Friday, July 30, 2010


I'm not going to talk about followers on Blogger but this is more to a reality follower. One which exists in my world.

Today, I just got back from school. My father came to collect my result slip. I was very relieved! I thought I was about to cry because thinking none of my parents will come for me today. HEHE. Everyone noticed how glum I was and asked, "What's wrong?" or say, "Cheer up!" Thanks guys! I am actually down with a fever. I took paracetamol dismorning but I was reckless and worked to much of my body today. My energy level is decreasing. HAH! Hard-headed girl I am. Anyway, I didn't know what to do. I just watch people come and go. I even went to the FORM 4 building just to entertain myself with the view of parents of people I don't know. DUUH! Nyihh! What was I doing? And there was this junior, Sazmi, following me around. Tu laa! Nakal lagi. Gatal2 gi bangunan form 4. I'm actually in a bad mood when it comes to him. I had a fight and I don't want to be bothered but it can't be ignored. So the whole day, just playing dumb, watching over the school, talk to friends, teachers and juniors but the sight of Sazmi can't be erased. OH GOD. What the heck is wrong with me???

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Snap Snap! HEHE. I love being in photos but I have to admit, I'm not photogenic. I look badd... URGH! Today was the continuation of last week's photography session. I was pleased myself because I got to be in two photos. One is with my Club Members of the Teater Club. We took it many times because Ude wasn't serious. HAHA! Mrs. Azura scolded him many times for fidgeting. I was at the back because I'm not that of important post in the Club. AJK ELEK jew. And done a candid! YAY!

The second one is with the Softball Club. I'm the treasurer. HAHA. Not a representative but a dedicated player coming to club meetings every Wednesday evening. Thanks Hakimi for calling me down. It was funny how you called me out. Mr. Ajai bahan kewt! Sian Ko. Because we have so many members and representatives, we have two photo shots for this club. One all girls and and one all boys. AWW. I wish we could mix boys and girls. CAN'T? NEVERMIND.

Anyway, I had fun. Happy. I'm still waiting for the Prefect photo shot and the re-shot for the English Debate team. Okay. Bubye! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I think, this camp trip wasn't half bad. At least, some things happen and it all ends well. From 8 July to 11 July, SMTG had it's 1st camping adventure. HAHA. WE MAKE HISTORY PEOPLE!!! BE JEALOUS will ya? HAHA. I'm just killing myself writing this post. The only reason I'm doing this because I love this photo. I love this moment. It feels like jelly going down through your mouth. Muah! Anyways, I'm done here camping. It'd rained alot, we done acting for cultural night, marching (which was a killer) , flying fox (why did I scream anyway? don't remember.), and a navigation test. WOW! That's many. People just want more and more. At the end of the event, I was smelly and all worn out. I love taking my shower more than usual at the hostels after then and slept so deeply throughout the evening. LOVED IT! HAHA.

That's it folks! I have the Annual dinner tomorrow. Something interesting is about to happen. Can't wait!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


PLKN bhai! Since I went back to the hostels, the first thing I heard my dormmates were excited about was PLKN. "Oooh! We can check now?" They were so happy about not getting into PLKN. HAHA! I guess a majority of girls dislike getting chosen for PLKN for girlish reasons and whatsoever laa.

Zaza: So Nono! What do you think?
Me: Uh... I don't mind.
Nazz: Why?
Me: I mean. If I got chosen, I'm okay; If I'm not chosen, I'm okay.
Jojo: She's okay with both, right?
Me: Yea. *nods*

For me it's not really such a bad idea. Besides the experiance plus the special elaun they are giving, I'm really all hands for whatever decision. PLKN isn't a choice. If you're chosen, that's it! If not, that's too bad. What are you all going to do if you weren't selected anyway? HAHA. I'd go for part-time jobs. I have my own plans. That's off topic already!

PLKN is known in Malaysia and world wide for it's range of activities. All those extream activities. Try to imagine is making me nervous. Though I still feel like trying. HEH. Besides that, with all new people. You won't be meeting the people you used to or met before and it's mixed with all kinds of people from different backgrounds and social status and beliefs. What to do?! With 1Malaysia too.

Among the many people from my school, I'm also one of the selective few who got PLKN! HAHA! Alongside with Norazali, Muhd Nurhaziq, Mohd Khalishan, Halili, Rozimah, Nur Syahirah and bla bla bla. For those who failed to enter: what should I say? "NEVERMIND." Okay. Goodluck SMTG-ians.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Now the juniors are feeling quiet comfortable being at SMTG. I observed that they can do so much freely that the rules of the school became no use for them. I'm still a SENIOR! I think they are disrespectful towards me lately. I can't stand it. Truthfully, I cared so much for them and now it just hurts to know they don't respect us like they used too. There was a choice. One, you can continue to take care of the JUNIORS or not get involve with them. I chose to take care of their well-being in SMTG. But I guess they weren't like us last year. Unlikely last year, none of the seniors didn't care about us. Scolded us about everything. I know how it felt so I only want to be just as fair to only reright their wrongs. I guess that wasn't enough. Brats. That's all I can say.


Shila: Nono! Where are going?
Me: (putting socks on) Uh.. School.
Shila: Where? Why?
Me: Erm.. I forgotten something.
Shila: ?
Me: I left something at school so going to get it.
Shila: Okay.

Some flashback. I didn't lied. Well, only a little. About going to get something. I didn't left anything only forgetting to do something. That something has to do with cats. Okay, that sound kinda' weird but listen to this. Because in the last few weeks ago; can't remember which week, my mom brought some cat food for these poor animals living at SMTG. As for all SMTG-ians know, we have such cute kittens living at our school. I know! CUUUTEEE! Especially the most little one. It's so small it looks like a ball of furr when it sits down. AHH. CUTENESS attack. My mom calls it "kechik". Aww.. mom! So sometimes, at free evenings, I go to school and find those small kittens to give them cat food. So don't try to question why I disappear every evening and wonder at school strangely. I'm looking for lost, hungry kittens!

JERI week & HKS 2010

Hey all! I know it's kinda' late to say but HKS is already over. It was tiring. Even so with tuition classes and extra classes all day and night, we don't spend enough waking hours to concentrate on preparing for the event. Some had to stay up more than others. Like last year, the competitions were just the same. There were sports: Netball, Rubgy & Futsal. Interclass: Choral Speaking F4. Interblock: Dikir Barat(boys) & Nasyid(girls). Oh! Not to forget to mention, the JDI (Jawatankuasa Dakwah Islamiah) held competitions for the F4 students in Tilawah Al-Quran, Hafazan, Tazkirah and Khat writting. I was there too as to help them in the registration process.

And I thought I was rushing everywhere. I got some photos from the netball competition as well. I actually didn't want to go. I wasn't in the noisy cheering mood. HEHE. But I was forced to go anyway. So I just occupied myself by taking more and more pictures. Suprisingly, my battery went out within 5 days. Sorry Said for bothering you. "Buy me more!" HAHAHA.

On Thursday was the day the Form 4 had their choral speaking competition between classes. Ah! Nostolgia. As a big busybody, I went to watch the competiton at the SMTG Main Hall right after school in my school uniform. AH! BUSUK! HAHA. I DON'T CARE. BOLEH JER. Totally from my experiance last year, we weren't allow to move arms or sing in choral speaking. But they can! OMG! hahahar. And some classes uses the same script. DAMN IT.

After choral speaking ended, everyone was back to their posts. The Juniors were now stuck with Dikir Barat and Nasyid practice. I can that my block wasn't half bad. With some english lyrics and pop music in. It was hard for my dormmat Nazz to fit in the rythem of the instrument with the music. TENTION dibuatnya! Relaxxx... HAHAHA. HKS then started that Friday evening. I didn't go at first that evening. I was sleeping. Finally I just go eventhough it was getting late. Then it was decided to go later at night even in Baju Kurung. Amy and I... lagi lepak! We kidnapped two of our favourite juniors Izela Maya and Norasyida into accompanying us to the first day of HKS. HAHA. JANGAN JEALOUS SUDAA. For the rest of HKS. I wasn't alone so much. I didn't spend as much of my time with Amt. I pity her, her pocket money was stolen; or something. DAMN IT. Who would do such a thing. Actually it was logic to be stolen because someone would spend it on HKS. I could spend RM50 all on HKS and I did. On the second day, I had my shift with the K-Ket corner. It's a stall selling cup corn with my friends from the Teater club. So there I was. Not a bad experiance. People still came to buy something from us. Without Amy, I didn't know what to do. So I peeked into the Access room. Seems nice to stay in air-conn. HAHA. There, I got a free seat to watch The Prince of Persia. Only on laptor laa. At least I get to watch it anyway, I was happy. The rest of the day, I only did some wondering around the school taking pictures and getting some videos. I was also accompanied by Hafriz. My new favourite friend + junior. TQ Hafriz. Also was Day 3. Hafriz and I done almost everything together at HKS. I wasn't all that lonely. Amy was on shift at Eca's stall selling Rare Sweets. hurmm... It was okay. The rest of my HKS expriance this year, I have already convey them in this video. Enjoy. SMTG HKS rocks!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Now I believe

Now I can believe everyone can be sad. Even a little. If they broke up. So did I. I cried. I asked myself why, but just a little while after I stopped, I just told myself, let it be. Love is a beautiful thing. "If it can make you happy, then it can make you cry." Right now, I am currently in a depression. I'm with no self confidence. Bye.

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's here! It's Here!

It's already into the JERI and HKS week! The week I've be long waiting for. Well.. All of us have been working for. It's HERE! All of us has work hard for us. Today is the first day of HKS. I'm in the Access room using it services after 1 whole week not opening its doors. STINGY!! HAHAHA. And I need to pay RM1 just for 30minutes. VERY STINGYY!!! Damn it Roy. hahahahaha! When I go back this Sunday evening, I'll try to share some of the HKS moments on this blog and my Myspace page, kay? Untill then, I'll just have some fun spending my money till my pockets dries up. Hehe. Naughty girl.



I don't know. I feel like this since last week. I want to shout at everyone lately. And I do. Every little thing people do and say, that I dislike, my temper just rise and I got angry. The things that annoy me, the things that I hate. The this I used to keep my zip closed, now I can't stand no more. I feel angry, frustrated. I tried to do something fun but my temper is up to its max. I'm sorry everyone.