Sunday, March 22, 2009

People I miss.

Everyday when I walk to school,

I'd see those people who I call 'friends',

Seeing them laugh and cry is normal,

Nobody took how priceless they were.

Until a day when we said goodbye,

It was that time we soon realize,

How those laughter and crying never stops,

Always wanting to hear more about.

Even so those time moved on,

Nothing could ever replace the times with you,

So I took a picture with every one of you,

So that we could remember how stupid we were.

I'll never regret about meeting all of you.

I'm happy for knowing you, 'as a friend'.

Hope those memories will last for enternity.

SMK Hillcrest, my heart shall stay...

I grew up to fly away and see the world from a different way.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Get it over with

It's been such a long and boring one week of the holidays for me. I'm trapped in my own confusion now. It seems I've been thinking so much of what I've done with myself and how much I'd paid attention to those around me. I'm slowly giving up on things and giving up on myself. I don't see my own strength anymore. Maybe I'm not looking or I'm not seeing it hard enough. Simply not wanting it anymore. Cut to the chase, I'm tired of being pushed and need to quit pretending. Honestly, the simple truth is I see myself wanting to run back to my old school continuing leaning in the Science class where I left in the first place. I saw it. Myself being a coward of my own actions. Fell into a trap of lies that I saw now, that I easily taken it. How stupid I've become and I realize it when it's all too late. No, it can't be. If I did go back, what is left for me? I've done with all my strength to create something, create a chance for myself to make a difference, creating oppertunities. Will it all be worth it?

I miss my old school, my old friends, their smiles and cheerful voices ringing through my ears everyday. I won't forget all those smiles on their faces everyday at school. Oh, how much I wanted to tell them so many of my stories, my secrets but now those chances are gone. I could only hear them throught the silent buzz of the phone. Talking and chatting through the blank sceen on the Yahoo Messanger. Only to imagine how sweet their smiles could be in my dreams. Nothing felt so perfect to me like those blistful days of my dearest friends of SMK Hillcrest. All I can say about them now is, their all just memories now. "My memories." That I have left behind. So much I didn't remember to take them with me. Again, how I am regretful I didn't notice this would happen to me.

My hearts aches so hard for them...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

back from a two weeks of the new life

The title says it all. I'm back people! It's so great to be home, seeing the family, hugging the sweet smell of my old bed and stuff toys, watching tv dramas and so on. No! It's not homesick. I never actually miss a few miles from home. It's only been a few minutes drive from SMTG to Taman Sri Gombak. Still in the same country, same distric. OHMYGOSH! Some people have been wondering how I got such a school so close to my home, and go invited to stay in a hostel on top of it? Well, that's my fortune. I'll take it as an advantage. My new begining to make better changes in life. So how's things?

I pretty much okay with everything, exept of lack of sleep which for a fact, never changes. XD If it's any school I'm in, I'd be pretty much, BUSY BUSY BUSY. Who doesn't? School starts early in the morning as usual 7.20 a.m. but those living the hostel wake up way earlier in the morning around 4.30 a.m. I mean, why should they? A lot of reasons. Think about it. Anyway, that's the least of my worries everyday. My new life in the new school has rough edges but is going smoothly. It can be frustrating with the stict rules and possibly harmful critics a junior student can get from seniors and teachers. But, don't sweat it. It's a small matter; for me at least. The others could get crazy over it. As for me, my life: I'm an Electrical Engineering student in class 4E4 which now have 28 students. Before the second in take, there were 26. The ratio of students boys compared to girls is 5:2 nice number. Great news people, I got posistion of the asistant monitor. The class monitor is Mohd Hakiman. I hope I didn't write his name wrong. My class teacher's name is Encik Rosdi. He's teaching Engineering Drawing which he haven't thought us yet. URGH! What to do? Most of the time is class, we discuss among ourselves on what to do. When there's a teacher teaching, we study. Quite the usual thing any school has done. Since there are different students from different backgrounds it's hard for the lesson for everyone to adept, like Physics and Chemistry. And talk about Add Maths! I also got my spotlight, it's when English time starts. My favourite subject. Physics class has my silly secrets. I couldn't stand being in that class for some reason though it's quite interesting now. hihiks~

The cocuricular activies are booming right now. Everyday there must be something going on about sports or club meetings or activities notations. I, myself gotten myself active going to everything. Now I got into a tight after school schedule. During the evenings and after mahgrib prayers, I have Scout meeting and Marching practicing. Next, I went for a Choir audition and pass, the teacher wants me to be rady for the next meeting soon after they announce something at school days. Home practice is another thing. A must go or die. just kidding XP Aside from that, I hope to continue playing Softball from my previous school to this new school. But most of it clashes with my other cocuricular activities which needs more attention. I'm not sure if I get to play Softball for my school yet. I never actually have played a sport for anything or any school. It's depressing. This life is full of choices. In order to gain something you must loose something. Sometimes, the biggest chance you must take, you need to sacrifice another. It's complicated.

That's all I have to say for my new life at SMT Gombak. I think I'll start liking this school, soon.
Best wishes to all~ <3