my mind to sing these two songs: Damak and Siapa Aku.
I tried my best to get used singing the two songs and did my best to remember the lyrics. I never sand a tradional song like 'Damak' before. I'm tottally nervous. But the choir team which I used to train with help me a lot with my confidence and singing preformance. Thanks a lot :D

So soon, I went to the competition which was held in SMT Shah Alam (22/4). It was a school with many students and friends I might know from the Sofball tournament. But I don't get to meet them all. It's okay. Let me tell ya': "The school environment looks amazing. I love the hostel especially." X) Anyway, we did a sound test before the competition. I got to watch a few contestant preform before me but when it was my turn, my CD wasn't working. I expected that earlier too but I was afraid to admitt it. So my original plan was canceled. I had to change my course entirely. The songs and the stage preformance. I had a hard time searching for two new songs for myself to present that night. Even my teacher got fed up and my friend who suppose to be accompanying me got tired. It was getting dark, but finally I chose my two songs, thanks to some teachers present at that school hall. I decided to sing: Joget Pahang and Terlalu Istimewa.

On that night, I was number 4 in the line. I dressed up neatly but I saw most of the other contestance were beautifully dressed unlike me. They are more prepared compared to me. I'm like a green leaf unaware about what to do. I tried talking to them as well. They were friendly but I was nervous so I kept quiet most of the time during the show. All of them, we SENIORS~! Looks like I'm really the green leaf in line. Eventhough it's so, the show must go one and when it was my turn. I tried to act like nothings wrong with a smile on my face which was totally plastic. The experiace was tiring and the show I hope to present went wrond in certain ways so I was deeply disappointed. It was my first song but it was okay. They say it's a first time for me, you should stay relaxed and have fun. My mother advice, put your heart into it. I haven't forget that until the end of my second song. I was pleased with it. I got an outstanding response and I returned home with a sense of fullfilation in myself. My friend and I returned back to the hostel around 12.00 midnight with the light all off but nobody was around surprsingly.

"Haven't they went to bed? Their prep class should be over by now," so I thought. It was then, the light went on and all of my friends returned from night prep. So they haven't gone to sleep yet. funny :) They asked when did I get back? They thought I was coming back the day after. Asking wether I won or not. The truth was, "I couldn't stay at the competition until the end so I didn't know the results were. Sadly to say, I couldn't bring back any victory I suppose and I was so damn tired." But my experiance there was my personal victory. I have realized one of my personal dreams to be singing among a familiar crowd for what I like doing. I have broaded my sights little by little and that what matters to me.

Thank you to everyone who helped me to make it this far.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Softball Tournament.

Finally... I play a sport I can get myself into and have fun with it =) I'd like to share a little bit about my Softball experiance. How much that my friends and I has realize, Softball had made me miss a lot of my classes lately and it's tiring to catch up with it all over again. But it's something worth wild to try.

I used to practice playing Softball at SMKHC before I moved to SMTG. I wanted to try it so much seemingly catching and throwing the ball looks easy and fun. Oh! And the joy of hitting a home run ball would be pretty amazing :D But that's still out of my league. I can dream though. Moving to SMTG, I'm a Softball club member but since I was too tied up with Marching practice last March I couldn't care less what has been going on about Softball at school. Surprisingly, soon after the competition was over, and we head back to our school, settle down about everything else, I was invited instantly by a friend. I was like, "Huh?" LOLZ Okay, why not? I'm not doing anything, so I thought. The next day I went to softball practice I found out that the current number of people who join practice that day is enough to send one team. So... "Whould that mean, everyone goes?" The teacher says, "Yes." NICE~

Oh yeah~ Practice was fun. We always had practice after school at 4.30 p.m. At first we practice on our own which was hard. I could see many dropped balls and running and chasing. I felt terrible because I thought practice shouldn't be like this. I used to practice in my former school before in SMKHC. I just joined the Softball club this year; I know how it felt not to catch the ball perfectly and have an aching body afterwards. I was really tired and nervous when the teacher told us, the Softball tournament was only a week away. How? Soon, we have somebody coaching us. WOW Our own coach. That 'Coach', I seen him recently coaching the boys but "Is he going to coach us as well?" I guess we're alright and we grew to enjoy being coached by him. We grew to like playing softball everyday, the team and I. We learn to play in positions, we learn how to run bat balls and run to bases. What I couldn't forget and I shall remember, I caught a flying ball on the center out field which was hit by my class teacher Encik Rosdi. That was during practice. It was my first 'flying ball' that I could ever caught. :D Soon, we prepare ourselves for the big day, the MSSD softball tounament for the Gombak district. Our teacher gave us jersies and I picked number 13. It's a special number to me. Why? I don't know. I have a nice feeling about it. That's all. ;) So we went off to the tournament held at SMK Sungai Kertas. It's Marfirah's former school. She's our team's pitcher. She'll be excited of cause. So will I because I'm sure SMKHC will be there :D All my former teamates whom I used practice with would be there to compete. XD

Anyway, what long boring story, let me just go straight to the point where we scored eacher game we played. We play two games and went on to the semi-finals. At the smi's we beat the opponent team and went to the finals. We had so much fun and learn and gain new experiance at each game we head on. All thanks to teamwork, confidence and to our coach. THANK GOD <3

1. SMTG vs SMKTM 9-8
2. SMTG vs SMKSP 7-8

Semi finals:

3. SMTG vs SMKSK 12-3


4. SMTG vs SMKHC 14-2

Our school's girl's Softball team turn out to be the victors of this year's Sotbal tournament. It'll be our sweetest memory yet to come. We're headed to K.A.T (Kejohanan Antara Teknik) soon after located in SMT Klang.

OMG Pengakap G99!

I am terribly sorry. I wanted to write this post sooner but I didn't realize how mindlessly of me to leave home without writting about my experiance during the Scouts Marching competition last month in March. So, within a flash I'll tell you what has been going on.

There has been a Marching competition held on the 28th of March for all scouts which in Malaysia is refered to 'Pengakap'. My school SMT Gombak sent two groups of scouts to enter this event. One; is the boys group and two; is the girls group. I was there myself participating. We practice long and hard for this event and we were extreamly nervous. The scouts have to preform two styles of March. Firstly is the 'Dinamic'; where all the basic marching skills are need to been shown, secondly are formations preformed by each squad. Every scout squad normally have up to 4 formations. I don't know if they only have 3 or less or maybe they can preform 5. But I bet they don't since there are rules. I really like all the formations so far but at times I really had hard times remembering all the steps during practice. Practice was ever-hard-to-kill? I may say true. We practiced day and night and been punished several times for our endless mistakes. I guess it's worth it since that day of the competition.

The avenue was SMK Hillcrest. My dear old school. I was truly excited as we got there. SMKHC was the host of this competition last year too and both groups of the Pengakap won 1st place. My wish was to beat them of cause. There's no other better competition than old friends.

My school's boy scout squad preformed first above every school and the our girl's squad preformed at the very last of the line. So much for an opening and ending for the competition. Pretty lucky pick huh? :D Anyway, everything looks great and I really had a good time watching some schools preform their marching skills especially Hillcrest but I didn't get to see the girls part of the show. :( Anyway, when it was our turn, all of our nervous were forgotten instantly and we tried our best. Unfortunately, some of us still made mistakes in the end. But there was a great relief after all that hard effort of putting on a great show for out part of our school and we knew we did our best.

Gradually, we actually earn our prize! SMTG's girl scout squad won 'Third Place'. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

my NEW class.

Out of the abnormal, I'm being put into a new course in my new technical school. As most of my friends know, as far as I counted, which isn't really a big number; I've jumped into three course already! How COOL is that? XD Not really. First of, I learned Accountancy. Second, I learned in the Science stream. Now, I'm learning Electrical Engineering. Too much of a transfer around my old school. Okay, let me tell you about my current class. My class is 4 Electrical 4. The teachers said, there hasn't been any real streaming for our year so probably we have some 'high scores' students and some normal grade students mixed up together. It's true for a fact. I put high hopes for this class cause I heard we'll be together for the next two years until we graduate Technical school. :) I hope we'll get along just fine. Seeing the most out of it will be the sweetest memory for me to hide all the pain from the hard times I could get from school problems. It's no big deal. I say so because, I've been wth most of my classmated through lower secondery school for three years and we got along so nicely. I think we're the best, personally. I wish, it could happen once again.
Best of luck and memories, 4E4:
  1. Abdul Aziz
  2. Abdul Wasim
  3. Ahmad Syahir
  4. Ahmed Fais
  5. Haziq
  6. Mohd Daniel
  7. Mohd Firdaus
  8. Mohd Ikhmal
  9. Mohd Khalishan
  10. Muhamad Aqeel
  11. Muhammad Amin
  12. Muhammad Fakhrul Azizi
  13. Muhammad Nasiruddin
  14. Muhammad Qayyum
  15. Muhd Hakiman
  16. Nor Muhaimin
  17. Omar
  18. Razali Rahman
  19. Redza
  20. Rozaidi
  21. Ainul Aiman
  22. Nadzirah
  23. Nor Maizatul
  24. Nur Atiqah
  25. Nur Lidiya
  26. Nur Muwaddah
  27. Syazwani
  28. Wan Afiqah

two new students are:

29. Mohd Hafizuddin
30. Nur Ruqayya

Friday, April 3, 2009

tired and nervous.

I'm back, again. This time, I'm seriously nervous cause next week, we're starting our first exam. *GASPS REALLY LOUDLY* =O OHREALLY!? It's about time, hasn't it? Got 10 subjects to study and less than 3 days to study. *GASPS AGAIN* Oh man... I have such little time now and I'm so tired from school activities which fill up my schedule everyday. Yes, and I mean EVERY-day. There was always CLUB-SPORTS-SCHOOL-SENIORS-CLEANING DUTIES-SPORTS and finally....................... jeng jeng jeng SICK XP you'll find me lying in the nurses office; I'M SICK and TIRED. GAH~~!!! I'm tired of getting sick as well~!

Studying is must do:

1. Bahasa Melayu
2. English
3. Modern Mathematics
4. Additional Mathematics
5. Physics
6. Chemistry
7. Agama Islam
8. Sejarah
9. Electical Engeneering
10. Engeneering Drawing

Extra co-curicular activities: (which gets in my way)

1. Softball practice- 4.30p.m.
2. Choir pactice- 2.30p.m. Friday only

I guess that's about it from me. The next blog, soon, I will tell you about my partipation in the Scouts Marching Competition last March. Se you all soon :) Luv ya! <3