Sunday, February 6, 2011

I wish

I wish the time could slow down... to a stop. I wish there were more things I could do to make you happy. I wish I realized even sooner I wasn't meant to make anyone happy. I was to blame for the situation happening right now. It's almost time for me to return to PLKN. And I have already found out, the actual moment when my life is about to change. I have to change. AGAIN! I feel like wanting to be damn with my life but I can't. I wish I can run away from this tention, but I can't. Nothing's gonna change or solve this problem of mine. Unless if I have one magic spell that can undo whatsoever thing I'm facing upon. So let's face the truth, I have been broken. Sorry, mom. I'm really sorry, I'm not that strong. I guess I shall keep on burdening your for another year or two. Ya Allah. I have sinned somehow. I dunno because I'm human. YOU know everything that has been planned out for us. So now I wish, I pray, everything will be alright for sure.

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