Monday, June 8, 2009

Thanks for the MEMORIES

Thanks for the memories. Have you ever heard me saying this a few times before? I dedicate this saying to a special friend of mine who I have known for a long long time now. I wanna dedicate this small space just for him :) Mohd Shahril Fikri, this is for you.

Remember this poem?

I have made a promise to you,
That I will forever cherish this smile,
Being brave and tough will do,
For every day and once in a while.
I believed you were always there,
In my dreams or in reality,
Is it because it’s you I asked for?
It’s hard to admit or to deny it.
Feeling that you believed in my words,
Such as I believed in you,
You will return someday for sure,
For that I would wait as long as it takes.
One-by-one the memories fades,
All forgotten in time and space,
But your presence lingers in my heart,
Just like magic I would smile again.

Hey, he's a guy but he's my best friend so hands off. Can you understand? Someone CAN deeply care for someone else without falling in love with them. It's a pure bond and I tend to protect it. Friendship is sooo much fun :DDD
I enjoy your company, even just on the phone!
Jokes and silly words, are normal to my ears..
If you share a story, I'll share even more :D
I don't care if today doesn't work out, I'm sure remembering you works fine :)
p/s: Friends Forever =)

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