Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glady seeing

Ainul is an Arabic name means the eye.

That's how I get the title. I'm gladly seeing how crule the world may be. How selfish people can be towards us. As I grow older, what I see are more and more of the world it is today and how people responded to it. I would refelct on past events related to somewhat matter happening to present Me and yes, I finally understand why people acted that way because now, I'm in their shoes buddy. And I'm so darn frustrated about it. The world is very unfair and people are hiprocrites; everywhere. But I'm not saying everyone is bad or evil. There are still a bit of light somewhere but I am sad to see it only last a short time only. Am I thankful for these eyes? Yes.

I wish

I wish the time could slow down... to a stop. I wish there were more things I could do to make you happy. I wish I realized even sooner I wasn't meant to make anyone happy. I was to blame for the situation happening right now. It's almost time for me to return to PLKN. And I have already found out, the actual moment when my life is about to change. I have to change. AGAIN! I feel like wanting to be damn with my life but I can't. I wish I can run away from this tention, but I can't. Nothing's gonna change or solve this problem of mine. Unless if I have one magic spell that can undo whatsoever thing I'm facing upon. So let's face the truth, I have been broken. Sorry, mom. I'm really sorry, I'm not that strong. I guess I shall keep on burdening your for another year or two. Ya Allah. I have sinned somehow. I dunno because I'm human. YOU know everything that has been planned out for us. So now I wish, I pray, everything will be alright for sure.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Semester holiday, right?

Hello! Hye! Hello! Hye!

Gosh I'm finally home in front of my computer screen after being apart for almost a MONTH! Ahh! PLKN fever! As I got back I open FB and start a strike for which the best Kompeni wins! Of cause, non-PLKN people won't understand things like Kompeni and Ranks. Don't blame it on you. Well, it's nice to be home sniffing my smelly bedsheet. Oh yeah, I went to Awe's gerai disevening because I was craving for Nasi Goreng USA. That place is the best. The one in front of SMTG. When we got there, of cause my mom sent me, the first thing I commented as I saw SMTG. "GOmBAK? Why is the M falling off?" Oh, that was my mom's line. My line was, "OMG! What happened to the school?! It's! It's..... YELLOW?!!!" LOL

Okay, It's just too nice to finally be home. And PLKN isn't over yet.