Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm Sick.... again?

Damn, it happens again. I dislike being sick so much. It makes my stomach hurts and I would feel like throwing up everyday for the bad taste of medicine. I positively sick with a fever. But there's one thing I cannot stand is missing my voice. Damn. I lost it. I couldn't speak properly and could only whisper in short range comunications. How does that make me feel? Misrable. It's such a pain at school since I have so many other things to do and my sick condition is always pulling me down. Let's take a break and think rasionally. I shall take this as, God is giving me a break for working so hard. I should take it easy for a few days. That's the bright side of it :) But I can't help to think it's my fault too. It's a personal matter. Now, I just hope I'll get well soon and can resume my up coming plans at school this week and so on. If I still act like this, and couldn't preform well, sad to say I have cut off some of my activities for a while :(

TFFN, from Ainul Aiman.

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