Sunday, February 22, 2009

my sweet sixteen birthday

I never actually thought of it before.
For my Birthday, I never wanted much.
I just wish for this normal part of life to be simple.
Even for just a day, I'll be happy.
With those short wishes, and small laughter.
From the the people I care for.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but that's all.
I don't need a fancy cake, or a big celebration.
I just need my caring friends and loving family.
Being by my side today knowing it's a special day.
That I know it's the almost perfect similar time I actually existed.

Today, 21st February 2009; I had thought I end up in school joining the Road Run event but I knew it won't happen. I made a choice to transfer school and I already resign from my old one. No more Ainul Aiman a SMKHC student. I'll be a student in SMT Gombak this 23rd February. For all I wanted to feel most excited going to a new school and face these unexpected realities of life of a teenager, I'm actually feeling melacholony. Did I spelled that right? No. LOL It was my birthday and surely, I happen to have a great time. My parents took me out shopping, not just for pleassure, but for preperations. Shopping wasn't really my thing so I was slow pick up-er. We spent the whole afternoon shopping for my things and end up returning home at night. What an exshausting day. I guess, this Sunday shall be my little last bit of freedom I can get before I move into boarding school. Better enjoy most of the time I have left. If I had any. I doubt it.

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