Saturday, May 30, 2009

Geng Gombak Gempak; Pengakap G99

Another Pengakap experiance. On the 25th May, our scout leader, call every junior scouts from the form 4 to gather for a meeting. Okaaayy~ Only a few girl scouts present and there were a good amount of boy scouts present. GOOD NEWS perhaps? I know the whole passing down the job comittee to the Form 4 thingy but there was another thing for US. An explorace and a Scout's night is set up for us by the seniors. This sounds like it's going to be fun :D

We had to make out own teams. Since the girls were such a small number and the seniors insist we mingle with the boys, one group consists of 6 boys and 2 girls. I had my dormmate and good friend Jojo a.k.a Zyzy to pair up and join any group. We just hope we join a group we feel confortable with. A group consisting some of the people we actually know. And soo... *drumrolls* jeng jeng jeng~! We end up joining a random group of sporting looking guys which I had yet to know them. gyahahahaha XD If I remember them correctly, they're a good group of friends. I already knew one of them who's an ex-student of Hillcrest like me. But it's not like I know him better than that. Names... Names... uhh~ haha LOLZ I hope I get this right. Let me start with our group leader, yesh :DDD

  1. Rafi Imran (leader)
  2. Ainul Aiman (me: co-leader)
  3. Faiz Hilmi
  4. Afiq Hamily
  5. Arif
  6. Hanif
  7. Mustaqim
  8. Azriera
  9. Haziq

You know what? We actually have an extra team member. Let's keep that our dirty little secret, okay? Plus, our team have such a catchy team cheer that goes with the name of our team.

or also know as 3 G

For what we have been through together, it was surely the best out of my last days before the school holidays. Sweet memories, YEAH~!!! The explorace and everything. It was a BLAST being able to cooperate with them. Eventhough in the toughest times we screw up sometimes but I can't help to smile and enjoy it till the last of it :D Well, it doesn't matter if we don't succeed to impress the seniors much. For me, we did our very best.

p/s: You guys are the best. Don't forget me =)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Go go! mid-term EXAMS!

Yesh~! Mid-terms exams are here. My gosh, we have been through out first week of exams and the sense of relief but frustrations are all heart-feltful (I made this word up. Please don't use it in your English exams and lessons.) in our own minds. Oh yeah~ And I really study really hard this time. I'm determined to not fail my exams though I doubt it cause I didn't do very well in Add Maths. WhatTheFISH...? God. All there is left in three more days of heart trobbing exams and I'm gonna take them down one-by-one with ease. Wish me luck :D

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I haven't write anything for while for my fanfics. It's like I abondon it. OMG. I'm soo bad. But it's because I'm busy anyway. Anyone should understand that. Besides, writting fanfics is just another hobby of mine. School and family comes first. So, if anybody who actually reads my fanfics which are loacted at I hope everyone can be patient. I'm on an extream hiatus. Thank you :)

I'm Sick.... again?

Damn, it happens again. I dislike being sick so much. It makes my stomach hurts and I would feel like throwing up everyday for the bad taste of medicine. I positively sick with a fever. But there's one thing I cannot stand is missing my voice. Damn. I lost it. I couldn't speak properly and could only whisper in short range comunications. How does that make me feel? Misrable. It's such a pain at school since I have so many other things to do and my sick condition is always pulling me down. Let's take a break and think rasionally. I shall take this as, God is giving me a break for working so hard. I should take it easy for a few days. That's the bright side of it :) But I can't help to think it's my fault too. It's a personal matter. Now, I just hope I'll get well soon and can resume my up coming plans at school this week and so on. If I still act like this, and couldn't preform well, sad to say I have cut off some of my activities for a while :(

TFFN, from Ainul Aiman.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Important person.

The person important must certainly somebody I love right? Just like in Cardcaptor Sakura, my favourite anime, Sakura's important number one person is Syaoran. She loves him. I was asked by my onii-chan, "Who is my imporant person?"

"Wouldn't that be my family and friends?"
Please listen to this song:

There's a line which goes like this:

hayaku ichiban taisetsu na hito no tokoro e
konomama kimi wo honto ni ushinau sono mae ni
kotae wa tokku ni kimatteru omoi wo katachi ni kaerunda

which means:

hurry and take me to my most important person
I'll truly lose you as it is now, before that
since long ago, the answer has been determined
my thoughts will take shape

That is where, I could stop thinking about that song. Eventhough it's in japanese, the first time I heard this song, I can clearly understand that line. Soon I was to be ask about my important person... yes, that would be my answer; generally.

If I was the Sakura in the story and put myself in her place and think of myself in my world, I have these 'two people' who are precious to me. They have been important to me too. I would find them as soon as possible so I could tell them how much I miss them. I miss so much of them ans wish for one day we would only had the world to ourselves and be happy.

For, "Let us run away from our sorrows and grasp the chance to fufill our dreams." I can't stop thinking of you when I listen to this one song. We will meet again, it's a promise.

my first SMTG Annual Dinner.

Last Wednesday, my school had an annual dinner both for seniors and juniors. Everyone was excited. I don't know really, but the JUNIORS were. It's a first time for us in SMTG. I was on the other hand busy deciding if I were to preform that night. A senior asked me if I wanted to do a show for that dinner and my dormmater were like, "OMG! Ainul, you should really do it." Since I did represent my school in the K.A.T Idol before this, everyone had already knew how good I was at singing and thought I should really make the best at that dinner. I haven't really confirmed with my seniors I made the shot but I already tried practicing it day and night with some friends. I only have less than 2 days. It wasn't enough with the Idol contest which put me in the same situation. I suck. I failed so I decided not to preform that night. Leaving worthless results. And I got the song, "Love Story" in my head until now. XD

Okay, the night had came. Eveyone suppose to wear their Batik Uniforms and we look so fitting together wearing the same uniform. Yes, everyone was awfully cute. We took some pictures even before it all started. Too excited, I guess? Honestly, I was a bit depressed that I let some of my friends down by telling them I didn't choose to preform at the dinner but I had an excuse I want enjoy as much as I can without any stress. The dinner was fine and everyone was having a great time. Snapping pictures, chatting among ourselves, and seeing the seniors being awarded for many things made our night. I see that everyone had a great time :)

It's a night to remember...