Monday, August 29, 2011

The Raya Spirit

Is the Raya Spirit still there? To be honest growing up, little by little it is fading. When I asked my TESL mates, they weren't up for it. They didn't feel the spirit of enjoying Raya. I felt a bit down. The usual preparations I usually do for Raya: Pick out clothes, Buy Raya cards & give them to friends. I wanted to do that. Distribute Raya Cards to my classmates and close friends. But now I don't do that. Not this year. When I told my friends that I did this for the past few years they don't really rejoice the idea of receiving Raya Cards. Down to the dumps I go. They told me that nowadays cellphones have enpowered the act of giving cards and people would more likely send sms's than cards. "We're the Gen Y," they said.

"I don't give a damn about the GEN Y." -inner me. ;(

Now here in JB, I'll be celebrating Raya at JB this year though I usually celebrate both JB and Perak. I guess Perak have to wait. I wanna share a story of what happened yesterday.

I was facinated by the idea of making ketupats. HEHE, I don't know how to make them. Do you? Well, if you do, Well done. I solute you but to those who can't, Ceh. Somehow, there are so many new learners to learn the way of making the ketupat. Even those who are as old as my mother. Myahahaha!

So yesterday, I sat down with my mother learning how to make a ketupat and came one - two of my cousins who sat down as well in the living room of my tokmak's house learning to make ketupat as well. And when the crowd of makcik makcik, auntie auntie joins the group, everyone is learning how to make ketupat. I feel a little happy sharing this Raya spirit. Even just a little. At least it's still here.

Well, not to forget: Independence Day is just around the corner too. So it's gonna' be a collaboration celebration.Yiiiiippppppiiiieeee~

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