Sunday, June 14, 2009

SMTG invites you...

Gombak Technical School invites you to....
The Program Minggu Pemantapan Jeri and
Hari Kooperasi.

Okay, I dunno how to translate that but it states that on the 21st of June untill the 28th of June we will be functioning a whole week dedicated to the school's Cooperasi. The students are doing a whole lot of things and we are inviting all of YOU! Yes you :)

We want to see you and your friends and family join the fun at our school during that time period and see our school having a BLAST. We want all of you to have a great time at SMTG too by coming to our school at:

Sekolah Menengah Teknik Gombak,
Jalan Sungai Pusu, Gombak,
53100 Kuala Lumpur.

We will be waiting for you arrival. Please don't miss it :D

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