Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's a Cold Winter

Hello to Myself - Ye Eun (Wonder Girls)

Hello, this is February 2012, a very cold winter
Where are you - how close are you
To the dream that I wanted so bad?

Here, I'm still falling and crying again
I'm hurt and tired and have no strength to get up
But you would probably see me and smile.

Hello to myself, hello to myself
Will you comfort me, saying don't cry?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you tell me that I can do it?
Hello hello - don't cry - Hello hello - get up!

How are you - how is it to fulfill your dream?
Doesn't it hurt when you pinch yourself?
Or is it sometimes boring because it's become a normal routine for you?
If you ever get lonely and tired,
will you remember me, who used to dream here?

Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you think of me here and smile?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you be happy to the point where your heart overflows?
Hello hello, smile - Hello hello, just like that.

Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you think of me here and smile?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you not forget me, who used to dream?

Hello, this is February 2012,
It's a very cold winter...


In the next 10 years, I will remember this song.
February, is indeed a very cold winter.

Happy 29th of February!

February Drama

February Drama...

I haven't been updating my blog that I came lost in my tracks of past events so briefly I'll tell this tale of mine happened during February. Indeed it has been fulled of drama. "Life has always been a drama," - quoted from my Language and Drama lecturer.

First significant remembered event happened during 3rd February - My Asasi friends and I went to a Lab Rats' 2.0 performance at Kuala Lumpur, somewhere somewhere I can't remember the place but it's definately somewhere new to me. It was after marghrib we set out on our outing to this small room like a huge box. Inside was pitch black, only the light from a projector was lighting up our way to the seats. A diamond shaped stage was in the center of the place as we took our place either in front of it, or at right or left of it.

There were several performances acted out by various of people including my seniors of TESL UiTM Shah Alam including my new lecturer of Drama class. He was the reason why most of us came to watch this performance. He invited us; if he didn't I was already at home watching K-drama or something. *smirks* Okay, I fairly enjoyed all the stage performances and clapped awfully loud for them. Something worth while for me to begin my February drabbles.
photo cr: Hazreen Syaza

26th February... Second significant event - My Readers' Theater. Gosh I was excited truthfully, at the same time nervous. I never thought I was going to be so nervous for other people would come and watch me dramatize on stage. Usually I would feel calm before if I did it with friends, but it was different. How? Was is it because it was assessed? Or was it because I had a significant role to play in the theater? Nevertheless, it has been done. And I do want to thank Muhd Nurhaziq very much for coming to support me. He came all the way to INTEC from Puncak Alam taking along his assignments with him just to do so. He's really a good friend indeed.

It was challenging indeed, there was a blackout throughout the whole Section 17 campus which delayed out show. It rained heavily making everyone uncomfortable but alhamdulilah around 4.45p.m the electricity power turned back on again and the show began.

My class performed first and in smaller groups we took turned telling our readers' theater stories. We rehearsed several times before so we understood each other stories before and were told how essential how interaction was. When others were telling a story, we had fun even by just watching. What made the theater so happening that before our turn started, some seniors gave up an energy boost and we were all pumped up for the show. Even when the show had ended, with curtains closed completely, we cheered in satisfaction! Either it was for our Drama assessment was completely over or we did our theater our very best or both. We really had fun. :D

So that's the end of my Drama for My Foundation Programme. I'm awaiting for more drama showcases the next stage of my life. May it be the sweetest surprise yet.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Celebrating 19 years of My life

Hi bloggers and random readers who happens to pass by here. From the title, this post I'll be telling about my best 19th Birthday experience. Short, but once in a lifetime 19th Birthday. It won't come around anymore so I'll keep whatever memory I can keep. Alhamdulillah, I feel so blessed.

My Pink Birthday Card - I like pink. :-)

This is a Birthday Card which came for me from my Mother and Siblings from the UK a few days before my Birthday. I intentionally kept it until it was really the 21st of February for me to open it. I'm not overdoing things but I really love to open cards of gifts for my Birthday when it is really my Birthday. It would give a meaningful impact. I love the contents. I can tell how much effort my younger siblings tried to write their wishes in English. Even the messages my mom gave me, brings back a lot of memories. I practically cried.

After reading the card, I called some of my friends using free call. I was too excited using the free call sponsored by Maxis... Thank you Maxis! I forgot how long I took talking on the phone. That's why I slept late. Sorry for my lecturer who scolded me sleeping in class today. -.- I got carried away. Thanks to Muhd Nurhaziq for spending about 45 minutes of his waking time listening and speaking to me. Good friends forever. Not to forget Aqrammul Izzudin who I managed to call as well that night.

At the faculty, I got a little emotional due to my lack of sleep and overload of stress. Yelling and stomping my feet just about everywhere. I like all the little wishes from my TESL-mates and I was overwhelmed with the Birthday Song played and sang by the piano by my classmates from PI0202D. Thank you so much. I cried again. It seems I'm crying a lot today.

All my classmates for Semester 2 in Angsana Hall practicing Readers Theater. 

Another thanks to Azeem Alias. The previous photo above, I took it using his camera he lent to me. I missed taking pictures of people randomly like this so I took the opportunity to use a camera to take pictures which might be memories to me someday. He also became my company through the phone when I went to Section 7, Shah Alam to buy my Birthday Cake. Yes, I bought my own Birthday cake this year. It looks weird but I can't help having one. I'm so used during my family members' Birthdays we will at least have cake. I feel incomplete without it.

Thank you Secret Recipe.

OKAY! Moving on to some random gifts.

I didn't get gifts which I can physically hold or touch, more to visual but it never fails to lit a spark upon my face. I received YouTube videos from my mother. Two different Birthday songs, I favour one of them that I think I have to share. I cried so much after listening to it. *cries so much today* The lyrics are so deep, mother! I love you sooo much.

Corrinne May - The Birthday Song

Don't worry about that extra line
That's creeping up upon your face
It's just a part of nature's way
To say you've grown a little more
Trees have rings and thicker branches
Kids shoes get a little tighter
Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be
It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be

Happy birthday my friend
Here's to all the years we've shared together
All the fun we've had
You're such a blessing
Such a joy in my life
May the good Lord bless you
And may all your dreams come true

So light a candle on your cake
For every smile you've helped create
For every heart and every soul
You've known to grow a little more
A few more pounds, a little more grey
Don't count the years just count the way
It takes a little time to go from water into wine
Don't ever lose the wonder of the child within your eyes

Happy birthday my friend
Here's to all the years we've shared together
All the fun we've had
It's such a blessing
Such a joy in my life
May the good Lord bless you
And may all your dreams come true.

Two more gifts from friends. I received them just now through Facebook. I love them guys! Thank you Syahira Fateha and Sora Unni~~!!!

From Syahira Fateha, you know how much I love you; and Hyunseong oppa~ Teehee... ;D

Even though so simple but you have read my heart girl! Sora unni~ I love you. No girl would love more than to have a Boyfriend for their present! xD Get it? Boyfriend. Eh eh eh~~

p/s: I also want to thank every single wall post that my FB friends had posted on my wall today. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ;D

I'm sincerely touched by every single gift given to me today and I shall continue to be grateful.

I guess that's almost about it. Only a few more hours until the 21st of February will come to an end in 2012. February has 29 days this year. It's a leap year at present. Time is mysterious, humans are as well. Age has no matter but scientist put it as a measurement for people as they grow. I am 19 now, I hope there will be changes; I expect them but I can't expect too much. Allah will guide me, InsyaAllah.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I'm going to challenge myself writing #19 random facts about myself before the clock strikes 12 tonight. Happy long night for me before my life span anniversary. Yeah! Me and my not-so-spared random time. Be ready for random facts about myself.

#1 - I'm a dreamer.
How come? There's a lot of things I dream to be but not having them realizing. I gave up some dreams because I know they are too silly to achieve and some I still hang onto but I won't put forth serious effort to make them true until the time comes. Besides that, I also dream to do things such as travelling the world. Maybe I can still hang onto that dream as well. ;D

#2 - Quiet and shy?
Quiet is me. I'm not used to talk a lot because I don't have much to say. Or maybe I'm just scared to talk. And there's time I talk really slow or soft because of shyness. Hmm...

#3 - I'm doubtful.
I doubt a lot of things that I don't wish to mention.

#4 - Baby-face
A random physical fact. Some of my friends say I have a baby-face attribute.

#5 - Cute voice?
If I had friends talking over the phone, they would ask, "Aichan, do you always sound like right now? It's cute." It goes for both boys and girls. Thanks lots of you but now I'm shy. Shyness overload!

#6 - Easily distracted.
I can't focus to something long enough such as assignments or a subject and would likely to doze off to another world. I can be found not listening or drawing or doing something else rather than what I'm supposed to be doing.

#7 - Lucky number.
Yeah! Lucky number 7, 3 and 21. Love these numbers lots.

#8 - Introvert.
Hopelessly yes. But I'm not afraid to do outdoor activities.

#9 - Writing.
I write loads of narratives and fanfictions. But I have never finished a series ever! Just yet, at least... Hope to do so soon...

#10 - Like Difference.
My favourite difference of my life is myself. People have it hard understanding myself. For example, I was asked why I took up TESL when I used to study Engineering studies in High School plus my parents are from science-based workers. Well, that's how different I am. Jjang!!

#11 - Fashion blind.
Even though I'm a girl, I fail at matching up my clothes, shoes, whatever. I don't even have the confidence to shop for clothes. I even spend so little for things as such.

#12 - Emotional.
I'm easily emotional when things happen but due to growing up, I've learnt to control it now. I've learn to keep my head up and stay positive. Alhamdulillah.

#13 - Book-a-holic
I think I've mentioned so many times before how I just love books. I have so many at home that I have not enough place to organize them. I've have tons of novels unread just waiting to be unwrapped from their plastic wrapper. Yes, still brand new!

#14 - Oblivious to mention Love.
I'm not sure if I am. Love is a strong word to describe and not sure how it works. But I'm sure that Great One will soon show what it is to me soon enough.

#15 - Not good with Money
I guess I tend to spend it without calculating how much I've used. I'm not a good bargainer and have no sense of prices on products. As long it's high in quality, it's consider something good to buy when we need it in my opinion.

#16 - Dislike horror movies
I'm scared of them. That's all. Entertainment should stay entertaining, not scary.

#17 - Dislikes Vegetables
Uhh... I got a problem eating them. -.-

#18 - I have an Online family.
I think I'm happy knowing them since back during MySpace days until today. There's my Oniichan, Shiachan and Neechan. Also... BF admins, Syahira Fateha and Farah Liyana. Bestfriends! OKAY! But my proud Online family had to be the first 3 mentioned names. XD

#19 - Simple-minded.
As mentioned earlier, I can be very surprising but for those who have known me well, I'm a very easy person to read. I dislike complications so I tend to be direct and simple. As a result, whatever I do, is simply because I do. It can turn out for the better or the worse according to His will.

This is me; younger, more naive than ever! How long has is been since I was so small still smiling without a care of the world. When I was small, I believed when I smiled the whole world would smile back at me and it did. 

This is me now. Diverse and changing everyday.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


These two videos became such a company to me. Oh, thanks... And what not. Jjang!!

K. Will - I Need You live on M Countdown.

I shed tears watching this video for the first time. I listened to the song before through the MV but hearing him sing it live, the energy just reached me, you get what I mean after playing it through. I can tell he sang it with all his heart with lots of meaning. Oh well, who knows but I can feel it!!! This person a great singer, Daebak! :D

Youngmin's 6th UCC on Boyfriend W Academy

My reaction changes every time watching this and this is the first time Youngmin ever appealed to my interest. I thought he was only this person who only needs to look good in front of the camera; he still needs to though, but through this UCC, I might change my mind. It must took a whole lot of pride to do this Aegyo. Aww~~ xD

Heehee~ My mom called today. I guess I hope for something better tomorrow. InsyaAllah. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Drabbles

"Why is it that you like February so much?"
". . . . . . . ."
"Except for the fact your Birthday is in this month."
*giggles* "Yea, aside from that. I guess February to me is magic."
"How come it is magic?"
"Lots of good things might come to me in this month. But I always wonder, among all the months in a year, why February has less than 30 days?"
"You have a point, why February?"

Random conversation with a friend. I still consider February as my favourite month no matter what others might say, or even it sounds childish. Hehe. I still find February magical. Only February has 28 or 29 days in a month. It would change every 4 years. So yea... My thoughts are quite simple actually.

For this entry, I'm not really sure what to write. I'm slowly moving towards an uncertain time where I will soon graduate from Foundation. I'm moving towards an uncertain time where I must say goodbye to my first TESL mates. I'm moving towards an uncertain time where I will fly to where my Mother and siblings are in Manchester. I'm moving towards to that uncertain time where I will become a Degree student, Insya-Allah.

The cycle repeats itself where I have to take another written test and an interview to successfully achieve my goal in life. I have to pray and hope all over again; feel that uncertain feeling that I might win or lose. But I guess no one can so sure except God Al-Mighty. This is all a human can feel uncertain about and has to learn to put all faith and trust into Him.

Happy February Everyone. :)