Monday, July 20, 2009

4 Electrical 4 class photo =)

Okay, it wasn't the best photoshoot. You can't see much of it but that's us :) We are the new Generation of 4E4 and we are proud to be apart of it. Proudly speaking, we are happy where we stand. My wish: "Best of luck towards SPM 2010 ;) We rock the world!"

From top left: Hakiman, Qayyum, Nasir, Razali, Daniel, Haziq, Amin, Aziz, Redza, Fais
Middle row: Firdaus, Wasim, Rozaidi, Omar, Azizi, Ikhmal, Syahir, Aqeel, Muhaimin
Bottom row: Syazwani, Muwaddah, Nadzirah, Ruqayya, Encik Rosdi, Ainul, Afiqah, Lidiya

Not in the photo: Khalishan

Gone OUT

Today, on a Sunday, I GONE OUT! YAY. Thanks to my wonderful parents, I got permission to go out and watch a movie with a few friends today. Of cause most of them were boys but I know them well. They've been good to me all the time during this outing we had at KLCC and I'm very thankful for everyone who came cause I had a very good time there. Although I got stuck loosing my way. I got scolded by my mother again for that :(

Well, see you more at school. See ya' all!

Here's some pictures:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We LOVE Kembar.

This is a SAD LOVE story of two special people call Masdiyana Iffah and Masdiyana Nadiah. Oh we SAYANG you two so DAMN MUCH. Our beloved TWINS of EHSAN Block have left us :( We, the juniors of EHSAN cry and sob for you. We pray for your HAPPINESS and hope to always remember to cherish our SWEET SWEET MEMORIES :)

p/s: I will remember all the advices you gave me Iffah. Thanks for everything. Please take care Nadiah. Be strong and happy, kay? We're all gonna' miss you.

Am I NOT suppose to exsist in this picture?

A photo was taken last week. Our dear class photo. Everyone was there, except for HIM. I wonder, is he was here, would he make a difference to this picture? What if I wasn't here? Would this picture be complete? That 'boy', if he could only be there with us when this photo was taken. I would feel complete. Or is it just me; ONLY me who thinks this way?

* * * * * *

Why did you lied?
Why did you ignored me?
My feeling towards you haven't changed,
But nature is cruel,
It's you who has change againts me.
If I would to have my own way,
I would control time,
Have time to read your mind,
So I can stop repeating mistakes,
Mistakes of hurting you.
But no, it's not you, it's about me,
Cause right now, in my story,
All I can write about is you,
Your name is all I can recall.
No matter how you changed,
No matter what you do,
My heart still lies sincere,
For I never forget how you made me feel.

How can you lie to me? You might be the biggest lier I have ever made friends been. That's why I'm hurt now. I am friends with a lier! I say I care for you and it cost us our friendship to waste. I don't know how it comes to this. Who are you to be ashamed? All I needed was your friendship cause I know, we're too young to fall in love. How immature you have been to think I'm like most other girls. Who would cry to rejection. NO. I'M NOT LIKE THE REST. I am different. So that is who I want to be. Not like anybody else, I shall stay true to myself. If I my won words to say to you now, I hope you would listen at least. If you're truly my friend, you would understand. But that's one in a million chances.
Ainul's notes:
  • The smile I knew of you has faded. It feels it's wasn't meant for me.
  • The words I crave to hear from you, are gone. You have spoken in a new language.
  • The jokes I used to hear aren't funny anymore. It's funnier when you used to tell them.
  • What makes honey sweet? You would always help me solve a question.
  • We used to share a lot; now we have so little.
  • We are so close, yet we are a far.
  • Troubles are more than usual. We carry our own burdens.
  • You like to be so full of yourself. You never think how I would feel.

That isn't how you should treat me! DAMN IT! You changed soo much I hardly reconize you. Tell me what's wrong and ignore what others say. If it is for the last time, let it be true for what you say. Next time, don't try to get my hopes up cause you'll end up crushing them. Please end my sufferings. It's soo unpleasent to me. I'm sorry but you're not mine to decided

* * * * *

I would look back at you. The boy I used to know has now become someone else in another world of his own. He has seen those chances to fly. I guess he is happy but why am I still here? But that's not the point, I'm really sad cause I have been left behind by HIM. Why haven't you come back? I want to hear your stories, to hear you laugh, to see your smile again. But it seems, you found a better place to be, to start anew. Have you not realize I still think about you?

p/s: I'm right here.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hari Kooperasi Sekolah SMTG

I've been waiting for three weeks to write this post. HAHA I wanted to tell you guys all about my first HKS (Hari Kooperasi Sekolah) at SMTG. It was the best experiance EVER! I haven't had so much fun like those days before and I felt so great to be having such a wonderful week of fun with friends and doing soo much with great effort. Thank god, everything planned on that day turned out alright and the HKS was running smoothly about 1 week :) YAY

Oh GOSH. Some of the amazing things happens to me. I don't know? Well, I'm still in my first year of SMTG here and couldn't expect what the HKS had install for me so yea: *drumrolls* Let me start this post with the preperations we had when the big bang even started.

  1. Firstly, for the insiders staying in the hostels, we had this sorta' battle of the Blocks competition. Every block have to to a preformance for the HKS night. Hmph, weren't we excited? HAHA The boys block have to do a Dikir Barat and the girls block have to do a Nasyid. The school's tradition, the juniors had to take the spotlight entering this every crazy event. For me, I'm from Villa Ehsan, got chosen. WHO EXPECTED IT? everyone? LOL Seniors done an audition for us and chose among the best to form the best group for the nasyid. After picking about 23 girls amongst us, our seniors with sweat and strenght brought us together and rehearshed our never ending practices which made us curse and wink every night to make us be the best. But through everything, we actually had fun and made us felt united under the name EHSAN.
  2. Secondly, our choral speaking event which every FORM 4 classes have to enter and OMG! It challanged us OHOHOHO My class, 4 Electrical 4 couldn't care less. HAHA For I, have never, I mean NEVER had any experiance joining a choral speaking competition before was told to conduct my own class. "WHAT?! NO! Give it to some one else." Lastly, Ruqayya became our conductor. Our script was prepared or given from an ex-student of our class Maizatul Amirah. She moved back to her old school. WHATEVER I'm glad anyway. Practice was a bother cause it disturbed most of our other preperations for the HKS. But hey, this was half important as well :D I had fun. Everyone had their first time for everything at one of these days. And guest what? I get solos in the choral speaking. Not surprising actually. *sighs* ;)

YAY HKS! The big day! Stalls and promotions were everywhere in the school and celebration was a must. My Oh My! A lot of my friends were laughing and having fun and I had to join in the fun. My seniors BTW look happier than ever. My way of having fun was going to the HKS everyday without missing it. nyahahahah! :D

HKS was a blast for sure! Want to know more? About the Choral speaking competition, my class won a consolation prize which just enough for us. We are still proud till' today. Yippee! Ehsan Villa won second in the Nasyid competition which made school turn "oooh~!" We only lost a few marks behind from first place but, c'mon we are still the school's favourite.... right??? LOLZ I'm so full of myself again XD I had so so sooo much fun during that one week and it shall be exciting for next year too. Who knows? We'll be the seniors next year and conduct our own HKS :)