Thursday, May 20, 2010

Missed me? NOT!

Hye there? Bored without me? No.. Just read...

I have been on such a long journey since my last post. I forgot what was I wrote in it anyway. HAHAHAR. Anyway, how do I feel right now? I'm good, energetic, proud and in lovee. Yes, do you believe it? Mom! If you ever stumble upon this entry, please understand how I'm feeling right now. As a growing teen, learning in SMTG is making my life much more great thing to be in. I've gain so much now. I'm greatful. Sure I am.

The energetic self I used to be back in Hillcrest, always looking forward to something, now I find a whole new view of SMT Gombak. I love being here as this is my final year here. I know I'll miss this school for sure. Even if I don't end up being an engineer. I think I won't be one. Hihi..

I am pleased about myself. I have been moaning, crying, smashing the walls on my heart. A big breakdown because I had no one to turn to. I always used to turn on my pc and take a moment to find my besties I always used to tell my problems to but now, I can tell them face-to-face with the friends I have in the hostels or at school. Even if there are still people who hates me or dislikes me for some reasons, I don't care! I HATE you people. I am myself! I know what's best for me and there is no way you are going to change that about me.

The times I have been crying, I've seen a counselor. Echa!!! I've been to the UBK at my school for counseling! How fascinating! I'm feeling much better about myself. I'm more aware of what I want now. Hopefully.

Ahh! I'm also happy and proud for my friends from my school. They are from many different classes especially 5 Mechanical 1 of cause. They seem to be the 'hot stuff' now. HAHAHA! My my comrades from the Prefect council, PEERS and School Librarians are working just as hard. No more gadoh gadoh maa. Kami mesti unite! So that SMTG can be a school to be proud of.

Okay, last point I want to make clear here: I have a love interest. Yes, I have. Though it's not a serious thing to focus on but it human nature right? I am happy can explore this feeling, positively. With the help of friends and family, I'm not flunking! Progressing, I built up an interest knowing more about the people around me, even if I used to hate them, dislike their behavior because as I used to say to myself, no one is perfect. I try to learn to forgive and forgive. I try to introduce and befriend which expand my cycle of friends which is a great experience.

Hey ho! I'm in the middle of exams. So wish me luck bloggers. I love ya!

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