Sunday, February 22, 2009

almost time

I guess i'll be going now. No more regrets, no more tears. And most importantly, NO TURNING BACK. I'll stick true with my decicion of leaving. It's someting I want to do. Be someplace else, trying to see more of what's out there. I'm through of being a prisinor of my own surroundings. I'll walk my own path hoping to find what I've been searching for. I'm still searching. Wish me safe, okay?

my sweet sixteen birthday

I never actually thought of it before.
For my Birthday, I never wanted much.
I just wish for this normal part of life to be simple.
Even for just a day, I'll be happy.
With those short wishes, and small laughter.
From the the people I care for.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but that's all.
I don't need a fancy cake, or a big celebration.
I just need my caring friends and loving family.
Being by my side today knowing it's a special day.
That I know it's the almost perfect similar time I actually existed.

Today, 21st February 2009; I had thought I end up in school joining the Road Run event but I knew it won't happen. I made a choice to transfer school and I already resign from my old one. No more Ainul Aiman a SMKHC student. I'll be a student in SMT Gombak this 23rd February. For all I wanted to feel most excited going to a new school and face these unexpected realities of life of a teenager, I'm actually feeling melacholony. Did I spelled that right? No. LOL It was my birthday and surely, I happen to have a great time. My parents took me out shopping, not just for pleassure, but for preperations. Shopping wasn't really my thing so I was slow pick up-er. We spent the whole afternoon shopping for my things and end up returning home at night. What an exshausting day. I guess, this Sunday shall be my little last bit of freedom I can get before I move into boarding school. Better enjoy most of the time I have left. If I had any. I doubt it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm sorry :(

Tomorrow is my last day at SMK Hillcrest. All of my feelings are so complex with some sadness and sorrows. I think it's because I have so many memories there, it's such a shame that I'm leaving. I have got into a Pure Science class, I have made some progress too. I guess? Hmm... I just feel so sad now. To leave. I have friends there, don't I? But knowing me, shouldn't I be exited I'm going to a boarding school that I always want to experiance? I always want learn something new. But, it's just like so... There are some friends i can't leave without saying goodbye.

Anis, Elmi, Echa, Aleysha, Afiqa Izzati, Amanina, Amir, Aiman, Shazmeen, Ammar, Nafir... plus 3 ARIF CLANZ we'll meet again

Those people I always see every school day, I always love seeing their happy faces and never lose hope. Lately, I haven't been paying attention. It's getting closer to this last farewell. A SMKHC goodbye. I'll miss you.

And I miss them dearly, those precious memories I've created with them. Now, I've made up my mind to leave them all behind.
I'm Sorry...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have hoped. I would change. If there's anything I would change, it would be myself. I know deep inside of me, I want to but I always try my hardest to change the things around me. But there was always this advice that kept on bugging me, and it still is. "In order to change something, you must change yourself." I will never forget that advice. It seems I've been a lot of heart breaking moments as time grew nearer to my leave from SMKHC. Might as well do what I think is right. I can't leave the things I've done wrong unsolved. I feel guilty about it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sekolah Teknik

Woa, I actually got accepted to a Technical school in Gombak. I just checked it today at I was like HUH? o___0 YO! I got SMKT Gombak... LOLZ That kinda made me happy and sorta excited for no reason. I went down to tell my mother, "Mak! I got into Sekolah Menengah Teknik Gombak, into learning Electrical Engeneering." All my mother could respond is, a laugh. HAHAHAHA LOLZ She knew I didn't like my Physics much and they should have that subject in that course. The slight difference must be, NO Biology and have an extra subject on Eletric. Oh do I love my Living Skills Projects. NOT!!! NO WAY!!! I wish I never had them again and I was quite glas I didn't have to learn it anymore during form 4. But this is a Technical school, of cause you'll learn technical stuff! DUH!!! The School will be taking in students this month on the 23rd of February. *sighs* Not much time to make up my choice. Have to think wisely.

This is some of the details I may share.

Angka Giliran Calon : BG030K023
53100 GOMBAK,

Jurusan/Kursus Ditawarkan : 53 - KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


OMG really? LOL random... Anyway, people are leaving. Yes, they are. Are you? Now I'm hearing my fellow classmates are going to MRSM and was I shocked? Nope, I was pretty normal but I need to put on some drama, don't I? I knew some people that had a chance of going there soon. Last year, it was my dream leaving such a small part of this world to someplace else. What I mean, I was bored schooling in Hillcrest and wish I was someplace else already! TAKE ME AWAY FROM HERE! But no one could here me of cause. Bleeh! XP I still feel that way. Now, it's my turn to choose. Can I leave this place? SMK Hillcrest. The people I've met? Are they worth being held back for? Am I capable surviving here?


It never stops coming! I got like ten subjects to study and I'm struggling hard to understand each subject learning by each topic given. The class have made some progress but I got easily distracted. The teachers were barerable for me to cooperate with and I don't mind the explanation they give. But sometimes, I have hard time catching up with the notes. I can't decided what should be done now and what comes next. Everything is different and everything is so fast. Can I ever catch up? Please, HELP ME!!!

The Essay competition

Now what to say??? Hey, I want to write something and I thought of it. Well, it has been almost three days I've been working on this essay. It suppose to be my entry for an essay competition (peringkat kebangsaan) Not budging out of this one. NOT A CHANCE! THIS IS MY CHANCE! I have been writting for a long time now and wanted to test mt abilities in a competition like this. Thinking it over, I'm still an ammeture competing in the fast lane. Did I only realize this now? HAHA XD Tommorow is the day I'll pass my essay up. I had my English teacher check my writting out and made me do my corrections. I didn't do it seriously the first time, honestly. I was losing my head while writting it but it's my original idea.

Brief sypnopsis:

About a student named Faris who dislikes his life. He has a sad and disappointing background. Has no guideness in it too. He does what he feels like doing and what he does the most is skipping his maths class which was taught by a new teacher Encik Ikram. When Faris one day skipped his class, he was caught by a gang of gangstars but was saved by Encik Ikram. He didn't made an official report to the school but take in Faris's case personally by himself. He took Faris through counseling and further this discussion with the headmaster of the school. Faris soon was given attention by Encik Ikram and soon by his classmates and the teachers for why he changed? Faris didn't skip class, he paid attention to the teachers and respect them in return. Sooner, when everything went well; big news struck Faris. Encik Ikram had to move to Australia back to his family. Upon knowing this, he became sad. What happened next? HAHA secret desu...