Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunway Piramid outing 9 JUNE

This is like my first time going on an outing depending on myself during the holidays. Before, I had my family and parents to guid me but now I have to be dependent. HAHA. CUAK. NERVOUS to my knees. The plan was set up by my fellow classmates but only half the class agreed to follow the outing. So, my fellow classmate Qayyum, who is seemingly the orginizer here told us to bring along our friends. So, I was like, OKAY. Bored. I had an idea to bring Anis along since she's my bestfriend and I haven't seen her for a long time now. We have both entered technical schools. HUHUUU~

At 8 a.m.
I'm ready to set off. I told Anis to wait for me at this time at her house where my mom will pick her up. My mom is familiar with her so I'm okay. But going out on that time, wasted some precious time to get to Kelana Jaya on time at 9a.m. cause Qayyum said to gather at that time and place. Seriously, how wouldn't I be worried if I'm late? It take almost an hour from Terminal Putra to Kelana Jaya by LRT. Plus the waiting. So yeah. We got to the LRT station at 8.30a.m. and bought tickets. Board the train and we were off. I told my mom I'd call when we get there. I don't want anyone worry too much. HEHE Anyway, The train was already full at Terminal Putra. WHATTHEFISHH? Anis and I had to stand soo long until people could get out from the train which didn't help much since we were almost there.

At 9.30 a.m.
Yesh, we finally arrive at Kelana Jaya and I saw no one in sight that I know except for Anis who I brought along with me. And then.. TOOT TOOT. My cellphone rang. YAY~! It's from.... Haziq. o____O He sent messages asking I was going or not to Sunway and I was totally like, I'm already at Kelana Jaya and I wanted to ask, "What are you doing? Where are you? When will you be arriving at Sunway?" All he could answer me was, "We are waiting for Ruqayya." SILENCE in my mind...... Last time I called Ruqayya, she had only walked out her house. I was like OMG. Whatever, I told Anis, "Let's get on the FREAKING bus. I'm not waiting too long around here." Okay, I was the one freaking out. Thanks to bus T623, we arrive at Sunway Piramid to be exact which was next to Sunway Lagoon at 10.30 a.m.

At 10.30 a.m.
Okay, when we got to Sunway Piramid, I was still freaking out and Anis was there freaking out too. I wasn't even sure that Sunway Lagoon was near Sunway Piramid. So we just walk and walk until we find certain clues that we are actually near to our destination. People wearing summer clothes and swimming shorts. Easy to spot anywhere near Sunway XD Okaay~ Yes, Sunway Lagoon was located next to Sunway Piramid. So I thought, SUNWAY TWINS! Anis and I went to the counted and bought ourselves tickets which was very costly than the last time we went her when we were both children. Now they have this rubber wristband which we can wear like watches. They come in different colours depending on the theme parks we pay for. I'd pay for the Theme Park and Water Park section. My writsband colour was blue. So yea, into Sunway Lagoon!

At 11.00 a.m.
I can't wait for them anymore until.... TIT~ TIT~ my cellphone rang, again. And now it's from Qayyum. BLEEH. He called me asking, "Where are you?" So I answered, "I'm already in Sunway Lagoon." LOUD and CLEAR. What a total disaster. Am I just being so excited to come here that I brought Anis so we'd be the first two people to enter this place? Qayyum told us they are just right outside the main enterence and is waiting for Ruqayya. pffth. How long does it take to wait for her? So Qayyum told me to start without him and the others if I got too bored which I did.

At 12 p.m.
Anis and I already spent enough time in the water so we wanted to walk around. there was this slide we wanted to try but our dress code didn't pass so we avoid going on the slides. Walking through the dressing rooms, I quickly picked up with my keen eyes that I saw..... THEM~! OMG Haziq! Aqeel! I feel like sqeezing them once I saw them but considering I was all wet and totally a GIRL, I'm soo not doing that. I called them and they noticed me. Even if I didn't where my tudung. I think it's the first time they saw me like that anyway. The greet me properly and laughed and smiled to see I already had fun in the water without them. I was informed only 3 BOYS were able to come and most of the group were Ruqayya's friends. OF CAUSE... The whole group including Anis and I was 11 people. HAHA nice number. I saw Qayyum and he looked so uncool. He said, "We are waiting for Ruqqaya." -to finish dressing, is it? HAHA. Once they are done, the response I could feel coming was, "What's all of this?" So uncool for a short time. And i said, "Am I feeling ALIM wearing like this?" I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and my old sport pants. It was okay for me. Aqeel laughed. Haziq said, "I'm better. I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt." GAHH~! ahaha "That's true." was my response.

At 1.00 p.m.
I thought they were going to hit the Water Park but Ruqayya and her friends insisted to try the rides first and Anis and I had to go along. It was good idea though. I understand why though. Most poeple will enjoy the rides first before hitting the Wet Parks. The first ride we met up if of cause the Pirate Ship that can turn 360degrees. HAHA Anis was shaking already. I remember Aqeel telling me to sit near him during these kind of rides if I wanna hear him shouting his verses of curses. LOLZ I want to but the seats were full and I had to sit a different row than him. Not my luck anyway. Anis and Ruqayya pass this ride out. But it was worth wild. Seriously :D Next was those Spinning Cups. Ruqayya sat with her friends in one cup and Anis and I look at each other. "Where should we sit?" "I dunno" replied Anis. Qayyum and the others went into one cup and I pulled Anis into joining their cup. Qayyum was strict on me though. I insist. Before the ride even started, the arguement started.

"Who's idea to go on this ride?" -Qayyum.
"Who's driving this thing?" -Aqeel.
"I'm driving!" -ME :DDD
"I haven't finish my homework yet." -Haziq.
"LOLZ" -everyone.

When the ride this start. I started turning the wheel but Qayyum joined in but when Qayyum started driving, DAMN it was fast. I hardly see anything clear cause I was too dizzy. I was still screaming his name though. "Qayyum! Qayyum! STOP IT! QAYYUM~!!!" Aqeel past out beside me and I felt like throwing up beside Anis who couldn't take it either. i can't tell what Haziq was thinking. When the ride was finally over, I felt like crying. I never thought this ride could get this scary. DUUH~ We walked to another ride which spins 360degrees. This time Anis have to go on this ride. Yes, she did. Qayyum, Haziq, Ruqayya and the geng were in in the oppesite car with us while Anis, Aqeel and I were in one car. This time I had a chance to hear Aqeel's harsh reactions towards extream rides. Yea, I heard him. When I can only scream OMG! OMG! OMG!

Rides were fun and happening with friends around. Before if I happen to go with my family, sometimes I have to go alone and feel so selfish seeing my mother and siblings watching me having fun at the sideline. Sharing these moments yet was something new for me. Eventhough Qayyum was a pain and Ruqayya was the noisiest, I'm a bit content since I had some fun with the people I know. They were okay.

At 3.00p.m.
The group said they were headed for the water park, I was like.... Erm... I don't want to swim again but I can't act selfish. But I was kind of tired and I was thinking how can they have soo much energy to move soo fast? Whatever. When Anis and I walked and walked towards the water park, we actually lost them already. AWW What now? So I asked Anis if she'd like to go to the beach section instead. So we have a little fun in the water. For some while, I got more and more tired somehow and bored. I told Anis I'm though with swimming and wanted to go and change. OKAY :)

At 4.oop.m.
We have only an hour to spend our fun time because I told my mom we finish playing at 5.oo. I remember about Anis telling me she wanted to walk that long bridge which was connected above the water park. So WHY NOT? Let's go! The high bridge was very long when we started. Plus wobbling. Anis and I were freaking out alreafy when we started walking but already headed out onto the bridge. Better finish it. The bridge seem like to be repair with those metal thingy-s. Anyhow, it was creepy seeing what's below you though them.I was screaming the hell out of me for no reason. Anis wanted to hold hands so we can balnace each part of the bridge which I thought wasn't helping much. HAHA :D I just like holding hands. When we were above the water park, "Hello RANDOM SWIMMERS!" LOLZ yes I said that. Half way, the bridge gets creepier but we have to finish it. We can't turn back. That's creepier than this! But THANK GOD, we finish the bridge. We end up at the Extream Park section which is still a new sction in Sunway Lagoon. It was across The water park so we had to walk across it to get to the place we first started. We tottally lost Qayyum and the geng so we decided it was leaving time.

At 5.00p.m.
I feel misrable not saying goodbye to Aqeel and the others but it was time for us to go. We exchange our blue wristbands for the RM10 deposits. YAY money! We went into Sunway Piramid a while to fill up our tummies. We were glad but a whole lot tired than that. After that, we went out and waited for the bus which is so hard to find. It was about 6p.m. when our bus arrived to pick us up. HWUUUAHH~! So tired. We arrived at the station 30minutes later and boarded the train home; Terminal Putra. I got a call from my mom at 7.10p.m. of cause at that time we haven't reached Gombak yet so I suspect she was worried. Yeah, We got off at Terminal Putra at 7.30p.m. and my mom assured me she was on the way to pick us up with my father tagging along. Anis was relief to be going home too.

At 8.00p.m.
Anis is safely sent home and we said our sweet goodbyes and best of luck at school. For me, I just sat at the table for a moment to have a drink or two and went up to my room throwing my bagpack on the floor. I look at my cellphone wondering if the group has gone home yet. I called a friend to tell about the Sunway experiance. "I just want to make you jealous :P" After that, i felt soo tired I slept without waiting another minute. I realized at 12midnight, the lights were still on so I turned them off.

Lessons I learned:
  1. Aqeel likes to curse on extream rides. He tends to get creepy
  2. Don't ever ride in the same cup as Qayyum. You'll throw up.
  3. If you're riding the Snake Boat ride with a bunch of friends, don't sit at the back. They'll learn back and you'll feel the pressure.
  4. The long bridge is creepy but don't always depend to hold on the ropes. they have bird's poo. HAHA
  5. Have fun till you drop. The next day you remember it cause your body hurts :)



  1. mmg best gile tyme ne !!
    even , aku lahh paling lambat ! ahaha :DD
    maafkan kami :DD
    kitorg sume smpai umah dh nk dkt kul spuloh .
    haha . mne tak nyeer , kul 7 , kitorg still kat snwayy pyramid , tgh gumbiree mkn2 :DD
    *jgn contohi kami :)
    hehe :DD
    sampai umah , sumpaa penat . trus sume tido !
    tp mmg best glerr !!!
    naik cwn tuh , idea aku :DD *soryy :)

  2. nak tanye.kat sunway lagoon punye rides tu kan, ape dress code die...?
    then kalo kte pakai tudung n treksuit ape je yg bole main kat wet park?
