Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Essay competition

Now what to say??? Hey, I want to write something and I thought of it. Well, it has been almost three days I've been working on this essay. It suppose to be my entry for an essay competition (peringkat kebangsaan) Not budging out of this one. NOT A CHANCE! THIS IS MY CHANCE! I have been writting for a long time now and wanted to test mt abilities in a competition like this. Thinking it over, I'm still an ammeture competing in the fast lane. Did I only realize this now? HAHA XD Tommorow is the day I'll pass my essay up. I had my English teacher check my writting out and made me do my corrections. I didn't do it seriously the first time, honestly. I was losing my head while writting it but it's my original idea.

Brief sypnopsis:

About a student named Faris who dislikes his life. He has a sad and disappointing background. Has no guideness in it too. He does what he feels like doing and what he does the most is skipping his maths class which was taught by a new teacher Encik Ikram. When Faris one day skipped his class, he was caught by a gang of gangstars but was saved by Encik Ikram. He didn't made an official report to the school but take in Faris's case personally by himself. He took Faris through counseling and further this discussion with the headmaster of the school. Faris soon was given attention by Encik Ikram and soon by his classmates and the teachers for why he changed? Faris didn't skip class, he paid attention to the teachers and respect them in return. Sooner, when everything went well; big news struck Faris. Encik Ikram had to move to Australia back to his family. Upon knowing this, he became sad. What happened next? HAHA secret desu...

1 comment:

  1. hey, who sponsored this essay competition? I know 1 from scholastics..
