Saturday, February 27, 2010

Birthday Extrodinare

"Why did you wished him happy birhtday?"
"Because I know it's his birthday." So what?
"You don't have to get all excited."
Tch, so what? Why does it bother you?

Just another random conversation with some other random person. So tadaa! It was last Saturday at the prefect meeting. I thought it was something to do with school but all Azyan wanted us to do was just a simple get-together. Thank you Azyan! She brought with her 'Crushed Chocolate Biscuits' made made Ku Zahiruddin and mother. Nyao. There were so many left-over biscuits during the orientation so Ku brought them back home and made something new out of them. It was crushed biscuits covered with molted chocolate. yum :D All who came gets a piece or two and waited for everyone to get ready to eat together. It was then, I talked to Hazwan about something.

"Hazwan, it's gonna' be someone's birthday tomorrow."
"Who?" -looks around.
"Well, Bella's birthday is this Monday. Siti's Birthday is 24th."
"Aina's Birthday is on the 23rd."
"Aina's Birthday too?"
"Syafika's Birthday on the 25th." - Farah Nabiha.
"So, who's birthday is it tomorrow? (21st feb)"
I stared at Hazwan sharply.
"Nevermind. Hazwan doesn't bother to remember my birthday."
"What? Is it your birthday tomorrow?"
"Is it your birthday tomorrow?" - Fatin.
"It is." =)

Knowing the next whole week has a line full of prefects celebrating their birthdays, we all sang each person a birthday song. I was sooo happy. And then we ate our crushed chocolate biscuits. It's really delicious. I just helped myself for more.

The next day, I was just sitting on my bed lying around and reading a book. I wasn't in a mood to celebrating my extra-ordinary birthday. I was thankful to all my dormates for singing happy birthday to me in the middle of the night. Naz with her guitar playing the lullaby. And, thanks to Aneh for the Birthday wish and the singing and many others who did the same. Thanks friends from Ehsan. And friends who talked to me until up late hearing me chitter chat all night.

I thought my parents weren't gonna come. That's why I was still on my bed being restless. I didn't give them a call until my sister came. Wow, they did came. That means a birthday celebration for me, huh? My parents brought me a large Birthday cake and Mc D. We lit up the candles and sing happy birhtday again and ate up. It was soon afterwards I noticed some friends at the other end of the Open Hall having a tight conversation. I decided to go over to them meanwhile giving them a piece of cake along. I found out they were also celebration people's birthdays.

They were my friends from 5 Mechanical 1. I knew the friends who were celebrating their birthdays this week. Wafi, Siti Zuraini and Amilita. Plus Naufal who has moved away long time before I knew him. Wafi- 20th, Siti- 24th, Amilita- 25th, Naufal- 21st. Eca and Amy invited me over for the celebration. I guess my friendship with them made us intimate that it didn't bother them with me around. So that's what was happening in the pictures below. The 4 of us, Wafi, Amy, Siti and ME celebrated our birthdays together. Inspite of the few who came and the differences of classes who join our little gathering, we all smiled away on that day. I thank everyone for the greatest Birthday in years.

Later that day, I found out I was sick. haha.

"Hey! The Birhtday Girl is sick!" -Bella.

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