Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Towards the First Step

Since last Monday, I have beeing so EXCITED to know if my request to transfer classes is accepted or not. *doki doki* But that Tuesday, the teacher in charge was sick so, NO HOPE until this following Wednesday. The teachers gathered all the students which made the same request like me and it was said that all the requests were accepted. ONLY! only... we weren't so lucky to been put together or some might not get the class they wanted. I for a change got into a class which I had hoped for. I was accepted into class 4 BETA; a class which was taught Pure Science. That's good, right?

I passed on the news to my parent when I got home. I phoned my mother that I got into the Science class. At the same time discussed about the SMT application. We still think it's a good idea to still to make a request to any extra education classes or whatever you call them. I'm too stressed while writing this blog because I'm currectly having network problems. Anyway, this just plan B.

About plan A, which is me fitting into my High School into a new class starting tomorrow. I hope I'll do fine. I'll succeed being a regular student in 4 BETA if I pass the school's March test. That means, I have to work hard. Ganbatte!

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