Friday, December 30, 2011

They Happened

When was it that I happen to fall in Love with you? Ah! I think I have talked about these six boys before but I can't help falling in Love with them. BOYFRIEND. The six boy-member Korean Group debuted in early May 2011. With youthful spirits, good looks and full of charisma, I can't myself but to indulge myself with their music. It lightens my mood everyday. Their cute but yet mature concept to capture the heart of their fans have made them highly-known World-wide giving impact on the Korean Music Industry as one of the best rookie group this year. Why am I being so formal here?

Ahem! Ahem!

Today, I finally met the other two Admins of Boyfriend Loves Bestfriend's page on Facebook which I was hired as an admin as well. Of cause I do this on my own desire as well. Glad to be helping as well as keeping up to date with my favourite Korean stars. Both of the admins are still young, so I can call them my donsaengs (adik-adik). They hired me to take care of their page when they leave for a hiatus from FB until they finish their SPM. So in the meantime, I need to watch over the page. It isn't that hard.

Meeting them, was fun. We laughed like crazy and talked about random things. We ended our day together with a movie. Since I do want to treat myself as well as them to something before we go back being busy again with all the preparations for 2012.

It's nice to have friends with the same common interest as you. We hope to meet and become friends with more people like that. May our wishes come true as we keep supporting what we love. As for us, it's BOYFRIEND! 
:D :D :D 
Boyfriend Loves Bestfriends Forever!

Yes, I made this myself. A Fan Music Video of BOYFRIEND.
"How I wish for a perfect Boyfriend, when I got six!" - random BF quote.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rock It Like This

Yea, I changed my Blog's appearance because I can. >//< Okay, big deal. Year 2012 is around the corner and I think I want to play a game. What game? Promise to play along will ya? OKAY! Let's play: "QUESTION OF THE DAY" Game!!! Jeng jeng jeng!! (Uhhh, dun wanna play?) I thought most people like games... If you don't want to play, it's OK, it's a game I can play by myself. Before I get to the game, lemme share a story.

On the way back from Johor the other day, a long day away... I was sent back home by my cousin Kak Linda. We talked about various things eventhough I wasn't that talkative type. But when she tabbed me to talk about K-pop, this automatic switch within me just went on. OK, I was that typical K-pop fan to her. She asked me why I liked K-pop? Simple answer, because it's entertaining. So, if I ask you why you like English songs? Or this kind of story, drama or movie? What would you say? Of cause some will simply say:


"Because of the actor/actress."

"The song/singer is nice."

But what angers me or I'm sure anybody angry would be these kind of responses:

"Hmph! Just because the actor/actress/singers have a beautiful face, doesn't mean they produce quality music/movies/dramas etc."

And there will be fandom war like this:

"What's so great about K-pop?" "Malay songs sucks because they are all jiwang..." "That's why I listen to English songs because they are way awesome!"


I don't get a part of human society who criticize entertainment products so childish like this. Take a while, and think about who are about to say. I mean, people have different opinions and stuff they like because that is what makes people unique. I don't mind if I want to criticize if I'm crazy K-pop fan but it doesn't mean I dislike English or Malay songs as well. I still listen to them, enjoy them. Just, not as much as K-pop.

Then there's people who bash K-pop fans claiming we may love K-pop but say we're hopeless loss because we don't understand the lyrics. Hello, to random people! What is the use of the term translations if we don't use them? We live in and Intellectual world with the WWW! So I'm sure those who love songs in another language than their own are smarter than the ones who only listens to only songs in their own language because they're actually learning and being adaptive to other languages. See the benefits here?

 Girls Generation (SNSD) - The Boys

I'm not forcing anyone to love or even listen to K-pop because I listen to it on my own free will. It's just so happen some of my friends back in Technical School seem to enjoy it so it made me curious making me explore what K-pop is all about. Yea, I'm still new to it and sometimes I laugh at myself thinking back how I was being in the shoes of someone who doesn't know a thing about K-pop. So I've been on both sides of the field. It doesn't hurt to try something new, and you will experience new things that will make you learn about yourself and others.

Last statement to pound about: K-pop is just another form of entertainment. Whatever you find entertaining is good but don't insult others about what they feel is good for them because it is never wrong. Unless they did wrong. -.- (I hope that sounds right.)

Be cool about it because that what is entertainment is all about. Having a pretty face and doll up is what entertainers do to be the best for their fans. Do you want to bash them for what they do best? Do you want others to treat you that way for that exact particular reason? This all goes down to Respect.

Well, enjoy random people!

SISTAR - So Cool
[Yea, enjoy the translations.]
[[Cause, we can party like this. Welcoming 2012.]]

Sistar and brave sound! We’re number 1! 
The illest collaboration! Let’s get it started! 
I wanan rock! I wanna rock! I wanna rock!

Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, sistar! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, party time! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, sistar! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, party time!

Are you kidding me? 
Is love just a joke to you? 
Why are you acting however you want? 
What’s so great about you that you have to hurt me? 
Will you please take away all your bullcrap?

I begged and begged for you to be unhappy
because i was upset, back then-back then i did
i begged and begged for you to break down
(it’s party time, party time)
but when i look back i just laugh

I feel so cool-cool, i washed my eyes and looked around
cool-cool-cool there’s no other girl like me
i feel so cool-cool, even if you look here and there
cool-cool-cool there won’t be another girl like me

Yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so e-e-e
yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so e-e-e
yeah i feel so cool-cool!

I’m so cooled like iced tea
throw away all regrets priceless
half of the world are you guys, i won’t cry because of you
i won’t pitifully hang on to you, no! Let you know, one thing straight
being hot is nothing compared to being cool-cool-cool

I begged and begged for you to be unhappy
because i was upset, back then-back then i did
i begged and begged for you to break down
(it’s party time, party time)
but when i look back i just laugh

I feel so cool-cool, i washed my eyes and looked around
cool-cool-cool there’s no other girl like me
i feel so cool-cool, even if you look here and there
cool-cool-cool there won’t be another girl like me

Yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so e-e-e
yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so cool-cool! Yeah i feel so e-e-e
yeah i feel so cool-cool! I’m alright

Sistar! Ah high, so cool, we’re cool
uno, dos, tres, cuatro
sistar, ah high, so cool, we’re cool

There won’t be a way back for me, but don’t hold onto me
(don’t wanna be a fool)
instead of miserably paired up, i’d rather be glamorously single
i’m going to be cool now

Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, sistar! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, party time! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, sistar! 
Rock it like this, hey! Rock it-rock it like this, party time!

Monday, December 26, 2011


doing some blog-walking. reading random emotion spiller on people's posts and stuff makes me cry. why? they remind me how much i miss my friends. everyone is growing up. i can no longer be a child anymore and yet, these tears are coming slowly.

I wish some things stay the same.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Comic Fiesta

Comic Fiesta was hectic. May it be my first and last visit. I'm traumatized with big crowds because of it. Damn you Haziq, which part of it you say it's fun? He said that I'm emitting good luck that I can win him a prize he wants. Oh! Jolly world. That's all... Besides that today, I met some random people today - Well I'm freaked out. OK, I just want to share this random photo edit.

Hell yea! I'm a Poke'mon.
Always wanted one of these. It's worth it.
I believe it makes people happy wearing it.
I make a cute Pikachu!
Jo Kwangmin ah will be happy.
Teehee! ;D
My Boyfriend, Kwangmin who loves Pikachu.
Fall in love with me too? *gedik*

Friday, December 16, 2011

I see RED

I don't have class today.
That's how free I am to write this post.
 Yea, be jealous of me now..
OK, just kidding.
Yea, but I'm kind of free today.
The faculty is off a day.
And I feel like posting this today,
Even though it happened yesterday...

Yea, I see RED yesterday.
Tuesday, many wore BLACK,
but yesterday I saw lots and lots of RED.
It looked Hot. HAHA.
Just Kidding.

RED is Awesome right?
I'm on a hunt for another day when the Faculty is tainted by a majority of the same colour, again!
Weeee ~~

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Song of the Day

Conor Maynard, this song makes me drool ~
I'm gonna make this my new theme song;
because you're awesome like that!
 This songs gives me meaning. XOXO

i`ve been watching you from here
hoping that you`ll overhear
my heart, it beats loud and clear
it`s all, it`s all for you
anything i try and be
you can`t help but oversee
why can`t you believe in me
you`re blind, you`re blind off of me

you know i want you
been trying every
way that i could do
trying my best to prove
that i`m good for you
but as i face the truth
no it will never be you

i`ve been trying, trying, trying to be strong
but i, i, i was so wrong
lying, lying to myself is all i do
cause you`ve been doing this to me for so long

i came marching in this war
cause fighting makes me want you more
please don`t go and prove me wrong
girl can`t you see that i love you

you know i want you
been trying every
way that i could do
trying my best to prove
that i`m good for you
but as i face the truth
no it will never be, ohi`ve been trying, trying, trying to be strong
but i, i, i was so wrong
lying, lying to myself is all i do
cause you`ve been doing this to me for so long

i`ve been trying, trying, trying to be strong
but i, i, i was so wrong
lying, lying to myself is all i do
cause you`ve been doing this to me for so long


There's an Eclipse today, but I didn't see it. Eventhough, I tried finding it. I failed. ;(

Oh, it's OK. To those who has witnessed it today, lucky you. You have seen another miracle from ALLAH S.W.T. Subahanallah. He's the Al-Mighty who has power over each and every thing in and beyond of this universe. Don't ever forget that.

In today's post, I want to record all the bits and pieces of happiness that I have collected in the past few days. If you have been following my entries, I had been quite of loner and very sad. I've been finding ways to improve myself and way of thinking. I gave a lot thought to my friends and family. Life is tough; never easy. So, all is left to do was move on. Here I am. Loving the life I have been given by GOD.

I'm trying so hard to love what I have and who I am. It's not that bad at all about my life. I'm waking up everyday, going somewhere to meet people, study and gain knowledge - I can be grateful that my life isn't worse than others out there who are less unfortunate. So I would like to remind my friends; and to myself at least, to be happy. Say thank you everyday to GOD who gave you life. A chance to live and gain knowledge about HIS blessing and fortune. All the feelings I've been feeling are real, and I can say "I AM HERE."

Yes, I miss them this much.
Skuad 4 SMT Gombak - 2009/2010

Weeeee~ I made two new friends; the owners of the page.

This is just a part of me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

BF 0526

You just gotta' Love Boyfriend.
If you don't understand, I do.

Boyfriend's 3rd Single - I'll be there, was released today!

I'm so proud of my Boyfriends & I'll always be a supporting fan.
I'm a Loyal Bestfriend. ;D HEHEHE.

Asianfanfic: Boyfriend Coffee House
This links goes to my new fanfic at It stars Boyfriend and I hope many will read and subscribe to it. I updated a new chapter especially for this day to celebrate the release of their new single.

They look daebak!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

beats by dr.dre

"People aren't hearing all the music. Artists and producers work hard in the studio, perfecting their sound. But people never really hear it with normal headphones. Most headphones can't handle the bass, the detail, and the dynamics. Bottom line: the music doesn't move you.

With Beats, people are going to hear what the artists hear and listen to the music the way they should: the way I do." - Dr. Dre.

Hello happy December. Yes, I bought myself a pair of Beats. They are expensive and no, I didn't buy something worth RM1900+ off my back. I'll end up with zero allowance this semester if I did. And my parents will kill me - seriously they'll hunt me down; never giving me money again. ;(

I went shopping yesterday; alone, HAHA - and I got tempted by the product so I tried them out. I had to. When the shop-keeper helped me testing them on, as the music started: I was hearing the music so differently. It didn't change the lyrics and music, NO! DON'T BE SILLY. But rather, the sound was clearer. Even the little details became clearer. If you had listen through your own earphones and such - the sound; as for me, was much slower and may be the bass was more enhance and stuff but not for Beats. They enhance everything, suiting to how the music was made. That is what Dr. Dre meant by how they perfecting the sound.

So I'm here: I bought myself a pair of Beats solo HD for RM70. Believe me, ONLY RM70 after a promotion. Originally it could sell for RM100++ but I got it for a cheaper price. I guess it could be because of the Christmas sales. What's different about this version and the earlier version just now. Not much, only the on at the further top was the Studio version but I think they serve all just the same. The one I bought is smaller, lighter thus cheaper. Now I fully understand why they are consider big prizes for MAMA. xD

Worth getting it myself for free if I could.

There are other versions as well. And throughout the world, there are Beats will different kind of designs and colours. They look oh so awesome!

Ah, this one is suitable for those with iPods, Mp3 players. To quickly change the song, pause it - because you don't need to fidget your Mp3 player with its different features. I should bought this instead, shouldn't I? DAMMIT. Ahahaha ~