Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm sorry :(

Tomorrow is my last day at SMK Hillcrest. All of my feelings are so complex with some sadness and sorrows. I think it's because I have so many memories there, it's such a shame that I'm leaving. I have got into a Pure Science class, I have made some progress too. I guess? Hmm... I just feel so sad now. To leave. I have friends there, don't I? But knowing me, shouldn't I be exited I'm going to a boarding school that I always want to experiance? I always want learn something new. But, it's just like so... There are some friends i can't leave without saying goodbye.

Anis, Elmi, Echa, Aleysha, Afiqa Izzati, Amanina, Amir, Aiman, Shazmeen, Ammar, Nafir... plus 3 ARIF CLANZ we'll meet again

Those people I always see every school day, I always love seeing their happy faces and never lose hope. Lately, I haven't been paying attention. It's getting closer to this last farewell. A SMKHC goodbye. I'll miss you.

And I miss them dearly, those precious memories I've created with them. Now, I've made up my mind to leave them all behind.
I'm Sorry...

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