Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hari Raya Haji
Some call it AidilAdha, some call it Raya Korban, and, some call it Raya Haji. I'm now reporting my Hari Raya Haji for 2009. For this year, I celebrated my Raya AA at Bagan Dato', Perak. Though, coming back there, didn't feel as much of the Raya spirit. My family was the first back at kampung, 26/11, then came along my PakNgah's family. Waking up the next morning, wash up, solat, and eat together. I didn't get to watch a coq or a goat get cut up this year. huhuhuu~ so saadd :( Well, I usualy don't watch it cause I'm too scared to see so many blood coming from the animals. So, time passes and I expect to see more people, but no one pass by at my Opah's house. Disappointed. Lastly, just hanging around watching TV and said to myself, "What a boring way to celebrate Raya AA."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
NOT High School Musical
I'm going to change my blog URL's again. It's a sucky URL. I'm no more creative like you guys out there. I always dream of to be simple yet creative. Bleeh! Come on! Follow my bloggie.
SMTG material
You know what?
There those people online making online communities.
They're a bunch of people making a group in society.
I find it kinda' cool, so they will slowly become friends and do stuff together.
I've found the Viansa community and the Extr2ordinary community.
They are both orginized by students from my very own school.
Okay, why not stand up and join?
It's only a click away...
Hoping to get to know them all soon.
Students of SMTG unites!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
haha! Got you!
I got a new friend. Err... random entry really. Nur Nadia Balqis. I call her Naddie. She lives in Ipoh, Perak. How am I connected to this girl? Well, ask Haziq. Nyahahah! Just want to say how fun to talk to her tonight and it was fun chatting with her. I can't believe we had talked so much! I guess today I was quite hyper and in result: a lot of things came out from me. I enjoyed myself actually. OH! Naddie... thanks for sharing some laughter and advice. Sharing the best words and moments through the computer screen and the sound of the buzzing cellphone. hahaha! Let's contact-contacting lagik! Merepek-kerepek more and more. Waaii! dosh! crack! Last word(s): miao. <--- mcm Haziq. X3
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Girl in the City of JB
Haih~ Today was really something. As some people know, I'm staying at JB at this current time following my mom and siblings. My dad stayed at home. How is he? I hope he's in good condition. Well, today I wanna share my experiance in the busy city of Johor Bahru.
This story began when my cousin Wani asked me out on an outing to City Sentral, JB. Our plan was to go see a MOVIE! Yay! We're going to watch 2012. A movie that shakes the cinemas right now. A movie I wanted to watch since the last time I went out to see a movie with my friends. Refer to my post on my KLCC post. Well, I was wishing to go out with Arif and gang but there was this other good oppertunity to I had to cancel that one... quietly.
*on cellphone: *teeett!*
text message(Arif): I'm watching a movie along with Ku.
Me: WHAT?! *messages *
text message(Ku): How did you know I was out watching a movie?
Me: Duuh?
Okay, back to the real story. A day out in JB was alright. My cousin and her friends shared with me a fantastic time. There was such a vaitiety of selection of food at the CS and the place was wide. Of cause, it's a Mall after all. Because I was hanging out with a cousin of my age and her friends who seemed friendly towards me, we all hanged out.
Our movie started at 2.30p.m. We hurried in as we were running late. hehe. And you know what? During our time in the movies, I can't stand the smell. There was an interenting smell.
"What's this smell?" Wani. "hmm.. Interesting. Pontianak punye bau!" hahahaha! WANGI!!! The movie 2012 is movie about a family trying to save their lives from the end of the world. Yu should watch it. As for me, my comments: overall a great movie to be watched with others. Everything's all right but MEREPEK laa ending nyerr! lalala~
The movie ended longer than I expected and we planned to go window shopping too. Cause there was a sale and the shops sold so many fancy stuff that interested me. Of cause, I could by everything I wanted. So, as usual, if I was at a Mall of some sort I would go to a Book store or MPH if there is one; and buy myself a book. I got one this time! hehe. The New Moon movie edition. The cover has Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and this new guy. Who was his name? Jacob? I think so. Oh well.. I'm happy anyways =P
Hey, that's my story. I rushed back to my TokMak's house with Wani. Gosh, were we that late? Urgh.. Damn! Soooo..... Sorry! Sorry! And I'm tired. But I can still write this post. haha. Guess this wraps up this entry. Hope you still follow the entries in my blog. Thank you :)
This story began when my cousin Wani asked me out on an outing to City Sentral, JB. Our plan was to go see a MOVIE! Yay! We're going to watch 2012. A movie that shakes the cinemas right now. A movie I wanted to watch since the last time I went out to see a movie with my friends. Refer to my post on my KLCC post. Well, I was wishing to go out with Arif and gang but there was this other good oppertunity to I had to cancel that one... quietly.
*on cellphone: *teeett!*
text message(Arif): I'm watching a movie along with Ku.
Me: WHAT?! *messages *
text message(Ku): How did you know I was out watching a movie?
Me: Duuh?
Okay, back to the real story. A day out in JB was alright. My cousin and her friends shared with me a fantastic time. There was such a vaitiety of selection of food at the CS and the place was wide. Of cause, it's a Mall after all. Because I was hanging out with a cousin of my age and her friends who seemed friendly towards me, we all hanged out.
Our movie started at 2.30p.m. We hurried in as we were running late. hehe. And you know what? During our time in the movies, I can't stand the smell. There was an interenting smell.
"What's this smell?" Wani. "hmm.. Interesting. Pontianak punye bau!" hahahaha! WANGI!!! The movie 2012 is movie about a family trying to save their lives from the end of the world. Yu should watch it. As for me, my comments: overall a great movie to be watched with others. Everything's all right but MEREPEK laa ending nyerr! lalala~
The movie ended longer than I expected and we planned to go window shopping too. Cause there was a sale and the shops sold so many fancy stuff that interested me. Of cause, I could by everything I wanted. So, as usual, if I was at a Mall of some sort I would go to a Book store or MPH if there is one; and buy myself a book. I got one this time! hehe. The New Moon movie edition. The cover has Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and this new guy. Who was his name? Jacob? I think so. Oh well.. I'm happy anyways =P
Hey, that's my story. I rushed back to my TokMak's house with Wani. Gosh, were we that late? Urgh.. Damn! Soooo..... Sorry! Sorry! And I'm tired. But I can still write this post. haha. Guess this wraps up this entry. Hope you still follow the entries in my blog. Thank you :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Meka 1
As'salamualaikum and hello everyone. In this entry I want to write some stuff about a class in my school, 4 Mechanical 1. Last Thurday evening, after school at 3.30 p.m. I followed my bestfriend Amy to join her class ceramony. Of cause, I'm not suppose to intrude but I was invited and was hired to take some photos while I was there. So ding! ding! ding! There I was. Hanging out with the 4M1 students at their end of year class ceramony. I had a great time through I needed to drag myself to clean up my dorm with my dorm-mates first in the middle but I was on time to butt in during all the BIG BANG! We played games and sang songs. I had a lot of fun taking photos and recording all kinds of fun stuff throughout the party. (^_^)v
the boys and their teachers.
eating time.
haziq playing the guitar.
Eca and Hannan. smile :)
random stuff from 4M1 boys.
During the games.
Another fun-filled day of my life. I enjoy myself while I was with them. I love Meka 1. hahaha... You guys rock! (4M1 video-NEW)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
last day of school 2009
flashback E6***
Aichan: (smells her textbooks) -yea, I know that's weird.
Shima: Nono, what are you doing?
Aichan: waaaiii~ I can't let them go?
Shima: Why?
Aichan: These books are still newww~!!!
Shima & rest: laaaaaa~
Aichan: :D heeheee (hugs textbook)
***end of flashback
Sorry for the one day late of entry. LOLZ Yes, I was being weird. Last of school ended for me and the form 4 students of SMTG yesterday. I want to tell the previous events from the last day of exams last Thurday. The last paper was Chemisry 1. Well, it was okay. Then, hooray for us! End of exams and Holidays to come... plus homework. GAAAHH~! I didn't see those coming.
After the chemistry paper that day, my class and some other classes had to return the SPBT text books. Oh gosh, I felt nostolgic. I still remember the first time I ever brought them to the class. Now I see them returned back. Some of the books I have are still new. That's why I poked my nose into them for the last time ;) Anyway, here are some photos of us, 4E4 returning the books last Thursday.
Friday pulled in just fine. It rained that morning. Prefect duty was okay with working with my squad-mates working together well. We smiled and laughed too. We met our seniors that day too. We actually had a function at the school mosque together but something came up. I had to join some Sofbol programme so I missed it along with Ku Zahiruddin, Aqil and.. Syafiq. oh yea! lolz. Most of the team came were boys. Only a few girls came in support. Kind of disappointed but I was still excited to actually play sofbol on my last day! Eventhough it rained a little. We did a little running, catching, throwing and batting. It was all fun. We told stories amongst ourselves and laguhed about everything. Suprisingly, our senior team-mates also came to see us. Waii~ I love them and I'm going to miss them. Kak Nadia, Kak Epa, Kak Asni, Kak Wawa, Kak Dayah. After a little game in the diamond, we end our game with some salutions from our teachers. hmm.. I guess that wraps up our game and we head back to the school. The teacher said prasingly, "I can see our future team."
At last, school ended. I felt tired and kind of sad. If I can tell you how I really feel, it would be a long long long story to express. So, end of story. Junior year; CLOSED. -The end.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
can't can't can't
It's current 4:18a.m. I started typing this. And I'm still awake.
I can't sleep. I can't close the pc. I can't thinking. Most importantly...
I can't study! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I've done much of my homework for the final exams and felt satisfied. I want to continue doing so but home just have so many inteference I cannot ignore. LEEEKKKAAA~ I'm so dumb. Please pray for my well being. Go Go Final Exams! Be gone already! And... And... I wanna go to see a movie. Waaaaaaiii~! From the Kabut :)
p/s: add my second blog crapping about.... anything. ENJOY =)
p/ss: I changed my blog URL. hehe.
I can't sleep. I can't close the pc. I can't thinking. Most importantly...
I can't study! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I've done much of my homework for the final exams and felt satisfied. I want to continue doing so but home just have so many inteference I cannot ignore. LEEEKKKAAA~ I'm so dumb. Please pray for my well being. Go Go Final Exams! Be gone already! And... And... I wanna go to see a movie. Waaaaaaiii~! From the Kabut :)
p/s: add my second blog crapping about.... anything. ENJOY =)
p/ss: I changed my blog URL. hehe.
Friday, November 6, 2009
just................... me.
I'm back, home.
This is a must to GO HOME week for all hostel-ers. Just one week to go until.. POOF! --end of Form 4 a.k.a my terms meet: Junior year. So, packing up my stuff from my locker. I got a bit sentimental for a sec. I realized: "I miss the best moments of my life." ---I cried.
Note of advice: All moments of our lives pass by either we realize it or not. Through hard or ease, happy or rough. Those yesterdays will slowly become memories. Don't be scared to move forward to make more memories. Just remember to enjoy every last bit of it.
This is a must to GO HOME week for all hostel-ers. Just one week to go until.. POOF! --end of Form 4 a.k.a my terms meet: Junior year. So, packing up my stuff from my locker. I got a bit sentimental for a sec. I realized: "I miss the best moments of my life." ---I cried.
Note of advice: All moments of our lives pass by either we realize it or not. Through hard or ease, happy or rough. Those yesterdays will slowly become memories. Don't be scared to move forward to make more memories. Just remember to enjoy every last bit of it.
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