Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Semester holiday, right?

Hello! Hye! Hello! Hye!

Gosh I'm finally home in front of my computer screen after being apart for almost a MONTH! Ahh! PLKN fever! As I got back I open FB and start a strike for which the best Kompeni wins! Of cause, non-PLKN people won't understand things like Kompeni and Ranks. Don't blame it on you. Well, it's nice to be home sniffing my smelly bedsheet. Oh yeah, I went to Awe's gerai disevening because I was craving for Nasi Goreng USA. That place is the best. The one in front of SMTG. When we got there, of cause my mom sent me, the first thing I commented as I saw SMTG. "GOmBAK? Why is the M falling off?" Oh, that was my mom's line. My line was, "OMG! What happened to the school?! It's! It's..... YELLOW?!!!" LOL

Okay, It's just too nice to finally be home. And PLKN isn't over yet.

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