Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jo Twins?

Sorry that I recently like to post about Boyfriend lately. Excuse me for being a Bestfriend (Boyfriend fan). You see, I have quite a sufficient amount of time to be writing my next chapter for my fanfiction Boyfriend Coffee Shop at but I haven't start writing a thing after that long pause in the middle. I was like, "WHY AM NOT WRITING?! ADJLFKJDADKEJDHQJTSX?!!" I'm not in lost of ideas but I have been playing quite a number of scenes that could possibly fit into the story line to make progress of the plot. So... Why am I not writing? Lazy? Perhaps...! You see, my next chapter will be focusing on the Jo Twins, Youngmin and Kwangmin. These twins.

left: Kwangmin ; right: Youngmin

Boyfriend's visuals of the group and probably the most biased members. In a matter of fact, they are. Hurrah! Hurrah! But not my top biased, in a matter of fact as well. So maybe that's why I'm not in a mood of writing the next chapter. Grr... These two pretty boys capture the hearts of most Kpop fans and most probably the reason Bestfriends love Boyfriend. Unlikely me, I don't prefer them the most. My biased member is Hyunseong, the main vocalist.

In my fanfic, I hope to write the next chapter in objective to fill in the gap where the twins could actually appear as the main characters in the fanfic for once with the original character I made. Because I wrote the fanfic Hyunseong-centered, I want to give each Boyfriend member an equal chance appearing as the main. But where it comes to my next chapter, I feel burdened.

"I'm writing about the two most beautiful boys in Boyfriend for Earth's sake!"

I don't despise them, NO! I'm a loyal Bestfriend and I love them all but yea.. to be honest, I don't favour the Jo twins as much as the other fans out there saying, "Oooh! Youngmin's so beautiful! Cute! Cute! Cutee!!" "Kwangmin oppa is so handsome! I want him to be mine!!!" (My personal reaction: Heck?)

May be because I'm not in a mindset of a 16 year old and younger... I still need to debate whether fans my age fangirl over them as well. Mollayo... Because, these twins are 2 years younger than me so I have a hard time actually falling in love with them. They are just too pure and innocent. I don't see them as my Boyfriends but rather like younger brothers.

In conclusion, this post is actually is my alter ego defining the Jo twins. Oh I always wanted to shrug this of my chest for once. Maybe it would help me a little so I can continue writing that chapter of mine. I hope when it's done, it won't disappoint my readers. OK, that's all for now. Annyeong.

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