Thursday, April 8, 2010

hi there!

Today was fuss. I admit. Without my desk mate, I feel different. But I manage to live at school today. Currently, I'm almost done with this problem I'm having. Thank GOD. hmm. I just want to update this week of acitivies though it's not much.

Starting this week, we have this Recycling Campaign by Silver Bird & Hi5. You know! Hi5 bread! Last Monday, everyone was given a loaf of bread for FREE! So whole day long we were eating bread, bread, bread! We only recycle those leftover plastics and which class collects the most wins a prize. bla. bla bla.

Hey, wanna know what? a school teacher of mine, the Senior Assistant of Management, Tn. Hj Jasni is moving. He won't be around starting next week. So, this Friday(tomorrow) is his last day in SMTG. The school is busy. Students and teachers alike are practicing and preparing for a their own performance for his leaving ceremony. I was just from the Main Hall, before I came here to the Access Center, helping my fellow prefects and PEERS decorating it. It was fun. :)

All in all, we are all helping out. I'm kinda' excited for tomorrow then. Bye.

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