Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just Breathe

/blows dust away/ fuuh!!

There. Hello blog readers. I think it has been decades since I've ever written a blog post here and I'm deeply apologize. To be blunt, I'm lazy... And I have no aspiration to continue blogging here. Yes, I think my blogging days will end here. Why? If I could list a few reasons, I hope my readers could understand why I'm leaving this blog.

Lots of things has happened since I first opening up into this blog. I write all about my happiness, sadness and not to mention my emotional delusions. Afterwards, it's a matter I receive a positive or negative feedback from it. I have to admit, some of it have hurt some people - some very important people in my life and I couldn't come  face to face with them any more. I carry the guilt of writing some nasty stuff on this blog and if I continue not realize my mistakes, I cannot deal with it any further.

Aichan, just breathe.

Besides that, this blog is so special to me that write almost about every thing, every day. I tend to forget and get all worked up about it just hoping I have some place into somebody else's lives. I put down word by word what I've been through from my POV and link it to how it relates to others which made them very uneasy. I continue to displease them.

Again, just breathe.

I may not be the best blog writer to come around. Just because I'm going to abandon this blog I'm one unhappy person, No. I shall continue living my life, breathing. I want to leave blogging so that I can write to myself about my life rather than writing it to others. I'm proud with my blog so I should stop here and open a new book. Like what I've called my blog, "Another Year of Miracles"... I pray that every day, every years to come, more miracles will happen to me. All I've been writing in this blog up till now shown me so many miracles I can't express my thanks to God for.

Thanks for letting me breathe.

So so long my followers. Let's meet again soon.

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