Typing on the keyboard of my friend's laptop in room 1A-00-**, Mawar College, UiTM Shah Alam. Aha! :D Miss you guys.
It's already been a week since I've settled in Mawar College and fitting in my new surrounding which is so unfamiliar to me. OMGEE. Hwuuaahh; what a pain. Orientation was bored if my seniors were as outgoing as they were throughout it all week. My first impression about UiTM is: AWSOME.
UiTM di hati ku. <3
Thanks to my abang-abang and my kakak-kakak PM(seniors), I feel that the upbringing at UiTM isn't that bad at all. I'm not saying I dislike UiTm by the sound of it before when it's an Bumiputra only University. But One Malaysia sounds good too. As the introduction of UiTM went on, I believed I had understood fully the objective of UiTM and start to like more of this IPTA. I'll be here for a year or more starting now. Insya-Allah.
I have meet many wonderful people with so many different personalities and backgrounds. They are all nice people. Just for the record: I'm doing just fine. I miss my old friends but the new friends I have are just as loveable. HEHE. You know whaT? I just made my visit to the Education faculty last Friday; which is yesterday, we took another test! WOW! It's to devide the new students into seperate classes starting next week's lecture session. I hope I did well and get put in a good class. Amiin..
Now, in my friends' room just for a short stay because my original room in collage, my room-mates have all gone home for the weekend leaving me all alone. NO! I'm not lonely but I'm having fun. Peace! Listening to them cattering all night long, I have a little thought in my mind will stay a secret for the meantime, I have made up a new resolution for my new University life. Pray for my well-being and I'll do the same for you. Thank you and to all my friends; Welcome to University life! Goodluck! ;)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
And I shall be registered at this University tomorrow, or as from right now I'm still writting this post, today in the morning. A foundation is merely a foundation. Foundation students aim is much higher. A Degree. So, after getting my Foundation at UiTM, who knows where I'll be going next. Whatever the plan is for my future, I'm going to work hard for it. Wish me luck.
Where every you are my friends, I hope you'll succeed moving towards your goal and making it reality. AMIN--- ;D
Friday, May 20, 2011
Welcome to my world of FANFICTION.NET
What's Fanfiction? Dear readers and fellow followers, fanfiction are derived from two words. Look here closely, Fan means someone to fetish over something and Fiction means a story not real; made up. Thus FanFiction means: Made up stories made by people who fetish over something. In Fanfiction.net, there are these bunch of stories you can read about in all sorts of languages depends on the writters. These writters are individuals who has signed up for Fanfiction.net as volunteer writters to write all kinds of fanfics to indulge the readers tastes of certain story books, animes, mangas or movies for that kind of fact.
For example: For instant you are a fan of the famous novel series Twilight and you wished more would become of the story or wish for something out of the ordinary were to manipulate this story background; this is the time moment your imaginations goes wild and want to share it with the world. Fanfiction.net is the place! To sign up and be a user is for FREE! No payments or whatsoelse to anything here. All you need is a passion for writting, reading other fanfics and an amazing imagination out of this world.
As for me, I have been in the world of Fanfiction for as long as I can remember but I haven't wrote any fanfics for a long time since, I dunno, FORM 3. All just because of I moved to SEMTEG and live in the hostels, I didn't bother for the time to make anything new. And then, I just lost track of what I wanna write for my old current Fanfics on my page. AHAHAHA--- But now I'm uploading something there, so I would like to invite my readers.
I'm still just a noob compared to more talented Fanfiction writters if you check many many of my favourite stories. They are very impressive for amazing vocabulary and story-telling. When I came back from PLKN and after my SPM; everything, it kind of reminded me of this site that kind of start a drive inside of me in my hobby as a writter where I love writting what goes on with my imagination, using new words in the dictionary and reading people's story just because to find a new word or something. I really missed those times. So I've updated a lot. And just now I've uploaded my final chapter for this month, I think. I'm going to UiTM and all, so I don't know when I'll be going to write fanfics again. HUHUU---
HAHA, I got loads of comments and questions like: "Ainul, why are you so good in English?" "How is it to get better in English?" My answer would be dears: LOADS AND LOAD OF PRACTICE AND HARDWORK. What do you think I've been doing? Reading, hearing, writting and finally speaking. English is a language which needs practice and understanding. Same goes to all languages. So, feel free to explore the world of language and FANFICTION! Wee----! :D
For example: For instant you are a fan of the famous novel series Twilight and you wished more would become of the story or wish for something out of the ordinary were to manipulate this story background; this is the time moment your imaginations goes wild and want to share it with the world. Fanfiction.net is the place! To sign up and be a user is for FREE! No payments or whatsoelse to anything here. All you need is a passion for writting, reading other fanfics and an amazing imagination out of this world.
As for me, I have been in the world of Fanfiction for as long as I can remember but I haven't wrote any fanfics for a long time since, I dunno, FORM 3. All just because of I moved to SEMTEG and live in the hostels, I didn't bother for the time to make anything new. And then, I just lost track of what I wanna write for my old current Fanfics on my page. AHAHAHA--- But now I'm uploading something there, so I would like to invite my readers.
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I'm still just a noob compared to more talented Fanfiction writters if you check many many of my favourite stories. They are very impressive for amazing vocabulary and story-telling. When I came back from PLKN and after my SPM; everything, it kind of reminded me of this site that kind of start a drive inside of me in my hobby as a writter where I love writting what goes on with my imagination, using new words in the dictionary and reading people's story just because to find a new word or something. I really missed those times. So I've updated a lot. And just now I've uploaded my final chapter for this month, I think. I'm going to UiTM and all, so I don't know when I'll be going to write fanfics again. HUHUU---
HAHA, I got loads of comments and questions like: "Ainul, why are you so good in English?" "How is it to get better in English?" My answer would be dears: LOADS AND LOAD OF PRACTICE AND HARDWORK. What do you think I've been doing? Reading, hearing, writting and finally speaking. English is a language which needs practice and understanding. Same goes to all languages. So, feel free to explore the world of language and FANFICTION! Wee----! :D
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Crazy over Books!
My mother mentioned about spending hundreds of ringgit for my stuff and everything. If I would count how much I owe you Mak, it would take forever. But the most appealed obsession is my fondness for books books & BOOKS! Yeahhh!
There was this Book Fair at PWTC early of May that I went to and heck it was full of people. I went there for two days. The first day was to look around the place to see the response gave by the people to the book fair and it's really happening. Except for my brother and I, my parents and sister didn't bought anything. We were on a haul for GEMPAK STARZ and as you can see below how much free stuff we go for buying 14 comics from them. HAHA. Hear that? 14 COMIC BOOKS!
My mother mentioned about spending hundreds of ringgit for my stuff and everything. If I would count how much I owe you Mak, it would take forever. But the most appealed obsession is my fondness for books books & BOOKS! Yeahhh!
There was this Book Fair at PWTC early of May that I went to and heck it was full of people. I went there for two days. The first day was to look around the place to see the response gave by the people to the book fair and it's really happening. Except for my brother and I, my parents and sister didn't bought anything. We were on a haul for GEMPAK STARZ and as you can see below how much free stuff we go for buying 14 comics from them. HAHA. Hear that? 14 COMIC BOOKS!
The second day of our visit to the book fair is because I insisted going to enter the Karangkraf section. They sold out all their publishing edits on Novels, Motivation books and magazines. As for me, look at the picture below. I got myself 3 novels, a Motivation book and 3 mini magazines. HAHA. When am I going to start reading those novels? I have no idea.
As you can see: I have more than enough books than I can afford on my own. My shelf is way full than it is right now so to make them fir on my shelf I have to make more room and trash the things I really don't need on it. Gahh! I have some cleaning to do. Just for all this costs me RM200. See! RM200 spent only on books! I'm such a book-a-holic. I would love to receive a book as a gift too. But room on my bookshelf would be nice right now. ;P
Thank you, Mama
Ok, I don't call my mom: Mama. Emak sudaa. She spent almost RM500 just for our day out today at Masjid Jamek today and most of it were spent on my things. I did spent a little with my money but of cause most of it came from her. So, thank you very much Mak. Haa... I came home with a few shawls, a baju kurung and a demim jacket. I also want to add a new handbag which cost RM25. Reasonable enough. Ohhh, Masjid Jamek has the most viarety products to chose from with reasonable prices. I need to bring my cousin Izzati here next time so we could shop here. I'm sure she'll love it.
Only a few days left until I'll become a UiTM student and I still need to open a bank account at Bank Islam; which I'll do tomorrow. And I still need to pack my stuff which I haven't organize anything. I'm just so the type to do things at the last minute. HEHE. My dad will yell at me.
Only a few days left until I'll become a UiTM student and I still need to open a bank account at Bank Islam; which I'll do tomorrow. And I still need to pack my stuff which I haven't organize anything. I'm just so the type to do things at the last minute. HEHE. My dad will yell at me.
Rank of Ice & Silver Screen
Today I ate Pizza Hut & KFC & McDonald's today thanks to 5 Mechanical 1 crew 2010 and my dearest mother. Muah! I'm satisfied.
Yeah, I would say it has been a long day, thanks to the awful traffic jam at Petaling Jaya, I was stuck in the bus with my younger brother for like an hour and I got home by LRT plus another hour makes me home by 10.30 p.m. Not to mention waiting for my mother to pick me up. It was awful! So I'm tired but I'm still not going to bed because of the the Nescafe Mocha I drank just now. Bleh!
The 5M1 group invited me to Sunway Pyramid today. We mostly eat, walk, eat and then went to see a movie. What movie? The movie was called, "Paul". It's about an alien trying to get home. It wasn't that interesting because I can't find a good motif why on earth this movie exsist? But still, unexpected scenes in this movie made us LMFAO made us all blurr..
After the movie, Eca and Haziq went home leaving myself with Wahyu, Zamri, Halili, Halim, Zulhelmi Rahman at the ice-rank for a few rounds of ice-skatting. I got the hang of it since I used to roller blade a lot when I was small. It helped on the ice so I could only impress myself watching them walking on ice.
I guess I did have fun, a little for the day because I get to see the 5M1 gang before we go our own seperate ways. BUHBYE Mecha students!
Yeah, I would say it has been a long day, thanks to the awful traffic jam at Petaling Jaya, I was stuck in the bus with my younger brother for like an hour and I got home by LRT plus another hour makes me home by 10.30 p.m. Not to mention waiting for my mother to pick me up. It was awful! So I'm tired but I'm still not going to bed because of the the Nescafe Mocha I drank just now. Bleh!
The 5M1 group invited me to Sunway Pyramid today. We mostly eat, walk, eat and then went to see a movie. What movie? The movie was called, "Paul". It's about an alien trying to get home. It wasn't that interesting because I can't find a good motif why on earth this movie exsist? But still, unexpected scenes in this movie made us LMFAO made us all blurr..
After the movie, Eca and Haziq went home leaving myself with Wahyu, Zamri, Halili, Halim, Zulhelmi Rahman at the ice-rank for a few rounds of ice-skatting. I got the hang of it since I used to roller blade a lot when I was small. It helped on the ice so I could only impress myself watching them walking on ice.
I guess I did have fun, a little for the day because I get to see the 5M1 gang before we go our own seperate ways. BUHBYE Mecha students!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Muhammad Arif Aiman. HA?
Randomly posting someone's name up my blog. For the record, I haven't heard this name for a while, or even speaking of it. Seen this person around? Not really but I think I caught glimps of this person during the reults of SPM were given out to the students. Believe it people, MAA is unbelieveably this first person I managed to ignore for the rest of my life from this incident: READ HERE & HERE!
Yea, they are both related in such a way. Now why am I so bothered to bring up this as a subject? It is because I have enough courage to tell the very little lesson I have taught myself in various ridiculous events that Arif and I have our friendship intertwined. Sorry, we're not famous or as hot as we may be at school so I'll explained what happen in the past that make us unfriendly people today.
My first encounter with Arif is during my junior year at SMTG at a Scout's meeting. We were broken up in groups. Do I have a post about this before? Oh yeah, I have: CLICK HERE. The group we call ourselves is 3G a.k.a Geng Gombak Gempak. At that time, I made more new friends from different classes so I became overly excited because we had so much fun at Scout activities. Lastly, after all that ended we went our seperate ways at school but I still hanged around Arif and Haziq. That's how our friendship became deeper. Everyday I would say hello to them at school, in between reccess time and so on. They were in Mechanical courses and I was an Electrical student. On the other hand, I became attached to their blogs and became their followers. For me, it became an interesting view to see the school from their perspectives because nothing seems beautiful, huh?
Frankly, I was a ditz and clutz, plus dense in a way I didn't care how other's felt. I was very selfish and to people like Arif; in his own way, I didn't try to understand his world. Or I had it all in a wrong way and didn't know the concequences of intruding that border he had built for himself. Then came the most historical event that made us crack like a fragile glass.
I exposed his identity on blogspot, by excident or not, I wasn't so sure myself. The series of events came after that was far from my expectations because of my so shallow awareness of the school's law. He got expelled from school a week or two. It was then I was truly at fault he got expelled. If anyone else can cover up his mistakes, why couldn't I do the same? I failed as his new best friend and got reduced to a nobody in his eyes. As I tried to get near to him, I always felt the chill behind his stare as they said: GET AWAY FROM ME! Kinda thing. I felt like dying and cried a lot. Haziq told me to cool down and said that it's better to let him be. He's not worthy to be my friend. How can he not be worthy when I felt that way around?
A year has passed, and I little understood what Haziq meant when I heard a lot of rumors about Arif's unlikely behaviour that creeps everyone out. Eventhough it took me a lot of courage to not hate him still, but everytime I would passed by him anywhere in the school, death glares were felt coming right from him just special for me ONLY. "OH WHY GOD?" I thought. If anyone hated me, how he hated me hurts me the most. Months and more months passed by when I learnt to forget him and forget who he was. I have completely erased his existance from my mind. It was easy of cause when nobody cares for a trouble-maker like him. When I used to admire him, I admired somebody else and you guys probably know that person was my new love interest when I became a senior. Throughout the end of school: Muhammad Arif Aiman was a nobody to me. And it ease the minds of both of us. I guess.
The moral I get from this part of my life which had MAA in it: Little do I know about someone is someone indeed can someone important to me in the near future. If I were to meet more interesting characters in the future, I will make sure to keep taking care of myself from doing anything to offence them because more unsecure events would happen, right? HAHA. Let MAA be just another person I once cherish. I pray for his well-being, netherless. Amiinn---
Randomly posting someone's name up my blog. For the record, I haven't heard this name for a while, or even speaking of it. Seen this person around? Not really but I think I caught glimps of this person during the reults of SPM were given out to the students. Believe it people, MAA is unbelieveably this first person I managed to ignore for the rest of my life from this incident: READ HERE & HERE!
Yea, they are both related in such a way. Now why am I so bothered to bring up this as a subject? It is because I have enough courage to tell the very little lesson I have taught myself in various ridiculous events that Arif and I have our friendship intertwined. Sorry, we're not famous or as hot as we may be at school so I'll explained what happen in the past that make us unfriendly people today.
My first encounter with Arif is during my junior year at SMTG at a Scout's meeting. We were broken up in groups. Do I have a post about this before? Oh yeah, I have: CLICK HERE. The group we call ourselves is 3G a.k.a Geng Gombak Gempak. At that time, I made more new friends from different classes so I became overly excited because we had so much fun at Scout activities. Lastly, after all that ended we went our seperate ways at school but I still hanged around Arif and Haziq. That's how our friendship became deeper. Everyday I would say hello to them at school, in between reccess time and so on. They were in Mechanical courses and I was an Electrical student. On the other hand, I became attached to their blogs and became their followers. For me, it became an interesting view to see the school from their perspectives because nothing seems beautiful, huh?
Frankly, I was a ditz and clutz, plus dense in a way I didn't care how other's felt. I was very selfish and to people like Arif; in his own way, I didn't try to understand his world. Or I had it all in a wrong way and didn't know the concequences of intruding that border he had built for himself. Then came the most historical event that made us crack like a fragile glass.
I exposed his identity on blogspot, by excident or not, I wasn't so sure myself. The series of events came after that was far from my expectations because of my so shallow awareness of the school's law. He got expelled from school a week or two. It was then I was truly at fault he got expelled. If anyone else can cover up his mistakes, why couldn't I do the same? I failed as his new best friend and got reduced to a nobody in his eyes. As I tried to get near to him, I always felt the chill behind his stare as they said: GET AWAY FROM ME! Kinda thing. I felt like dying and cried a lot. Haziq told me to cool down and said that it's better to let him be. He's not worthy to be my friend. How can he not be worthy when I felt that way around?
A year has passed, and I little understood what Haziq meant when I heard a lot of rumors about Arif's unlikely behaviour that creeps everyone out. Eventhough it took me a lot of courage to not hate him still, but everytime I would passed by him anywhere in the school, death glares were felt coming right from him just special for me ONLY. "OH WHY GOD?" I thought. If anyone hated me, how he hated me hurts me the most. Months and more months passed by when I learnt to forget him and forget who he was. I have completely erased his existance from my mind. It was easy of cause when nobody cares for a trouble-maker like him. When I used to admire him, I admired somebody else and you guys probably know that person was my new love interest when I became a senior. Throughout the end of school: Muhammad Arif Aiman was a nobody to me. And it ease the minds of both of us. I guess.
The moral I get from this part of my life which had MAA in it: Little do I know about someone is someone indeed can someone important to me in the near future. If I were to meet more interesting characters in the future, I will make sure to keep taking care of myself from doing anything to offence them because more unsecure events would happen, right? HAHA. Let MAA be just another person I once cherish. I pray for his well-being, netherless. Amiinn---
Muhammad Arif Aiman. Photo taken-2009.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Excited; is suprising
I haven't posted a video on my blog for ages, have I? Because I feel pretty happy today I just want to share a little bit of it on my blog. This video is kinda' fun to watch and I really did just smiled watching it. I am really excited to be going to UiTM Shah Alam this 21st of May and I hope a lot of unexpected events will surprise me will make my Pre-U days so much fun. INSYA-ALLAH. Because this video is an anime which show a lot of high school events of friendship and puppy love, it really makes me dream of a happy memory kinda feeling. When school used to be a part of your life to do so many mistakes and fun things just to make others mad at you. I'm not so good at expressing myself right now but, please enjoy this video. You'll know what I mean when you watch this video.
Being Free
I'm inspired by a friend to write the up-coming post here. I'm not sure how long this will take but, "Friend", if you are reading this, I just want you to know, you aren't alone in this world. Well, here it goes.
"It's okay to cry," as I always say to myself but lots of people dislike how I put it and would talk back, "Don't cry. You are all grown up and you need to start acting like one." I am easily touched and sensitive about everything so if I'm hurt or someone close to me is hurt, I would cry yes. But if a million people would to say the right words to stop me from crying, no one would say it right cause they weren't me at that kinda' situation. I kept blamming myself for being a fool; being stupid and everything. I give up when the fight is still going on but I didn't realized that, did I? People around me kept on telling me the same thing over and over until I got tired of it and locked myself away from the world. So whenever I cried, I cried by myself and get on my feet by myself. That was one way to get mentally stronger.
But then, when I was really in a serious depression; speechless and no one was watching, I would talk to myself and without me realizing it, someone heard what I had to say. He said something like this: "Don't bother telling me what you're depressed about. I am just as stupid as you are. The one you should tell your problems to is to ALLAH." So I did just that and I read the Quran a lot too. Read lots of Profet stroies after that and I changed a little. There are worst things to come and kept in mind what my mom used to say to me: "Success and pleassure comes in many different ways, only effort is needed from a single human form. What kind of future you want it to be all depends on you."
So my mind set was always like: "I shall be what I want to be but what makes me tomorrow is today." I will drive everything I have so I will not regret tomorrow. Even if I have likes and dislikes that other people hate but I am certain that someone out there will agree with me. I found proof of that already. I have a few friends and that's enough because they say the right things to me at the right time. I know how to feel independent too when I'm out there alone so wherever I might be in the near future, I shall be ready.
To my "Friend". I know this post have a lot of crap that even I can't make out. Let's all learn a lesson. Nothing is useless in this world. If the world is full of useless things, that it's made up of useless things made by useless people. Useless people comes from useless ideas. Everyone shall feel pain, everyone shares pain. In the end, those who understands the same pain will share the same happiness. Hope that happiness will find you. A true friend to make you smile and remember the ALL MIGHTY. Goodluck.
"It's okay to cry," as I always say to myself but lots of people dislike how I put it and would talk back, "Don't cry. You are all grown up and you need to start acting like one." I am easily touched and sensitive about everything so if I'm hurt or someone close to me is hurt, I would cry yes. But if a million people would to say the right words to stop me from crying, no one would say it right cause they weren't me at that kinda' situation. I kept blamming myself for being a fool; being stupid and everything. I give up when the fight is still going on but I didn't realized that, did I? People around me kept on telling me the same thing over and over until I got tired of it and locked myself away from the world. So whenever I cried, I cried by myself and get on my feet by myself. That was one way to get mentally stronger.
But then, when I was really in a serious depression; speechless and no one was watching, I would talk to myself and without me realizing it, someone heard what I had to say. He said something like this: "Don't bother telling me what you're depressed about. I am just as stupid as you are. The one you should tell your problems to is to ALLAH." So I did just that and I read the Quran a lot too. Read lots of Profet stroies after that and I changed a little. There are worst things to come and kept in mind what my mom used to say to me: "Success and pleassure comes in many different ways, only effort is needed from a single human form. What kind of future you want it to be all depends on you."
So my mind set was always like: "I shall be what I want to be but what makes me tomorrow is today." I will drive everything I have so I will not regret tomorrow. Even if I have likes and dislikes that other people hate but I am certain that someone out there will agree with me. I found proof of that already. I have a few friends and that's enough because they say the right things to me at the right time. I know how to feel independent too when I'm out there alone so wherever I might be in the near future, I shall be ready.
To my "Friend". I know this post have a lot of crap that even I can't make out. Let's all learn a lesson. Nothing is useless in this world. If the world is full of useless things, that it's made up of useless things made by useless people. Useless people comes from useless ideas. Everyone shall feel pain, everyone shares pain. In the end, those who understands the same pain will share the same happiness. Hope that happiness will find you. A true friend to make you smile and remember the ALL MIGHTY. Goodluck.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hye people out there. Officially didn't sleep last night. Yesterday's night. I wanted to sleep but no matter how I changed my position and everything, I couldn't sleep like freaking h***! In the morning I have a tight headache but I need to accompany KakPah also know as Sharifah Marfirah to KAT today. So I didn't take my mototcycle today. The Sofbol tournament turns out that SEMTEG got third place in the end. No excitement. I wasn't there for the tournament for 4th or 3rd place because I was loafing around in the access room talking with Faris and Hafriz. Cikgu Alan talked to me as well. BLA BLA BLA. Taw taw je, baliikkkk.... When I got home I was really exhausted. It didn't took me long to changed my clothes and went straight to bed. I think it was around 3.30 p.m. and I set my clock to ring at 6.00 p.m. but I guess ignored it buzzed. So eventually I got up at 9.00 p.m., just in time to watch Akademi Fantasia 9. HAHA.
That's my day for today. Pffth! BTW, I got UiTM SHAH ALAM as I wished. Now I should realized that I am clearly such a lucky child. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Hye people out there. Officially didn't sleep last night. Yesterday's night. I wanted to sleep but no matter how I changed my position and everything, I couldn't sleep like freaking h***! In the morning I have a tight headache but I need to accompany KakPah also know as Sharifah Marfirah to KAT today. So I didn't take my mototcycle today. The Sofbol tournament turns out that SEMTEG got third place in the end. No excitement. I wasn't there for the tournament for 4th or 3rd place because I was loafing around in the access room talking with Faris and Hafriz. Cikgu Alan talked to me as well. BLA BLA BLA. Taw taw je, baliikkkk.... When I got home I was really exhausted. It didn't took me long to changed my clothes and went straight to bed. I think it was around 3.30 p.m. and I set my clock to ring at 6.00 p.m. but I guess ignored it buzzed. So eventually I got up at 9.00 p.m., just in time to watch Akademi Fantasia 9. HAHA.
That's my day for today. Pffth! BTW, I got UiTM SHAH ALAM as I wished. Now I should realized that I am clearly such a lucky child. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Friday, May 6, 2011
OMGEE. I was so nervous when I wanted to check my status for the results of UPU. I would faint if I didn't get the programme of my choice but I did! So, I was happy beyond words. I was screaming and jumping. I jumped out of the computer chair and cheered. ALHAMDULILLAH. TESL FOUNDATION at UiTM. My first choice and my only interviewed programme I went through. Hwuuahh! How cannot I be happy to spread the word on FB and everything. The first person I called to notify this was my mother indeed. So felt like crying and my mother congratulated me. Next was Iera, my super junior then after was Sazmi. XD
The fourth person to be notified by calling was Nur Lidiya. She was happy for me too. Waaaahhhh. I love you guys and I really appriciate all the good things everyone said to me. Thank you. And congratulations to everyone who were offered a programme in IPTA. I hope you chase what you dream and I'll do the same. Who felt left out, don't give up cause your future depends on you.
Do your very best everyone!
The fourth person to be notified by calling was Nur Lidiya. She was happy for me too. Waaaahhhh. I love you guys and I really appriciate all the good things everyone said to me. Thank you. And congratulations to everyone who were offered a programme in IPTA. I hope you chase what you dream and I'll do the same. Who felt left out, don't give up cause your future depends on you.
Do your very best everyone!
She returns
"This is how a girl who hasn't been to school a while looks like." refrence, undecided.
I wonder how would my reaction would be if the school was at normal course? HEEHEE. Something to think about.
Tapi takk perluuuu sangat-sangat.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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